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enum Status
import { Status } from "";

Status codes which can be returned by SQLite.

Also see


SqliteAbort = 4

Callback routine requested an abort.

SqliteAuth = 23

Authorization denied.

SqliteBusy = 5

The database file is locked.

SqliteCantOpen = 14

Unable to open the database file.

SqliteConstraint = 19

Abort due to constraint violation.

SqliteCorrupt = 11

The database disk image is malformed.

SqliteDone = 101

sqlite3_step() has finished executing.

SqliteEmpty = 16

Internal use only.

SqliteError = 1

Generic error.

SqliteFormat = 24

Not used.

SqliteFull = 13

Insertion failed because database is full.

SqliteInternal = 2

Internal logic error in SQLite.

SqliteInterrupt = 9

Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt().

SqliteIOErr = 10

Some kind of disk I/O error occurred.

SqliteLocked = 6

A table in the database is locked.

SqliteMismatch = 20

Data type mismatch.

SqliteMisuse = 21

Library used incorrectly.

SqliteNoLFS = 22

Uses OS features not supported on host.

SqliteNoMem = 7

A malloc() failed.

SqliteNotADB = 26

File opened that is not a database file.

SqliteNotFound = 12

Unknown opcode in sqlite3_file_control().

SqliteNotice = 27

Notifications from sqlite3_log().

SqliteOk = 0

Successful result.

SqlitePerm = 3

Access permission denied.

SqliteProtocol = 15

Database lock protocol error.

SqliteRange = 25

2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range.

SqliteReadOnly = 8

Attempt to write a read-only database.

SqliteRow = 100

sqlite3_step() has another row ready.

SqliteSchema = 17

The database schema changed.

SqliteTooBig = 18

String or BLOB exceeds size limit.

SqliteWarning = 28

Warnings from sqlite3_log().


Unknown status.