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// deno-lint-ignore-file camelcaseimport { SteamApi } from "./steam_api/mod.ts";import { OfferItem } from "./steam_api/requests/IEconService.ts";import { GetAssetClassInfo } from "./steam_api/requests/ISteamEconomy.ts";import { LFU } from "../deps.ts";
export const itemDescriptionLFU = new LFU({ capacity: 1500, stdTTL: 3 * 60 * 1000, // 2 minutes});
function getCacheKey(item: OfferItem) { return `${item.appid}_${item.classid}_${item.instanceid || "0"}`;}
export function getDescriptionKey(item: OfferItem) { let key = `${item.classid}`; if (item.instanceid && item.instanceid != "0") { // intentional non-strict check key += "_" + item.instanceid; } return key;}
export type EconItemDescription = { type: string; value?: string; color?: string; app_data?: string;};
export type EconItemAction = { link?: string; name?: string;};
export type SteamEconItemTag = { /** always present */ internal_name: string; /** always present */ category: string; name?: string; localized_tag_name?: string; category_name?: string; localized_category_name?: string; color?: string;};
export type SteamEconItem = { /** same as asset id */ id?: string | number; assetid?: string | number; classid?: string; currencyid?: string | number; name?: string; market_name?: string; market_hash_name?: string; appid?: string | number; icon_url?: string; icon_url_large?: string; contextid: string | number; instanceid?: string; currency?: string | number; is_currency?: string | number; amount?: number | string; fraudwarnings?: Array<string>; tradable?: boolean; marketable?: boolean; commodity?: boolean; tags?: Array<SteamEconItemTag>; market_tradable_restriction?: string | number; market_marketable_restriction?: string | number; type?: string; background_color?: string; descriptions?: Array<EconItemDescription>; owner_descriptions?: Array<EconItemDescription>; owner_actions?: Array<EconItemAction>; actions?: Array<EconItemAction>; cache_expiration?: string;};
export type EconItemTag = { /** may use localized_tag_name of item */ name: string; /** always present */ internal_name: string; /** always present */ category: string; /** may use localized_category_name of item */ category_name: string; /** can be an empty string */ color: string;};
export type RequiredItemProps = Required< Pick<EconItem, "appid" | "contextid" | "assetid">>;
const tradeBanRegex = /(?:Tradable After|Cooldown Until:)\s*(.*)$/;
/** * In order to uniquely identify an item, You need It's App ID, It's context ID, and It's Asset ID. * * Asset IDs are not unique globally. Only guaranteed to be unique inside of a given AppID+ContextID combination. */export class EconItem { appid: number; /** not available if `is_currency` is true */ assetid?: string; /** A classid "owns" an instanceid. * classid is all you need to get a general overview of an item. * instanceid is for getting the finer details. */ classid?: string; /** * Only usable when classid is available. * instanceid allows you to get finer details such as how many kills are on a strange/StatTrak weapon, or custom names/descriptions. */ instanceid?: string; /** this name can be localized. it usually does not contain details such as CS:GO skin wear. */ name?: string; /** this name which is shown when item is up for sale. may contain detail such as wear. */ market_name?: string; /** this name is the one used in url of market item's page. * it may contain appid in the beginning. * hash names should be unique inside one appid (and context id), but not necessarilly globally. */ market_hash_name?: string; /** Value for unstackable items is always 1. Stacked items always have the same asset ID. */ amount: number; currencyid?: string | number; is_currency = false; icon_url?: string; icon_url_large?: string; /** defaults to empty string if unavailable */ background_color?: string; contextid?: string; fraudwarnings: Array<string>; descriptions?: Array<EconItemDescription>; /** true if the item can be traded, false if not. */ tradable?: boolean; /** true if the item can be listed on the Steam Community Market, false if not. */ marketable?: boolean; /** true if, on the Steam Community Market, this item will use buy orders. false if not. */ commodity?: boolean; /** An array of objects containing the item's inventory tags. */ tags?: Array<EconItemTag>; /** How many days for which the item will be untradable after being sold on the market. */ market_tradable_restriction?: number; /** How many days for which the item will be unmarketable after being sold on the market. */ market_marketable_restriction?: number; /** The "type" that's shown under the game name to the right of the game icon. */ type?: string; /** RFC 3339 UTC formatted time of when the item can no longer be used. * Any Market listings will not be purchasable after this time and will be automatically canceled. */ item_expiration?: string; /** RFC 3339 UTC formatted time that Steam's cache of the response should be invalidated. * This will be useful, for example, if the item becomes tradable at a later time. */ cache_expiration?: string; market_fee_app?: number; actions?: Array<EconItemAction>;
constructor(item: SteamEconItem) { if ( !!(item.is_currency || item.currency) || typeof item.currencyid !== "undefined" ) { this.is_currency = true; }
if (this.is_currency) { this.currencyid = = ( || item.currencyid); } else { this.assetid = (( || item.assetid) as string).toString(); }
this.market_tradable_restriction = (item.market_tradable_restriction ? parseInt(item.market_tradable_restriction as string, 10) : 0); this.market_marketable_restriction = (item.market_marketable_restriction ? parseInt(item.market_marketable_restriction as string, 10) : 0); =; this.market_name = item.market_name; this.market_hash_name = item.market_hash_name; this.type = item.type;
this.classid = item.classid; this.instanceid = (item.instanceid || 0).toString();
this.appid = item.appid ? parseInt(item.appid as string, 10) : 0;
this.amount = item.amount ? parseInt(item.amount as string, 10) : 1; this.contextid = item.contextid.toString();
this.icon_url = item.icon_url; this.icon_url_large = item.icon_url_large; this.background_color = item.background_color || "";
this.fraudwarnings = item.fraudwarnings || []; this.tradable = !!item.tradable; this.marketable = !!item.marketable; this.commodity = !!item.commodity;
this.tags = []; if (item.tags?.length) { this.tags = => { return { internal_name: tag.internal_name, name: tag.localized_tag_name ||, category: tag.category, color: tag.color || "", category_name: tag.localized_category_name || tag.category_name, } as EconItemTag; }); }
this.descriptions = item.descriptions || []; if (item.owner_descriptions) { this.descriptions.push(...item.owner_descriptions); }
this.actions = item.actions?.length ? item.actions : [];
// Restore market_fee_app, if applicable { let match; if ( this.appid === 753 && this.contextid === "6" && this.market_hash_name && (match = this.market_hash_name.match(/^(\d+)\-/)) ) { this.market_fee_app = parseInt(match[1], 10); } }
// get cache_expiration if available if (item.cache_expiration) { this.cache_expiration = item.cache_expiration; } else if (this.descriptions.length) { let match; for (const desc of this.descriptions) { if (desc.value && (match = desc.value.match(tradeBanRegex))) { this.cache_expiration = new Date(match[1]).toISOString(); break; } } } }
/** Returns item image url. */ getImageURL() { return `${this.icon_url}/`; }
/** Returns large version of item image url, fallbacks to normal image if unavailable */ getLargeImageURL() { if (!this.icon_url_large) { return this.getImageURL(); }
return `${this.icon_url_large}/`; }
/** * Returns a specific tag from the item, or null if it doesn't exist * @param category - string value of tag's `category` property */ getTag(category: string) { if (!this.tags) { return null; }
for (const tag of this.tags) { if (tag.category === category) { return tag; } }
return null; }
/** throws error if getting descriptions and api is unavailable */ static async from(offerItem: OfferItem, options?: FromOfferItemOptions) { let cachedData = itemDescriptionLFU.get(getCacheKey(offerItem)); if ( !cachedData && options?.getDescriptions && options.steamApi && options.language ) { const data = await options.steamApi.fetch( new GetAssetClassInfo({ appid: offerItem.appid, language: options.language, classList: [{ classid: offerItem.classid, instanceid: offerItem.instanceid, }], }), ); const descKey = getDescriptionKey(offerItem); if (data && data[descKey]) { itemDescriptionLFU.set(getCacheKey(offerItem), data[descKey]); cachedData = data[descKey]; } }
return new EconItem({ ...cachedData, ...offerItem }); }
/** throws error if getting descriptions and api is unavailable or response is malformed */ static async fromList( offerItemList: Array<OfferItem>, options?: FromOfferItemOptions, ): Promise<EconItem[]> { const items: EconItem[] = []; const shouldGetDescriptions = !!(options?.getDescriptions && options.steamApi && options.language);
const appidGroupedOfferItems: Record<string, Array<OfferItem>> = {}; for (const offerItem of offerItemList) { const cachedData = itemDescriptionLFU.get(getCacheKey(offerItem)); if (!cachedData && shouldGetDescriptions) { if (!appidGroupedOfferItems[offerItem.appid]) { appidGroupedOfferItems[offerItem.appid] = [] as OfferItem[]; } appidGroupedOfferItems[offerItem.appid].push(offerItem); } else { items.push(new EconItem({ ...cachedData, ...offerItem })); } }
if (options && shouldGetDescriptions) { for (const appid of Object.keys(appidGroupedOfferItems)) { const data = await options.steamApi.fetch( new GetAssetClassInfo({ appid: appid, language: options.language, classList: appidGroupedOfferItems[appid].map((offerItem) => ({ classid: offerItem.classid, instanceid: offerItem.instanceid, })), }), ); if (!data) throw new Error("malformed response"); if (data) { appidGroupedOfferItems[appid].forEach((offerItem) => { const descKey = getDescriptionKey(offerItem); if (data[descKey]) { itemDescriptionLFU.set(getCacheKey(offerItem), data[descKey]); items.push(new EconItem({[descKey], ...offerItem })); } else { throw new Error("one of items descriptions was not found"); } }); } } }
return items; }
static fromAssetsWithDescriptions( assets: Array<OfferItem>, descriptions: Array<SteamEconItem>, ): EconItem[] { const items: EconItem[] = [];
for (const asset of assets) { for (const desc of descriptions) { if ( desc.classid === asset.classid && desc.instanceid === asset.instanceid ) { items.push(new EconItem({ ...desc, ...asset })); break; // jump out of description loop } } }
return items; }
static equals( a: EconItem | RequiredItemProps, b: EconItem | RequiredItemProps, ) { return ( a.appid == b.appid && a.contextid == b.contextid && a.assetid == b.assetid ); }
equals(item: EconItem | RequiredItemProps) { return EconItem.equals(this, item); }}
export type FromOfferItemOptions = { getDescriptions: boolean; steamApi: SteamApi; language: string;};