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stable-diffusion-webui Client writen in Deno
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { ApiParamsType, ApiRequestable } from './common.ts';
/** * handler for all proxy level except the root one * handle: * - Object Field * - $() * - $getv/$put()/$post()/$delete() * - path navigation */const handlerChild: ProxyHandler<GenericProxyApi> = { get(target: GenericProxyApi, p: PropertyKey, _receiver: any) { if (typeof p === 'symbol') { // symbol can not be part of API return (target as any)[p]; } const key = p.toString(); switch (key) { case 'toString': case 'valueOf': case 'toLocaleString': return (target as any)[p]; } return commonGet(key, target); }}
/** * Common getter part for handlers child * - $() * - $get()/$put()/$post()/$delete()/$cache() * - path navigation */const commonGet = (key: string, target: GenericProxyApi) => { if (key.startsWith('$')) { // give parameter in path if (key === '$') { return (id: string | number) => { const idStr = encodeURIComponent(String(id)); const child = new GenericProxyApi(target._apiEngine, `${target._path}/${idStr}`, `${target._model}/*`); return new Proxy(child, handlerChild); } } switch (key) { case '$get': case '$post': case '$delete': case '$put': case '$patch': case '$option': case '$head': { const fnc = (params: ApiParamsType) => { const mtd = key.substring(1); return target._apiEngine.doRequest(mtd, target._path, target._model, params); } return fnc.bind(target._apiEngine); } default: return (id: string | number) => { const idStr = encodeURIComponent(String(id)); const prefixKey = key.substring(1); const child = new GenericProxyApi(target._apiEngine, `${target._path}/${prefixKey}${idStr}`, `${target._model}/${prefixKey}*`); return new Proxy(child, handlerChild); } } } if (key.startsWith('_')) key = key.substring(1); const child = new GenericProxyApi(target._apiEngine, `${target._path}/${key}`, `${target._model}/${key}`); return new Proxy(child, handlerChild);}
/** * handler for the first level of the proxy * handle: * - Object Field * - EventEmitter Field * - flat get/put/post/delete calls * - $() * - $get()/$put()/$post()/$delete() * - path navigation */const handlerRoot: ProxyHandler<GenericProxyApi> = { get(target: GenericProxyApi, p: PropertyKey, _receiver: any) { if (typeof p === 'symbol') { // symbol can not be part of API return (target as any)[p]; } const key = p.toString(); switch (key) { // object case 'toString': case 'valueOf': case 'toLocaleString': // hasOwnProperty // isPrototypeOf // propertyIsEnumerable // constructor return target[p as 'toString' | 'valueOf' | 'toLocaleString']; // // EventEmitter if engine implement EventEmitter // case 'addListener': // case 'on': // case 'once': // case 'prependListener': // case 'prependOnceListener': // case 'removeListener': // case 'off': // case 'removeAllListeners': // case 'setMaxListeners': // case 'getMaxListeners': // case 'listeners': // case 'rawListeners': // case 'emit': // case 'eventNames': // case 'listenerCount': // return (target as any)[p as 'addListener' | 'on' | 'once' | 'prependListener' | 'prependOnceListener' | 'removeListener' | 'off' | 'removeAllListeners' | 'setMaxListeners' | 'getMaxListeners' | 'listeners' | 'rawListeners' | 'emit' | 'eventNames' | 'listenerCount']; // legacy method only in root level } return commonGet(key, target); }}
/** * For API 2.0 Proxy * Data cloned on each Proxy node call * maintains full request path for Api calls */class GenericProxyApi { public _apiEngine: ApiRequestable; public _path: string; public _model: string; constructor(apiEngine: ApiRequestable, path = '', model = path) { this._apiEngine = apiEngine; this._path = path; this._model = model; } toString(): string { return 'current path:' + this._path }}
/** * Build an API proxy, to use as api-client * Use internaly only, should be cast by the public API client. * * @param apiEngine a requestable object containing the request implementation * @param path add a prefix to all path */export function buildProxy<T>(apiEngine: ApiRequestable, path = ''): T { return new Proxy(new GenericProxyApi(apiEngine, path), handlerRoot) as unknown as T;}