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import { Deferred } from "./deferred.ts";import { ConfirmationObject } from "./confirmation_object.ts";import type { SteamCommunity, SteamCommunityOptions,} from "./steam_community.ts";import { DOMParser, ExtendedRequestInit, generateConfirmationKey, getDeviceID, getLocalUnixTime,} from "../deps.ts";import type { Element } from "../deps.ts";
export type RequestOptions = { /** relative path after `mobileconf/` */ url: string; /** The unix timestamp with which the following key was generated */ time: number; /** * The confirmation key that was generated using the preceding time and the tag "allow" (if accepting) or "cancel" (if not accepting) */ key: string; /** the tag string */ tag: string; /** parameters to send in body */ params?: Record<string, string | Array<string>>;};
export type ConfirmOperation = "allow" | "cancel";
export class ConfirmationService { community: SteamCommunity; private lastConfirmationList: ConfirmationObject[] = []; private identitySecret; private retrieveConfirmationsDeffer?: Deferred<void>; private localOffset = 0;
constructor( community: SteamCommunity, identitySecret: SteamCommunityOptions["identitySecret"], ) { = community; this.identitySecret = identitySecret; }
private request(options: RequestOptions) { if (! { throw new Error( "Must be logged in before trying to do anything with confirmations", ); }
if (this.localOffset > 500) { this.localOffset = 0; }
let { url, key, time, tag, params } = options;
params = params || {}; params.p = getDeviceID(; params.a =; params.k = key; params.t = time.toString(); params.m = "android"; params.tag = tag;
const req: ExtendedRequestInit = { method: url === "multiajaxop" ? "POST" : "GET", };
if (req.method == "GET") { req.qs = params as Record<string, string>; // handle by doConfirmationOperation } else { req.form = params; }
return "" + url, req, ); }
/** @param time - unix timestamp */ private async getKey(time: number, tag: string) { if (typeof this.identitySecret === "function") { if (! { throw new Error( "community username not defined. aborting confirmation key generation", ); } return await this.identitySecret(, { time, tag }); } else if (this.identitySecret) { return generateConfirmationKey(this.identitySecret, { time, tag, }); } else { throw new Error( "identitySecret option not provided but tried to use confirmations", ); } }
private async getConfirmations(timeForKey?: number) { if (this.retrieveConfirmationsDeffer) { await this.retrieveConfirmationsDeffer; } this.retrieveConfirmationsDeffer = new Deferred(); try { const time = timeForKey || (getLocalUnixTime() + this.localOffset++); const key = await this.getKey(time, "conf"); const resp = await this.request({ url: "conf", key, time, tag: "conf", }); const body = await resp.text(); if (body.includes("Invalid protocol: steammobile:")) { const err = new Error("Not Logged In");; throw err; }
if (!resp.ok) { throw new Error("error when getting confirmations from steam"); }
const dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(body, "text/html"); if (!dom) { throw new Error("cannot parse dom for confirmations"); }
{ // check for empty list const empty = dom.querySelector("#mobileconf_empty"); if (empty) { if (empty.classList.has("mobileconf_done")) { // An error occurred throw new Error( empty.querySelector("div:nth-of-type(2)")?.textContent, ); } else { this.lastConfirmationList = []; return; } } }
// We have something to confirm const confirmations = dom.querySelector("#mobileconf_list"); if (!confirmations) { throw new Error("Malformed response"); }
const newList: ConfirmationObject[] = []; confirmations.querySelectorAll(".mobileconf_list_entry").forEach( (entryNode) => { const entryElement = entryNode as Element; const img = entryElement.querySelector( ".mobileconf_list_entry_icon img", ); const id = entryElement.getAttribute("data-confid"); const creator = entryElement.getAttribute("data-creator"); const key = entryElement.getAttribute("data-key"); const title = entryElement.querySelector( ".mobileconf_list_entry_description>div:nth-of-type(1)", )?.textContent.trim(); const receiving = entryElement.querySelector( ".mobileconf_list_entry_description>div:nth-of-type(2)", )?.textContent.trim(); const time = entryElement.querySelector( ".mobileconf_list_entry_description>div:nth-of-type(3)", )?.textContent.trim(); let type: number | string | null = entryElement.getAttribute( "data-type", ); if (!id || !type || !creator || !key || !time) { throw Error("one of required props of confirm object not found"); } type = parseInt(type, 10); newList.push( new ConfirmationObject({ id, type, creator, key, title, receiving, time, icon: img?.getAttribute("src") || undefined, }), ); }, ); this.lastConfirmationList = newList; return; } finally { this.retrieveConfirmationsDeffer.resolve(); this.retrieveConfirmationsDeffer = undefined; } }
private async findOrGetConfirmation( offerid: string, _sr = false, ): Promise<ConfirmationObject | undefined> { const found = this.lastConfirmationList.find((cobj) => cobj.creator === offerid ); if (!found || !this.lastConfirmationList.length) { if (_sr) { return; } else { await this.getConfirmations(); return this.findOrGetConfirmation(offerid, true); } }
return found; }
private async doConfirmationOperation( options: { confIds: Array<string> | string; confKeys: Array<string> | string; operation: ConfirmOperation; }, ) { let { confIds, confKeys, operation } = options; const multiOperation = Array.isArray(confIds) && Array.isArray(confKeys) && confIds.length > 1 && confKeys.length > 1; if (!multiOperation && Array.isArray(confIds) && Array.isArray(confKeys)) { confIds = confIds[0]; confKeys = confKeys[0]; } const time = getLocalUnixTime() + this.localOffset++; const operationKey = await this.getKey(time, operation);
const resp = await this.request({ url: multiOperation ? "multiajaxop" : "ajaxop", time: time, key: operationKey, tag: operation, params: { op: operation, cid: confIds, ck: confKeys, }, }).then((r) => r.json());
if (resp?.success) { return; }
if (resp?.message) { throw new Error(resp.message); }
throw new Error("doing confirmation failed for unknown reasons"); }
private async respondToOffer(offerid: string, operation: ConfirmOperation) { if (operation !== "allow" && operation !== "cancel") { throw new Error("Invalid confirm operation"); } const cobj = await this.findOrGetConfirmation(offerid); if (!cobj) { throw new Error("Cannot find confirmation object with this offerid"); }
await this.doConfirmationOperation({ confIds:, confKeys: cobj.key, operation: operation, }); }
allowOffer(offerid: string) { return this.respondToOffer(offerid, "allow"); }
cancelOffer(offerid: string) { return this.respondToOffer(offerid, "cancel"); }
async cancelAllConfirmations() { await this.getConfirmations(); if (this.lastConfirmationList.length) { await this.doConfirmationOperation({ confIds: =>, confKeys: => cobj.key), operation: "cancel", }); } }}