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Deno SQLite module
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import { Wasm } from "../build/sqlite.js";import { Status, Types } from "./constants.ts";import { getStr, setArr, setStr } from "./wasm.ts";import { SqliteError } from "./error.ts";
/** * Possible arguments a user-defined SQL function might * receive. * * These correspond to the SQL types `INTEGER` (number, * bigint, or boolean), `REAL` (number), `TEXT` (string), * `BLOB` (Uint8Array), and `NULL` (null). * * See `QueryParameter` for more details on how JS values * are converted to and from SQL values. */export type SqlFunctionArgument = | boolean | number | bigint | string | null | Uint8Array;
/** * Values a user-defined SQL function is allowed to * return. * * These correspond to how `QueryParameter`s are * converted when bound to queries. Additionally a * user-defined function may return `void` (e.g. as in * `return;`), in which case a `NULL` value is returned * on the SQL side. */export type SqlFunctionResult = | void | boolean | number | bigint | string | null | undefined | Date | Uint8Array;
export type SqlFunction = ( ...args: Array<SqlFunctionArgument>) => SqlFunctionResult;
export function wrapSqlFunction( wasm: Wasm, name: string, func: SqlFunction,): (argc: number) => void { return (argCount: number) => { // This logic is similar to how we read rows in `query.ts` const args: Array<SqlFunctionArgument> = new Array(argCount); for (let argIdx = 0; argIdx < argCount; argIdx++) { switch (wasm.argument_type(argIdx)) { case Types.Integer: args[argIdx] = wasm.argument_int(argIdx); break; case Types.Float: args[argIdx] = wasm.argument_double(argIdx); break; case Types.Text: args[argIdx] = getStr(wasm, wasm.argument_text(argIdx)); break; case Types.Blob: { const ptr = wasm.argument_blob(argIdx); if (ptr === 0) { // Zero pointer results in null args[argIdx] = null; } else { const length = wasm.argument_bytes(argIdx); // Slice should copy the bytes, as it makes a shallow copy args[argIdx] = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer, ptr, length) .slice(); } break; } case Types.BigInteger: { const ptr = wasm.argument_text(argIdx); args[argIdx] = BigInt(getStr(wasm, ptr)); break; } default: args[argIdx] = null; break; } }
try { let result = func.apply(null, args); // This logic is similar to how we bind query parameters in `query.ts` switch (typeof result) { case "boolean": result = result ? 1 : 0; // fall through case "number": if (Number.isSafeInteger(result)) { wasm.result_int(result); } else { wasm.result_double(result); } break; case "bigint": // bigint is bound as two 32bit integers and reassembled on the C side if (result > 9223372036854775807n || result < -9223372036854775808n) { throw new SqliteError( `BigInt result ${result} overflows 64 bit integer.`, ); } else { const posVal = result >= 0n ? result : -result; const sign = result >= 0n ? 1 : -1; const upper = Number(BigInt.asUintN(32, posVal >> 32n)); const lower = Number(BigInt.asUintN(32, posVal)); wasm.result_big_int(sign, upper, lower); } break; case "string": setStr(wasm, result, (ptr) => wasm.result_text(ptr)); break; default: if (result instanceof Date) { // Dates are allowed and bound to TEXT, formatted `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ` setStr(wasm, result.toISOString(), (ptr) => wasm.result_text(ptr)); } else if (result instanceof Uint8Array) { // Uint8Arrays are allowed and bound to BLOB const size = result.length; setArr(wasm, result, (ptr) => wasm.result_blob(ptr, size)); } else if (result === null || result === undefined) { // Both null and undefined result in a NULL entry wasm.result_null(); } else { throw new SqliteError(`Can not return ${typeof result}.`); } break; } } catch (error) { setStr( wasm, `Error in user defined function '${name}': ${error?.message}`, (ptr) => wasm.result_error(ptr, Status.SqliteError), ); } };}