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// deno-lint-ignore-file camelcase
import { Methods, ServiceRequest } from "./service_request.ts";import { SteamEconItem } from "./../../econ_item.ts";
abstract class ISteamEconomyRequest extends ServiceRequest { constructor() { super(); this.iface = "ISteamEconomy"; }
iface: string;}
export type GetAssetClassInfoOptions = { appid: string | number; language?: string; description?: string; // class_count: number; // handled by class /** an array of objects that have `classid` prop. can have `instanceid` prop for finer details */ classList: Array<{ classid: string; instanceid?: string }>;
/** if true, will bypass fixing malformed arrays in the response */ skipFix?: boolean;};
export class GetAssetClassInfo extends ISteamEconomyRequest { method = Methods.GET; functionName = "GetAssetClassInfo"; version = "v1";
skipFix = false;
declare responseStructure?: Record< string, Omit<SteamEconItem, "id" | "assetid" | "amount"> >;
constructor(options: GetAssetClassInfoOptions) { super(); // undefined values are removed by SteamApi class before sending request. const params = { appid: options.appid, language: options.language, class_count: options.classList.length, }; this.getParams = { ...params,, index) => { const param = { ["classid" + index]: val.classid, }; if (val.instanceid !== undefined) { param["instanceid" + index] = val.instanceid; } return param; }).reduce((accumulator, current) => { return Object.assign(accumulator, current); }, {}), }; }
/** * fixes the malformed array. simply object with index numbers to array conversion. * @param obj - the object containing the prop (array) that needs to be fixed * @param key - the key of prop to access on obj */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any fixArray(obj: Record<string, any>, key: string) { if (obj[key] && (obj[key] as Record<string, unknown>)["0"]) { const arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(obj[key]).length; i++) { arr.push(obj[key][i]); } obj[key] = arr; } }
postProcess(response: GetAssetClassInfo["responseStructure"]) { if (this.skipFix) { return response; } if (!response?.result) { throw new Error("Malformed Response"); }
const result = response.result;
for (const descKey of Object.keys(result)) { if (typeof descKey !== "object") break; this.fixArray(result[descKey], "fraudwarnings"); this.fixArray(result[descKey], "descriptions"); this.fixArray(result[descKey], "owner_descriptions"); this.fixArray(result[descKey], "actions"); this.fixArray(result[descKey], "owner_actions"); this.fixArray(result[descKey], "market_actions"); this.fixArray(result[descKey], "tags"); }
return result; }}