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stable-diffusion-webui Client writen in Deno
import ControlNetUnit from "./lib/ControlNetUnit.ts";import { Sharp } from "./deps.ts";
export type SamplerName = | "Euler a" | "Euler" | "LMS" | "Heun" | "DPM2" | "DPM2 a" | "DPM++ 2S a" | "DPM++ 2M" | "DPM++ SDE" | "DPM fast" | "DPM adaptive" | "LMS Karras" | "DPM2 Karras" | "DPM2 a Karras" | "DPM++ 2S a Karras" | "DPM++ 2M Karras" | "DPM++ SDE Karras" | "DDIM" | "PLMS" | "UniPC" | string;
export type StableDiffusionApiConfig = { /** * default is */ host?: string; /** * default is 7860 */ port?: number | null; /** * default is */ baseUrl?: string | null; /** * default is 30_000 */ timeout?: number; /** * default is "Euler a"" */ defaultSampler?: SamplerName; /** * default is 20 */ defaultStepCount?: number; /** * default is http */ protocol?: "http" | "https";};
export type ApiRawResponse = { image?: string; images?: string[]; info?: any; html_info?: any; parameters?: any;};
// export type AxiosApiRawResponse = AxiosResponse<ApiRawResponse>;
export type UpscalerName = | "None" | "Lanczos" | "Nearest" | "LDSR" | "BSRGAN" | "ESRGAN_4x" | "R-ESRGAN General 4xV3" | "ScuNET GAN" | "ScuNET PSNR" | "SwinIR 4x" | string;
export type HiResUpscalerName = | "None" | "Latent" | "Latent (antialiased)" | "Latent (bicubic)" | "Latent (bicubic antialiased)" | "Latent (nearist)" | "Latent (nearist-exact)" | "Lanczos" | "Nearest" | "ESRGAN_4x" | "LDSR" | "ScuNET GAN" | "ScuNET PSNR" | "SwinIR 4x" | string;
export type Txt2ImgInfo = { prompt: string, all_prompts: string[], negative_prompt: string, all_negative_prompts: string[], seed: number, all_seeds: number[], subseed: number, all_subseeds: number[], subseed_strength: number, width: number, height: number, sampler_name: SamplerName, cfg_scale: number, steps: number, batch_size: number, restore_faces: boolean, face_restoration_model: unknown, sd_model_name: string; // "sd_xl_base_1.0_0.9vae", sd_model_hash: string; // "e6bb9ea85b", sd_vae_name: string | null, sd_vae_hash: string | null, seed_resize_from_w: number, seed_resize_from_h: number, denoising_strength: number, // [0-1] extra_generation_params: Record<string, any>, index_of_first_image: number, infotexts: string[], styles: unknown[], job_timestamp: `${number}`, //"20240310114447", clip_skip: 1 | 0, is_using_inpainting_conditioning: boolean, version: string,}
export type Txt2ImgOptions = { /** * Enable Hr * default: false */ enable_hr?: boolean; /** * Hr Scale * default: 2 */ hr_scale?: number; hr_upscaler?: HiResUpscalerName; hr_second_pass_steps?: number; hr_resize_x?: number; hr_resize_y?: number; denoising_strength?: number; firstphase_width?: number; firstphase_height?: number; prompt: string; styles?: string[]; seed?: number; subseed?: number; subseed_strength?: number; seed_resize_from_h?: number; seed_resize_from_w?: number; batch_size?: number; n_iter?: number; steps?: number; cfg_scale?: number; /** default is 512 */ width?: number; /** default is 512 */ height?: number; restore_faces?: boolean; tiling?: boolean; do_not_save_samples?: boolean; do_not_save_grid?: boolean; negative_prompt?: string; eta?: number; s_churn?: number; s_tmax?: number; s_tmin?: number; s_noise?: number; override_settings?: Record<string, unknown>; override_settings_restore_afterwards?: boolean; script_args?: unknown[]; script_name?: string; send_images?: boolean; save_images?: boolean; alwayson_scripts?: Record<string, unknown>; controlnet_units?: ControlNetUnit[]; /** * Sampler Name */ sampler_name?: SamplerName; use_deprecated_controlnet?: boolean;};
export type Img2ImgOptions = { init_images: Sharp[]; resize_mode?: number; denoising_strength?: number; image_cfg_scale?: number; mask_image?: any; mask_blur?: number; inpainting_fill?: number; inpaint_full_res?: number; inpaint_full_res_padding?: number; inpainting_mask_invert?: number; initial_noise_multiplier?: number; prompt?: string; styles?: []; seed?: number; subseed?: number; subseed_strength?: number; seed_resize_from_h?: number; seed_resize_from_w?: number; sampler_name?: SamplerName; batch_size?: number; n_iter?: number; steps?: number; cfg_scale?: number; width?: number; height?: number; restore_faces?: boolean; tiling?: boolean; do_not_save_samples?: boolean; do_not_save_grid?: boolean; negative_prompt?: string; eta?: number; s_churn?: number; s_tmax?: number; s_tmin?: number; s_noise?: number; override_settings?: {}; override_settings_restore_afterwards?: boolean; script_args?: []; include_init_images?: boolean; script_name?: string; send_images?: boolean; save_images?: boolean; alwayson_scripts?: {}; controlnet_units?: ControlNetUnit[]; use_deprecated_controlnet?: boolean;};
export type ExtraBaseOptions = { image: Sharp; resize_mode?: number; show_extras_results?: boolean; gfpgan_visibility?: number; codeformer_weight?: number; upscaling_resize?: number; upscaling_resize_w?: number; upscaling_resize_h?: number; upscaling_resize_crop?: boolean; upscaler_1?: UpscalerName; upscaler_2?: UpscalerName; extras_upscaler_2_visibility?: number; upscale_first?: boolean;};
export type ExtraSingleOptions = { image: Sharp;} & ExtraBaseOptions;
export type ExtraBatchOptions = { images: Sharp[]; name_list: string[];} & ExtraBaseOptions;
type ControlNetModule = | "none" | "canny" | "depth" | "depth_leres" | "hed" | "mlsd" | "normal_map" | "openpose" | "openpose_hand" | "clip_vision" | "color" | "pidinet" | "scribble" | "fake_scribble" | "segmentation" | "binary" | string;
export type ResizeMode = "Inner Fit (Scale to Fit)" | "Outer Fit (Shrink to Fit)" | "Scale to Fit (Inner Fit)" | 'Envelope (Outer Fit)' ;
/** * progress status */export type Progress = { /** * progress in percent */ progress: number; /** * expected ETA in second */ eta_relative: number; state: { skipped: boolean; interrupted: boolean; stopping_generation: boolean; job: string; job_count: number; job_timestamp: `${number}`; job_no: number; sampling_step: number; sampling_steps: number; }; /** * current PNG image as base64 */ current_image: string; textinfo: string | null;};
/** * sampler definition */export type Sampler = { /** * named as displayed */ name: string; /** * alternative names */ aliases: string[]; /** * sampler options */ options: { scheduler?: "karras" | "exponential"; second_order?: "True"; brownian_noise?: "True"; uses_ensd?: "True"; discard_next_to_last_sigma?: "True"; solver_type?: "heun"; }};
export type Upscaler = { name: string; model_name: string; model_path: string; model_url: string; scale: number;};
/** * model description */export type StableDiffusionModel = { /** * model title displayed as filename + [hash] */ title: string; /** * modelname */ model_name: string; /** * 10 Hex hash */ hash: string; /** * sha 256 */ sha256: string; /** * full path filename */ filename: string; /** * full path filename of config yaml */ config: string | null;};
export type HyperNetwork = { name: string; path: string;};
export type FaceRestorer = { name: string; cmd_dir: string;};
export type RealESRGanModel = { name: string; path: string; scale: number;};
export type PromptStyle = { name: string; prompt: string; negative_prompt: string;};
export type ControlNetUnitConfig = { input_image: Sharp; mask?: Sharp; module: ControlNetModule; model?: string; weight?: number; resize_mode?: ResizeMode; lowvram?: boolean; processor_res?: number; threshold_a?: number; threshold_b?: number; guidance?: number; guidance_start?: number; guidance_end?: number; control_mode?: ControlMode;};
export type ControlNetDetectOptions = { controlnet_module?: ControlNetModule | string; controlnet_input_images: Sharp[]; controlnet_processor_res?: number; controlnet_threshold_a?: number; controlnet_threshold_b?: number;};
export type ControlNetTxt2ImgOptions = {};
export type ControlMode = "Balanced" | "My prompt is more important" | "ControlNet is more important";
export type CmdFlags = { f: false, update_all_extensions: boolean; skip_python_version_check: boolean; skip_torch_cuda_test: boolean; reinstall_xformers: boolean; reinstall_torch: boolean; update_check: boolean; test_server: boolean; log_startup: boolean; skip_prepare_environment: boolean; skip_install: boolean; dump_sysinfo: boolean; loglevel: null | unknown, do_not_download_clip: boolean; data_dir: string; config: string; ckpt: string; ckpt_dir: null | string; vae_dir: null | string; gfpgan_dir: string; gfpgan_model: null | string; no_half: boolean; no_half_vae: boolean; no_progressbar_hiding: boolean; max_batch_count: 16, embeddings_dir: string; textual_inversion_templates_dir: string; hypernetwork_dir: string; localizations_dir: string; allow_code: boolean; medvram: boolean; medvram_sdxl: boolean; lowvram: boolean; lowram: boolean; always_batch_cond_uncond: boolean; unload_gfpgan: boolean; precision: "autocast", upcast_sampling: boolean; share: boolean; ngrok: null | unknown, ngrok_region: string; ngrok_options: Record<string, string>, enable_insecure_extension_access: boolean; codeformer_models_path: string; gfpgan_models_path: string; esrgan_models_path: string; bsrgan_models_path: string; realesrgan_models_path: string; dat_models_path: string; clip_models_path: null | string; xformers: boolean; force_enable_xformers: boolean; xformers_flash_attention: boolean; deepdanbooru: boolean; opt_split_attention: boolean; opt_sub_quad_attention: boolean; sub_quad_q_chunk_size: number; sub_quad_kv_chunk_size: null | unknown; sub_quad_chunk_threshold: null | unknown; opt_split_attention_invokeai: boolean; opt_split_attention_v1: boolean; opt_sdp_attention: boolean; opt_sdp_no_mem_attention: boolean; disable_opt_split_attention: boolean; disable_nan_check: boolean; use_cpu: unknown[]; use_ipex: boolean; disable_model_loading_ram_optimization: boolean; listen: boolean; port: null | number; show_negative_prompt: boolean; ui_config_file: string; hide_ui_dir_config: boolean; freeze_settings: boolean; freeze_settings_in_sections: null | unknown; freeze_specific_settings: null | unknown; ui_settings_file: string; gradio_debug: boolean; gradio_auth: null | unknown; gradio_auth_path: null | string; gradio_img2img_tool: null | unknown; gradio_inpaint_tool: null | unknown; gradio_allowed_path: string[]; opt_channelslast: boolean; styles_file: string[]; autolaunch: boolean; theme: null | string, use_textbox_seed: boolean; disable_console_progressbars: boolean; enable_console_prompts: boolean; vae_path: null | string; disable_safe_unpickle: boolean; api: boolean; api_auth: null | unknown; api_log: boolean; nowebui: boolean; ui_debug_mode: boolean; device_id: null | string; administrator: boolean; cors_allow_origins: null | string; cors_allow_origins_regex: null | string; tls_keyfile: null | string; tls_certfile: null | string; disable_tls_verify: null | boolean; server_name: null | string; gradio_queue: boolean; no_gradio_queue: boolean; skip_version_check: boolean; no_hashing: boolean; no_download_sd_model: boolean; subpath: null | string; add_stop_route: boolean; api_server_stop: boolean; timeout_keep_alive: number; disable_all_extensions: boolean; disable_extra_extensions: boolean; skip_load_model_at_start: boolean; ldsr_models_path: string; lora_dir: string; lyco_dir_backcompat: string; scunet_models_path: string; swinir_models_path: string;};
export type SDOption = { samples_save: boolean; samples_format: "png"; samples_filename_pattern: string; save_images_add_number: boolean; save_images_replace_action: string; grid_save: boolean; grid_format: "png"; grid_extended_filename: boolean; grid_only_if_multiple: boolean; grid_prevent_empty_spots: boolean; grid_zip_filename_pattern: ""; n_rows: number; font: string; grid_text_active_color: string; grid_text_inactive_color: string; grid_background_color: string; save_images_before_face_restoration: boolean; save_images_before_highres_fix: boolean; save_images_before_color_correction: boolean; save_mask: boolean; save_mask_composite: boolean; jpeg_quality: number, webp_lossless: boolean; export_for_4chan: boolean; img_downscale_threshold: 4, target_side_length: 4000, img_max_size_mp: 200, use_original_name_batch: boolean; use_upscaler_name_as_suffix: boolean; save_selected_only: boolean; save_init_img: boolean; temp_dir: "", clean_temp_dir_at_start: boolean; save_incomplete_images: boolean; notification_audio: boolean; notification_volume: 100, outdir_samples: "", outdir_txt2img_samples: string; outdir_img2img_samples: string; outdir_extras_samples: string; outdir_grids: string; outdir_txt2img_grids: string; outdir_img2img_grids: string; outdir_save: string; outdir_init_images: string; save_to_dirs: boolean; grid_save_to_dirs: boolean; use_save_to_dirs_for_ui: boolean; directories_filename_pattern: "[date]", directories_max_prompt_words: 8, ESRGAN_tile: 192, ESRGAN_tile_overlap: 8, realesrgan_enabled_models: string[], dat_enabled_models: string[], DAT_tile: number, DAT_tile_overlap: 8, upscaler_for_img2img: null, face_restoration: boolean; face_restoration_model: string; code_former_weight: 0.5, face_restoration_unload: boolean; auto_launch_browser: "Local", enable_console_prompts: boolean; show_warnings: boolean; show_gradio_deprecation_warnings: boolean; memmon_poll_rate: 8, samples_log_stdout: boolean; multiple_tqdm: boolean; enable_upscale_progressbar: boolean; print_hypernet_extra: boolean; list_hidden_files: boolean; disable_mmap_load_safetensors: boolean; hide_ldm_prints: boolean; dump_stacks_on_signal: boolean; api_enable_requests: boolean; api_forbid_local_requests: boolean; api_useragent: "", unload_models_when_training: boolean; pin_memory: boolean; save_optimizer_state: boolean; save_training_settings_to_txt: boolean; dataset_filename_word_regex: "", dataset_filename_join_string: " ", training_image_repeats_per_epoch: 1, training_write_csv_every: 500, training_xattention_optimizations: boolean; training_enable_tensorboard: boolean; training_tensorboard_save_images: boolean; training_tensorboard_flush_every: 120, sd_model_checkpoint: string; sd_checkpoints_limit: 1, sd_checkpoints_keep_in_cpu: boolean; sd_checkpoint_cache: 0, sd_unet: "Automatic", enable_quantization: boolean; emphasis: "Original", enable_batch_seeds: boolean; comma_padding_backtrack: 20, CLIP_stop_at_last_layers: 1, upcast_attn: boolean; randn_source: "GPU", tiling: boolean; hires_fix_refiner_pass: "second pass", sdxl_crop_top: 0, sdxl_crop_left: 0, sdxl_refiner_low_aesthetic_score: 2.5, sdxl_refiner_high_aesthetic_score: 6, sd_vae_explanation: string; sd_vae_checkpoint_cache: number, sd_vae: string; sd_vae_overrides_per_model_preferences: boolean; auto_vae_precision_bfloat16: boolean; auto_vae_precision: boolean; sd_vae_encode_method: "Full", sd_vae_decode_method: "Full", inpainting_mask_weight: 1, initial_noise_multiplier: 1, img2img_extra_noise: 0, img2img_color_correction: boolean; img2img_fix_steps: boolean; img2img_background_color: string; img2img_editor_height: number, img2img_sketch_default_brush_color: string; img2img_inpaint_mask_brush_color: string; img2img_inpaint_sketch_default_brush_color: string; return_mask: boolean; return_mask_composite: boolean; img2img_batch_show_results_limit: 32, overlay_inpaint: boolean; cross_attention_optimization: string; s_min_uncond: 0, token_merging_ratio: 0, token_merging_ratio_img2img: 0, token_merging_ratio_hr: 0, pad_cond_uncond: boolean; pad_cond_uncond_v0: boolean; persistent_cond_cache: boolean; batch_cond_uncond: boolean; fp8_storage: "Disable", cache_fp16_weight: boolean; auto_backcompat: boolean; use_old_emphasis_implementation: boolean; use_old_karras_scheduler_sigmas: boolean; no_dpmpp_sde_batch_determinism: boolean; use_old_hires_fix_width_height: boolean; dont_fix_second_order_samplers_schedule: boolean; hires_fix_use_firstpass_conds: boolean; use_old_scheduling: boolean; use_downcasted_alpha_bar: boolean; interrogate_keep_models_in_memory: boolean; interrogate_return_ranks: boolean; interrogate_clip_num_beams: 1, interrogate_clip_min_length: 24, interrogate_clip_max_length: 48, interrogate_clip_dict_limit: 1500, interrogate_clip_skip_categories: [], interrogate_deepbooru_score_threshold: 0.5, deepbooru_sort_alpha: boolean; deepbooru_use_spaces: boolean; deepbooru_escape: boolean; deepbooru_filter_tags: "", extra_networks_show_hidden_directories: boolean; extra_networks_dir_button_function: boolean; extra_networks_hidden_models: string; extra_networks_default_multiplier: 1, extra_networks_card_width: 0, extra_networks_card_height: 0, extra_networks_card_text_scale: 1, extra_networks_card_show_desc: boolean; extra_networks_card_description_is_html: boolean; extra_networks_card_order_field: string; extra_networks_card_order: "Ascending", extra_networks_tree_view_default_enabled: boolean; extra_networks_add_text_separator: string; ui_extra_networks_tab_reorder: string; textual_inversion_print_at_load: boolean; textual_inversion_add_hashes_to_infotext: boolean; sd_hypernetwork: "None", keyedit_precision_attention: number, keyedit_precision_extra: number, keyedit_delimiters: string; keyedit_delimiters_whitespace: string[]; keyedit_move: boolean; disable_token_counters: boolean; include_styles_into_token_counters: boolean; return_grid: boolean; do_not_show_images: boolean; js_modal_lightbox: boolean; js_modal_lightbox_initially_zoomed: boolean; js_modal_lightbox_gamepad: boolean; js_modal_lightbox_gamepad_repeat: 250, sd_webui_modal_lightbox_icon_opacity: 1, sd_webui_modal_lightbox_toolbar_opacity: 0.9, gallery_height: "", open_dir_button_choice: "Subdirectory", compact_prompt_box: boolean; samplers_in_dropdown: boolean; dimensions_and_batch_together: boolean; sd_checkpoint_dropdown_use_short: boolean; hires_fix_show_sampler: boolean; hires_fix_show_prompts: boolean; txt2img_settings_accordion: boolean; img2img_settings_accordion: boolean; interrupt_after_current: boolean; localization: "None", quicksettings_list: string[]; ui_tab_order: [], hidden_tabs: [], ui_reorder_list: [], gradio_theme: "Default", gradio_themes_cache: boolean; show_progress_in_title: boolean; send_seed: boolean; send_size: boolean; infotext_explanation: string; enable_pnginfo: boolean; save_txt: boolean; add_model_name_to_info: boolean; add_model_hash_to_info: boolean; add_vae_name_to_info: boolean; add_vae_hash_to_info: boolean; add_user_name_to_info: boolean; add_version_to_infotext: boolean; disable_weights_auto_swap: boolean; infotext_skip_pasting: [], infotext_styles: string; show_progressbar: boolean; live_previews_enable: boolean; live_previews_image_format: "png", show_progress_grid: boolean; show_progress_every_n_steps: 10, show_progress_type: string; live_preview_allow_lowvram_full: boolean; live_preview_content: string; live_preview_refresh_period: 1000, live_preview_fast_interrupt: boolean; js_live_preview_in_modal_lightbox: boolean; hide_samplers: [], eta_ddim: 0, eta_ancestral: 1, ddim_discretize: "uniform", s_churn: 0, s_tmin: 0, s_tmax: 0, s_noise: 1, k_sched_type: "Automatic", sigma_min: 0, sigma_max: 0, rho: 0, eta_noise_seed_delta: 0, always_discard_next_to_last_sigma: boolean; sgm_noise_multiplier: boolean; uni_pc_variant: "bh1", uni_pc_skip_type: "time_uniform", uni_pc_order: 3, uni_pc_lower_order_final: boolean; sd_noise_schedule: "Default", postprocessing_enable_in_main_ui: [], postprocessing_operation_order: [], upscaling_max_images_in_cache: 5, postprocessing_existing_caption_action: "Ignore", disabled_extensions: [], disable_all_extensions: "none", restore_config_state_file: "", sd_checkpoint_hash: string; sd_lora: "None", lora_preferred_name: "Alias from file", lora_add_hashes_to_infotext: boolean; lora_show_all: boolean; lora_hide_unknown_for_versions: [], lora_in_memory_limit: 0, lora_not_found_warning_console: boolean; lora_not_found_gradio_warning: boolean; lora_functional: boolean; canvas_hotkey_zoom: string; canvas_hotkey_adjust: string; canvas_hotkey_shrink_brush: string; canvas_hotkey_grow_brush: string; canvas_hotkey_move: string; canvas_hotkey_fullscreen: string; canvas_hotkey_reset: string; canvas_hotkey_overlap: string; canvas_show_tooltip: boolean; canvas_auto_expand: boolean; canvas_blur_prompt: boolean; canvas_disabled_functions: [ "Overlap" ], settings_in_ui: string; extra_options_txt2img: [], extra_options_img2img: [], extra_options_cols: 1, extra_options_accordion: boolean; enable_prompt_comments: boolean;}