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import { TradeManager } from "./trade_manager.ts";import { Cookie, CookieJar, CookieOptions, generateAuthCode, getKeySize, randomBytes, RSA, RSAKey, SteamID,} from "../deps.ts";import { EResult } from "./enums/EResult.ts";import { EconItem } from "./econ_item.ts";import { SteamError } from "./steam_error.ts";import { fastConcatMU } from "./utils.ts";import { getFetchAndCookieJar } from "./steam_community_fetch.ts";import { ConfirmationService } from "./confirmation_service.ts";
export type SteamCommunityOptions = { manager: TradeManager; languageName: string; username?: string; password?: string; /** the shared secret string or a function that returns a code generated by a totp generator */ sharedSecret?: string | ((username: string) => string | Promise<string>); /** the identity secret string or a function that returns a confirmation code generated by a totp generator */ identitySecret?: | string | (( username: string, options: { /** Unix timestamp */ time: number; tag: string }, ) => string | Promise<string>); /** a function that will be called by the library when it needs to save */ saveCookies?: ( cookieJar: CookieJar, username: string, ) => void | Promise<void>; /** a function that will be called by the library when it needs to load cookies. probably this will only be called once */ loadCookies?: | ((username: string) => Promise<Array<CookieOptions> | undefined>) | ((username: string) => Array<CookieOptions> | undefined);};
export type LoginOptions = { /** if not set, must be used in SteamCommunity constructor options */ username?: string; /** if not set, must be used in SteamCommunity constructor options */ password?: string; /** * automatically generates totp from sharedSecret */ sharedSecret?: SteamCommunityOptions["sharedSecret"]; loginFriendlyName?: string; /** Provide this next time you are loggin in if you received "CAPTCHA" error. */ captcha?: string; /** * provide this if you don't use sharedSecret. you will receive "SteamGuardMobile" error if twoFactorCode is wrong or not provided. */ twoFactorCode?: string; /** * provide this next time you are logging in if you received "SteamGuard" error */ emailauth?: string; /** * only required if logging in with a Steam Guard authorization */ steamguard?: string; /** defaults to "true" */ rememberLogin?: "true" | "false";};
export type LoginAttemptData = { // deno-lint-ignore camelcase captcha_gid?: string; captchaurl?: string; emaildomain?: string; steamguard?: string;};
// DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity was at 3.42.0 at the time of writing this.export class SteamCommunity { languageName: string; cookieJar: CookieJar; private manager: TradeManager; public fetch; private lastLoginAttempt: LoginAttemptData; steamID: SteamID | undefined; username: string | undefined; password: string | undefined; private sharedSecret: SteamCommunityOptions["sharedSecret"] | undefined; private loadedCookies: boolean; private loggingIn: boolean; private loadCookies; private saveCookies; confirmationService: ConfirmationService;
constructor(options: SteamCommunityOptions) { if (typeof options !== "object") { throw new Error("SteamCommunity options must be an object"); } this.manager = options.manager; this.languageName = options.languageName; this.username = options.username; this.password = options.password; this.sharedSecret = options.sharedSecret; this.confirmationService = new ConfirmationService( this, options.identitySecret, ); this.lastLoginAttempt = {}; this.loadedCookies = false; this.loggingIn = false;
if (options?.saveCookies && options?.loadCookies) { this.saveCookies = options.saveCookies; this.loadCookies = options.loadCookies; }
const { cookieJar, fetch } = getFetchAndCookieJar(this); this.cookieJar = cookieJar; this.fetch = fetch; }
setLoginDefaults( options: Pick<LoginOptions, "username" | "password" | "sharedSecret">, ) { if (!options) return; this.username = options.username || this.username; this.password = options.password || this.password; this.sharedSecret = options.sharedSecret || this.sharedSecret; }
async trySaveCookies() { if (this.saveCookies && this.username) { try { await this.saveCookies(this.cookieJar, this.username); } catch (err) {["debug", "Failed to save cookies: " + err]); } } }
async tryLoadCookies() { if (this.loadedCookies) return; if (this.loadCookies && this.username) { try { const arrayOfCookieOptions = await this.loadCookies( this.username, ); if (arrayOfCookieOptions?.length) { this.cookieJar.replaceCookies(arrayOfCookieOptions);["debug", "cookie jar loaded from disk."]); let steamID64 = this.cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "steamLoginSecure", })?.value; let steamID64Match;
if (steamID64) { steamID64 = decodeURIComponent(steamID64); steamID64Match = steamID64.match( /(\d+)/, ); }
if (steamID64Match) { this.steamID = new SteamID(steamID64Match[1]);["debug", [ "restored steamid from cookies", this.steamID.toString(), ]]); } else {["debug", "Cannot get steamid from cookies"]); } } } catch {["debug", "no saved cookies found."]); } finally { this.loadedCookies = true; } } }
/** * @param domain - your domain name */ async getWebApiKey(domain: string): Promise<string> { let secondCall = false; const sendRequest = async (): Promise<string> => { const body = await this.fetch( "", { redirect: "error", }, ).then((res) => res.text());
if (body.match(/<h2>Access Denied<\/h2>/)) { throw new Error("Access Denied"); }
if ( body.match( /You must have a validated email address to create a Steam Web API key./, ) ) { throw new Error( "You must have a validated email address to create a Steam Web API key.", ); }
const match = body.match(/<p>Key: ([0-9A-F]+)<\/p>/); if (match) { // We already have an API key registered return match[1]; } else if (!secondCall) { // We need to register a new API key const reqBody = new FormData(); reqBody.append("domain", domain); reqBody.append("agreeToTerms", "agreed"); reqBody.append("sessionid", this.getSessionID()); reqBody.append("Submit", "Register"); await this.fetch( "", { method: "POST", body: reqBody, }, ).then((r) => r.text()); secondCall = true; return await sendRequest(); } else { throw new Error("Failed to get a api key"); } }; return await sendRequest(); }
private setCookie(cookie: Cookie) { this.cookieJar.setCookie(cookie.clone(), ""); this.cookieJar.setCookie(cookie.clone(), ""); this.cookieJar.setCookie(cookie.clone(), ""); }
getSessionID(): string { const sessionIdCookie = this.cookieJar.getCookie({ domain: "", name: "sessionid", }); if (sessionIdCookie?.value) { this.setCookie(sessionIdCookie); return sessionIdCookie.value; } else { const sessionID = this.generateSessionID(); this.setCookie( new Cookie({ name: "sessionid", value: sessionID, }), ); return sessionID; } }
generateSessionID() { return randomBytes(12).toString("hex"); }
/** * totalInventoryCount may not be equal to sum of currency and inventory lengths if inventory changes mid request. */ async getUserInventoryContents(options: { userID: SteamID | string; appID: number; contextID: string; tradableOnly?: boolean; }) { let { userID, appID, contextID, tradableOnly = false } = options;
if ( userID === undefined || appID === undefined || contextID === undefined ) { throw new Error("insufficient options given"); }
if (typeof userID === "string") { userID = new SteamID(userID); } const currency: EconItem[] = []; const inventory: EconItem[] = []; let totalInventoryCount = 0; let inv; do { inv = await this.fetchUserInventoryPage({ userID, appID, contextID, startAssetId: inv ? inv.lastAssetId : undefined, }); fastConcatMU(currency, inv.currency); fastConcatMU(inventory, inv.inventory); totalInventoryCount = inv.totalInventoryCount; // may change while retrieving } while (inv.moreItems);
return { currency, inventory, totalInventoryCount, }; }
private async fetchUserInventoryPage( options: { userID: SteamID; appID: number; contextID: string; startAssetId?: string; tradableOnly?: boolean; }, ): Promise<{ currency: EconItem[]; inventory: EconItem[]; totalInventoryCount: number; moreItems: boolean; lastAssetId: undefined | string; }> { const { appID, userID, contextID, startAssetId, tradableOnly = false } = options; const resp = await this.fetch( `${userID.getSteamID64()}/${appID}/${contextID}`, { headers: { "Referer": `${userID.getSteamID64()}/inventory`, }, redirect: "manual", qs: { "l": this.languageName, "count": "5000", // Max items per 'page' "start_assetid": startAssetId?.toString(), }, }, ); const body = await resp.json();
if (resp.status !== 200) { if (resp.status === 403 && resp.body === null) { if (userID.toString() === this.steamID?.toString()) { this._notifySessionExpired(new Error("Not Logged In")); } throw new Error( "Profile for id " + this.steamID?.toString() + " is private.", ); }
if (resp.status === 500 && body && body.error) { let message = body.error; let eresult = -1; const match = body.error.match(/^(.+) \((\d+)\)$/); if (match) { message = match[1]; eresult = match[2]; } throw new SteamError(message, { eresult }); }
throw new Error("unknown http error: " + resp.status); }
const currency: EconItem[] = []; const inventory: EconItem[] = [];
if (body && body.success && body.total_inventory_count === 0) { // Empty inventory return { currency, inventory, totalInventoryCount: 0, moreItems: false, lastAssetId: undefined, }; }
if (!body || !body.success || !body.assets || !body.descriptions) { if (body) { // Dunno if the error/Error property even exists on this new endpoint throw new Error(body.error || body.Error || "Malformed response"); } else { throw new Error("Malformed response"); } }
const items = EconItem.fromAssetsWithDescriptions( body.assets, body.descriptions, );
items.forEach((item) => { if (tradableOnly && !item.tradable) { return; } if (item.is_currency) { currency.push(item); } else { inventory.push(item); } });
return { currency, inventory, totalInventoryCount: body.total_inventory_count as number || 0, moreItems: !!body.more_items, lastAssetId: body.last_assetid as string, }; }
/** * Only automatic totp generation with sharedSecret is supported. Make sure your system time is in sync with world. * * after successful login these cookies should be set at least: * `sessionid`, * `steamLoginSecure`, * `steamMachineAuth` */ async login(options?: LoginOptions) { if (this.loggingIn) return; this.loggingIn = true; try { await this.tryLoadCookies();
const { isLoggedIn } = await this.getLoginStatus(); if (isLoggedIn) return;
if (options) { this.setLoginDefaults(options); } else { options = {}; }
if (!this.password || !this.username) { throw new Error( "username and password are not provided", ); }
if (options.steamguard) { const parts = options.steamguard.split("||"); this.setCookie( new Cookie({ name: "steamMachineAuth" + parts[0], value: encodeURIComponent(parts[1]), }), ); }
let rsa; let rsatimestamp;
{ // fetch RSA needed const headersForRsaKeyRequest = new Headers(); headersForRsaKeyRequest.append( "Referer", "", ); const rsaRequestBody = new FormData(); rsaRequestBody.append("username", this.username); rsaRequestBody.append("donotcache",;
const body = await this.fetch( "", { method: "POST", body: rsaRequestBody, headers: headersForRsaKeyRequest, redirect: "manual", }, ).then((r) => r.json());
if (!body.publickey_mod || !body.publickey_exp) { throw new Error("Invalid RSA key received"); }
const n = BigInt("0x" + body.publickey_mod); const e = BigInt("0x" + body.publickey_exp);
const rsakey = new RSAKey({ n, e, length: getKeySize(n), });
rsa = new RSA(rsakey); rsatimestamp = body.timestamp; }
const loginRequestHeaders = new Headers();
let twoFactorCode = ""; if (options.twoFactorCode) { twoFactorCode = options.twoFactorCode; } else if (this.sharedSecret) { if (typeof this.sharedSecret === "string") { twoFactorCode = generateAuthCode(this.sharedSecret); } else { twoFactorCode = await this.sharedSecret(this.username); } }
const data = new URLSearchParams({ username: this.username, password: (await rsa.encrypt(this.password, { padding: "pkcs1" })) .base64(), // rsa rsatimestamp, // two factor (totp) "twofactorcode": twoFactorCode, // captcha captcha_text: options.captcha || "", captchagid: this.lastLoginAttempt.captcha_gid || "-1", // email emailauth: options.emailauth || "", emailsteamid: "", // other loginfriendlyname: options.loginFriendlyName || "", remember_login: options.rememberLogin || "true", donotcache:, });
const resp: { success: boolean; emailauth_needed: boolean; requires_twofactor: boolean; captcha_needed: boolean; message?: string; emaildomain?: string; captcha_gid?: string; } = await this.fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: loginRequestHeaders, body: data, redirect: "manual", }).then((r) => r.json());
if (!resp.success && resp.emailauth_needed) { // code was sent to email this.lastLoginAttempt.emaildomain = resp.emaildomain; const error = new Error("SteamGuard"); Object.assign(error, { emaildomain: resp.emaildomain }); throw error; } else if (!resp.success && resp.requires_twofactor) { // code generated by steamtotp or mobile app is missing throw new Error("SteamGuardMobile"); } else if ( !resp.success && resp.captcha_needed && resp.message?.match(/Please verify your humanity/) ) { this.lastLoginAttempt.captchaurl = "" + (resp.captcha_gid || ""); this.lastLoginAttempt.captcha_gid = resp.captcha_gid; const error = new Error("CAPTCHA"); Object.assign(error, { captchaurl: this.lastLoginAttempt.captchaurl }); } else if (!resp.success) { throw new Error(resp.message || "Unknown error"); } else { this.getSessionID(); await this.trySaveCookies(); const steamLoginCV = this.cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "steamLoginSecure", }) ?.value; if (steamLoginCV) { this.steamID = new SteamID( decodeURIComponent(steamLoginCV).split("||")[0], );["debug", [ "login successful for " + this.username, this.steamID.toString(), ]]); } else { throw new Error("Cannot get steamid from cookies"); }
// get steamguard cookie const steamGuardCV = this.cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "steamMachineAuth" + this.steamID.toString(), })?.value; if (steamGuardCV) { this.lastLoginAttempt.steamguard = this.steamID.toString() + "||" + decodeURIComponent(steamGuardCV); } } } finally { this.loggingIn = false; } }
async getLoginStatus(): Promise<{ isLoggedIn: boolean; isFamilyLockActive: boolean | undefined; error?: Error; }> { await this.tryLoadCookies(); try { const response = await this.fetch("", { redirect: "manual", }); await response.text(); // close request, bug in deno for now
if (response.type === "opaqueredirect" || response.status === 0) { throw new Error("Login check broken due to deno api change"); // PANIC here. }
if (response.status !== 302 && response.status !== 403) { throw new Error("Http error " + response.status); } else if (response.status === 403) { // logged in and family lock active return { isFamilyLockActive: true, isLoggedIn: true, }; } else if (response.status === 302) { const loggedIn = !!response.headers.get("location")?.match( /steamcommunity\.com(\/(id|profiles)\/[^\/]+)\/?/, ); return { isFamilyLockActive: false, isLoggedIn: loggedIn, }; }
return { isFamilyLockActive: undefined, isLoggedIn: false, }; } catch (error) { return { isFamilyLockActive: undefined, isLoggedIn: false, error, }; } }
async parentalUnlock(pin: string): Promise<boolean> { const body = await this.fetch( "", { method: "POST", form: { pin, sessionid: this.getSessionID(), }, }, ).then((r) => r.json());
if (!body || !("success" in body)) { throw new Error("Invalid response"); }
if (!body.success) { if (body.eresult === undefined) { throw new Error("Unknown Error"); }
switch (body.eresult) { case EResult.AccessDenied: throw new Error("Incorrect PIN"); case EResult.LimitExceeded: throw new Error("Too many invalid PIN attempts");
default: throw new Error(`Error: ${EResult[body.eresult]} (${body.eresult})`); } }
return true; }
async getClientLogonToken() { const resp = await this.fetch( "", ); if (resp.status !== 200) { throw new Error("HTTP error: " + resp.status); } const body: { logged_in: boolean; steamid?: string; account_name?: string; token?: string; } = await resp.json(); if (!body.logged_in) { const err = new Error("Not Logged In"); this._notifySessionExpired(err); throw err; }
if (!body.steamid || !body.account_name || !body.token) { throw new Error("Malformed response"); }
return { "steamID": new SteamID(body.steamid), "accountName": body.account_name, "webLogonToken": body.token, }; }
_notifySessionExpired(err: Error) {["sessionExpired", err]); }
_notifyFamilyViewRestricted(err: Error) {["familyViewRestricted", err]); }}