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Make Deno tests in the Jest way.

This module allow you to write tests like you did with Jest.

Getting started

Simply use the provided wrapper methods: describe, test

import { describe, expect, test } from ''

const isString = (o: unknown) => typeof o === 'string'

describe('Sample1', async () => {
  await describe('isString', async () => {
    await test({ given: 'a string', should: 'return true' }, () => {
    await test({ given: 'a number', should: 'return false' }, () => {

describe and test description supports a string or { given, should } object

Run the test:

$ deno test demo/sample1.test.ts
Check file:///home/openhoat/dev/rnd/deno/stej/demo/sample1.test.ts
running 1 test from ./demo/sample1.test.ts
Sample1 ...
  isString ...
    given: a string
    should: return true ... ok (4ms)
    given: a number
    should: return false ... ok (3ms)
  isString ... ok (12ms)
Sample1 ... ok (18ms)

ok | 1 passed (3 steps) | 0 failed (30ms)

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The MIT License