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A simple StatsD client for Deno
import * as statsd from "";


StatsD client. Use this to send data to a StatsD-speaking backend.


Event parameters. Used when creating an Event for dogstatsd.

If the server is set to a "logger" proto, then we'll only log metrics to the standard logger at INFO levels. Useful for debugging, and if you don't want to actually send anything over the network.

Service-check options. Used when doing service-checks for datadog.

Information needed to connect to a TCP StatsD server.

Information needed to connect to a UDP StatsD server.

Information needed to connect to a UDS (Unix Domain Socket) StatsD server.

Type Aliases

Logger defines a logging type that can be injected into the library to enable logging. The API defined is a subset of the std logger's API, and should be compatible with it.

Tags are key-value annotations that can be attached to metrics. Useful for storing things like hostname or deployment names alongside metrics, to differentiate them.