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import { CookieJar, wrapFetchWithCookieJar, wrapFetchWithHeaders,} from "../deps.ts";import { DEFAULT_USERAGENT } from "./fetch_utils.ts";import type { SteamCommunity } from "./steam_community.ts";import { throwIfHasError } from "./steam_error.ts";
export function getFetchAndCookieJar(community: SteamCommunity) { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); const wrappedWithCookiesFetch = wrapFetchWithCookieJar({ cookieJar, });
const wrappedWithHeaders = wrapFetchWithHeaders({ fetch: wrappedWithCookiesFetch, userAgent: DEFAULT_USERAGENT, validator: async function communityResponseValidator(response: Response) { const responseText = await response.clone().text(); // allow for subsequent reads checkHTTPError(community, response, responseText); checkCommunityError(community, response, responseText); checkTradeError(responseText); }, });
return { fetch: wrappedWithHeaders, cookieJar, };}
function checkHTTPError( community: SteamCommunity, response: Response, responseText: string | undefined,) { let err;
if ( response.status >= 300 && response.status <= 399 && (response.headers.get("location") || "").indexOf("/login") !== -1 ) { err = new Error("Not Logged In"); community._notifySessionExpired(err); throw err; }
if ( response.status === 403 && responseText && responseText.match( /<div id="parental_notice_instructions">Enter your PIN below to exit Family View.<\/div>/, ) ) { err = new Error("Family View Restricted"); community._notifyFamilyViewRestricted(err); throw err; }}
function checkCommunityError( community: SteamCommunity, response: Response, responseText: string | undefined,) { if ( typeof responseText === "string" && /<h1>Sorry!<\/h1>/.test(responseText) ) { const match = responseText.match(/<h3>(.+)<\/h3>/); throw new Error(match ? match[1] : "Unknown error occurred"); }
if ( typeof responseText === "string" && responseText.match(/g_steamID = false;/) && responseText.match(/<h1>Sign In<\/h1>/) ) { const err = new Error("Not Logged In"); community._notifySessionExpired(err); throw err; }
if (response.status === 401) { const err = new Error("Not Logged In"); community._notifySessionExpired(err); throw err; }
let jsonParsed; try { jsonParsed = JSON.parse(responseText!); } catch { // silent } if (jsonParsed) { throwIfHasError(jsonParsed); }
if (response.status > 403) { throw new Error("HTTP error " + response.status); }}
function checkTradeError( responseText: string | undefined,) { if (typeof responseText === "string") { const match = responseText.match( /<div id="error_msg">\s*([^<]+)\s*<\/div>/, ); if (match) { throw new Error(match[1].trim()); } }}