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A high-resolution local database that uses precise algorithms to easily record data in local files within a project with persistent JSON and YML support designed to be easy to set up and use

  • Beginner friendly
  • Easy to use
  • Key-Value like interface
  • Database files inside and outside the project
  • Supports Style Array or Objects storage (edited)
  • Supports JSON and YML storage
  • Support encryption with password
  • Quick to respond, read and write
  • Support Events


Install with npm / yarn / pnpm:

npm install st.db@beta
yarn add st.db@beta
pnpm add st.db@beta


Using Node.js require()

const { Database } = require('st.db');

TypeScript/ES Module support

import { Database } from 'st.db';

Deno support

import { Database } from '';


Example of constructor

  • new Database(path: string, options? : DatabaseOptions)
// JSON Database
const json_db = new Database("database.json") //Set by default ".json"

// YAML Database
const yaml_db = new Database("database.yaml") // or ".yml"

//Database in files from outside the work project
const db_outside_project = new Database("C:/Users/pc/Desktop/database.yml",{
     pathOutsideTheProject:true//If you activate the "pathOutsideTheProject" option, you will be able to type any path from your computer in the "path".

// Options
const db_with_options = new Database("database.json",{
    storageStyle: Database.Style.Array,// default = Database.Style.Object
    encryption:{password:"ea6d4h4j"}//If you want to encrypt data with a password

Example of methods

  • Note: Inside all the methods that accept or accept key or value are both, you can put them as Partmeter 1 = key and Parmeter 2 = value or as Partmeter 1 object {key,value}
db.on("ready", () => console.log("Database Ready!"));
db.on("addElement", (elementInData,value) => console.log(`New "${elementInData.ID}" elementb Value: ${value}`))
db.on("editElement", (elementInData,new_value,old_value) => {
    console.log(`Edit "${elementInData.ID}" element New Value: ${new_value} and Old value: ${old_value}`)
//Set element in database
db.set({key:"settings",value:{theme:"dark",fontSize:10}})  return Promise<ElementInData>

//Checking an item from the database if it exists or not
console.log(db.has({key:"settings"})) //or console.log(db.has("settings"))

//To get the value type of a given key element
console.log(db.type({key:"settings"})) //or console.log(db.type("settings"))

//Delete element from database
db.delete({key:"settings"}) //or db.delete("settings")

// Returns everything from the database
console.log(db.all()) //Returns all elements in Database
console.log(db.valuesAll())//Return all values from the database
console.log(db.keysAll())//Return all keys from the database

// Fetches everything and sorts by given target
db.includes({key:"tti"});// It fetches the values ​​containing this value
db.startsWith({key:"setti"});// It fetches values ​​starting with this value
db.endsWith({key:"ings"});// It fetches values ​​ending with this value

// Array Methods
db.push("skills",["html","javascript"]) // To push an element to an array into data
db.unshift("skills","typescript") // To unshift an element to an array into data
db.shift("skills") // Removes the first element of the array
db.pop("skills") // Removes the last element of the array

// Math Methods
})//or db.math("coins", "+", "100", false)

db.subtract({key:"coins", value:50})// To subtract from value
db.add({key:"coins", value:50})// To add from value
db.multiply({key:"coins", value:2})// To multiply from value
db.double({key:"coins"})//To double from value

// Methods for controlling the database, reloading and deleting items
db.destroy()//Destroy the database
db.deleteAll()//Delete all data
db.clear()//Clear all data
db.reload()//Reload the database
console.log(db.uptime())//Returns database connection uptime 
console.log(db.fileSize())//To get the file size


If you don’t understand something in the documentation, you are experiencing problems, or you just need a gentle nudge in the right direction, please don’t hesitate to join our official Discord Server .

Did you find it difficult to use?

You can see the Documentation of the st.db package to know all the details
