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Deno steam api

Deno Wrapper to communicate with Steam Web API

SteamID64 Finder

Please refer to or to find the user steam id.


import Steam from "";

const steam = new Steam("your api key");


  • GetAppList

    • @param format (Optional) Format

    • @return Output

       * Get all steam applications data.
       * @param {Format?} format
       * @return {Output}
      const apps = await steam.GetAppList().catch(console.error);
  • GetServersAtAddress

    • @param addr String

    • @param format (Optional) Format

    • @return Output

       * Get all steam application data from a server.
       * @param {String!} addr IP adress of target server.
       * @param {Format?} format
       * @return {Output}
      const servers = await steam.GetServersAtAddress("ip").catch(console.error);
  • GetNewsForApp

    • @param appid String

    • @param options (Optional) GetNewsForAppOptions

    • @return Output

       * Returns the latest news of a game specified by its appID.
       * @param appid
       * @param {GetNewsForAppOptions} options
       * @return {Output}
      const news = await steam.GetNewsForApp(440, { count: 3 }).catch(console.error);
  • GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp

    • @param gameid Number

    • @param format (Optional) Format

    • @return Output

       * Returns on global achievements overview of a specific game in percentages.
       * @param {number!} gameid AppID of the game you want the news of.
       * @param {Format?} format
       * @return {Output}
      const GlobalAchievementPercentages = await steam.GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp({ gameid: 440 }).catch(console.error);
  • GetPlayerSummaries

    • @param steamids [String]

    • @param format (Optional) Format

    • @return Output

       * Returns basic profile information for a list of 64-bit Steam IDs.
       * @param {[string]!} steamids Comma-delimited list of 64 bit Steam IDs to return profile information for. Up to 100 Steam IDs can be requested.
       * @param {Format?} format
       * @return {Output}
      const PlayerSummaries = await steam.GetPlayerSummaries({ steamids: "steam ID" }).catch(console.error);
  • GetFriends

    • @param steamid String

    • @param relationship RelationShip

    • @param format (Optional) Format

    • @return Output

       * Returns the friend list of any Steam user, provided his Steam Community profile visibility is set to "Public".
       * @param {string!} steamid 64 bit Steam ID to return friend list for.
       * @param {RelationShip!} relationship Relationship filter. Possibles values: all, friend.
       * @param {Format?} format
       * @return {Output}
      const Friends = await steam.GetFriendList({ steamid: "steam ID", relationship: "all" }).catch(console.error);
  • GetPlayerAchievements

    • @param steamid String

    • @param appid Number

    • @param options (Optional) PlayerAchievementsOptions

    • @return Output

       * Returns a list of achievements for this user by app id.
       * @param {string!} steamid 64 bit Steam ID to return friend list for.
       * @param {number!} appid The ID for the game you're requesting.
       * @param {PlayerAchievementsOptions} options
       * @return {Output}
      const PlayerAchievements = await steam.GetPlayerAchievements("steam ID", 730).catch(console.error);
  • GetUserStatsForGame

    • @param steamid String

    • @param appid Number

    • @param options (Optional) UserStatsForGameOptions

    • @return Output

       * Returns a list of achievements for this user by app id.
       * @param {string!} steamid 64 bit Steam ID to return friend list for.
       * @param {number!} appid The ID for the game you're requesting.
       * @param {UserStatsForGameOptions} options
       * @return {Output}
      const UserStats = await steam.GetUserStatsForGame("steam ID", 730).catch(console.error);
  • GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers

    • @param appid Number

    • @param format (Optional) Format

    • @return Output

       * Returns number of current players by app id.
       * @param {number!} appid The ID for the game you're requesting.
       * @param {Format} format
       * @return {Output}
      const NumberOfCurrentPlayers = await steam.GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers(730).catch(console.error);
  • GetOwnedGames

    • @param steamid String

    • @param options (Optional) OwnedGamesOptions

    • @return Output

       * Returns a list of games a player owns along with some playtime information.
       * @param {string!} steamid 64 bit Steam ID to return friend list for.
       * @param {OwnedGamesOptions} options
       * @return {Output}
      const Games = await steam.GetOwnedGames("steam ID").catch(console.error);
  • GetRecentlyPlayedGames

    • @param steamid String

    • @param options (Optional) RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions

    • @return Output

       * Returns a list of games a player has played in the last two weeks.
       * @param {string!} steamid 64 bit Steam ID to return friend list for.
       * @param {RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions} options
       * @return {Output}
      const Games = await steam.GetRecentlyPlayedGames("steam ID").catch(console.error);


  • Format

    type Format = "json" | "xml";
  • RelationShip

    type RelationShip = "all" | "friend";
  • GetNewsForAppOptions

    type GetNewsForAppOptions = {
        count?: number,
        maxlength?: number,
        format?: Format
  • PlayerAchievementsOptions

    type PlayerAchievementsOptions = {
        L?: string
        format?: Format
  • UserStatsForGameOptions

    type UserStatsForGameOptions = PlayerAchievementsOptions;
  • OwnedGamesOptions

    type OwnedGamesOptions = {
        includeAppinfo?: boolean,
        includePlayedFreeGames?: boolean,
        format?: Format
  • RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions

    type RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions = {
        count?: number;
        format?: Format
  • Output

    type Output = Promise<string | JSON | undefined>;