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x/sqlite-jsonschema Deno Module

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The sqlite-jsonschema SQLite extension is available to Deno developers with the x/sqlite-jsonschema 3rd party module. It works with x/sqlite3, the fastest and native Deno SQLite3 module.

import { Database } from "";
import * as sqlite_jsonschema from  "";

const db = new Database(":memory:");

  db.enableLoadExtension = true;

  const [version] = db
    .prepare("select jsonschema_version()")


Like x/sqlite3, x/sqlite-jsonschema requires network and filesystem permissions to download and cache the pre-compiled SQLite extension for your machine. Though x/sqlite3 already requires --allow-ffi and --unstable, so you might as well use --allow-all/-A.

deno run -A --unstable <file>

x/sqlite-jsonschema does not work with x/sqlite, which is a WASM-based Deno SQLite module that does not support loading extensions.