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enum Status
import { Status } from "";

Status codes which can be returned by SQLite.

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SqliteAbort = 4
SqliteAuth = 23
SqliteBusy = 5
SqliteCantOpen = 14
SqliteConstraint = 19
SqliteCorrupt = 11
SqliteDone = 101
SqliteEmpty = 16
SqliteError = 1
SqliteFormat = 24
SqliteFull = 13
SqliteInternal = 2
SqliteInterrupt = 9
SqliteIOErr = 10
SqliteLocked = 6
SqliteMismatch = 20
SqliteMisuse = 21
SqliteNoLFS = 22
SqliteNoMem = 7
SqliteNotADB = 26
SqliteNotFound = 12
SqliteNotice = 27
SqliteOk = 0
SqlitePerm = 3
SqliteProtocol = 15
SqliteRange = 25
SqliteReadOnly = 8
SqliteRow = 100
SqliteSchema = 17
SqliteTooBig = 18
SqliteWarning = 28