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Fast dependency-free library to parse a JSON stream using utf-8 encoding in Node.js, Deno or any modern browser. Fully compliant with the JSON spec and JSON.parse(...).


import JSONparser from '';/

const parser = new JSONparser();
parser.onValue = (value) => { /* process data */}

// Or passing the stream in several chunks 
try {
  parser.write('{ "test": ["a"] }');
  // onValue will be called 3 times:
  // "a"
  // ["a"]
  // { test: ["a"] }
} catch (err) {
  console.log(err); // handler errors 

Dependencies / Polyfilling

@streamparser/json requires a few ES6 classes:

If you are targeting browsers or systems in which these might be missing, you need to polyfil them.



A JSON compliant tokenizer that parses a utf-8 stream into JSON tokens

import Tokenizer from '';/

const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(opts);

The available options are:

  stringBufferSize: <bufferSize>, // set to 0 to don't buffer. Min valid value is 4.
  numberBufferSize: <bufferSize>, // set to 0 to don't buffer

If buffer sizes are set to anything else than zero, instead of using a string to apppend the data as it comes in, the data is buffered using a TypedArray. A reasonable size could be 64 * 1024 (64 KB).


When parsing strings or numbers, the parser needs to gather the data in-memory until the whole value is ready.

Strings are inmutable in Javascript so every string operation creates a new string. The V8 engine, behind Node, Deno and most modern browsers, performs a many different types of optimization. One of this optimizations is to over-allocate memory when it detects many string concatenations. This increases significatly the memory consumption and can easily exhaust your memory when parsing JSON containing very large strings or numbers. For those cases, the parser can buffer the characters using a TypedArray. This requires encoding/decoding from/to the buffer into an actual string once the value is ready. This is done using the TextEncoder and TextDecoder APIs. Unfortunately, these APIs creates a significant overhead when the strings are small so should be used only when strictly necessary.


  • write(data: string|typedArray|buffer) push data into the tokenizer
  • onToken(token: TokenType, value: any, offset: number) no-op method that the user should override to follow the tokenization process.
  • parseNumber(numberStr) method used internally to parse numbers. By default, it is equivalent to Number(numberStr) but the user can override it if he wants some other behaviour.
// You can override "parseNumber" and "onToken" by creating your own class extending Tokenizer
class MyTokenizer extends Tokenizer {
  parseNumber(numberStr) {
    const number = super.parseNumber(numberStr);
    // if number is too large. Just keep the string.
    return Number.isFinite(numberStr)) ? number : numberStr;
  onToken(token: TokenType, value: any) {
    if (token = TokenTypes.NUMBER && typeof value === 'string') {
      super(TokenTypes.STRING, value);
    } else {
      super(token, value);

const myTokenizer = new MyTokenizer();

// or just overriding it
const tokenizer = new Tokenizer();
tokenizer.parseNumber = (numberStr) => { ... };
tokenizer.onToken = (token, value, offset) => { ... };


A parser that processes JSON tokens as emitted by the Tokenizer and emits JSON values/objects.

import Parser from '';/

const parser = new Parser(opts);

The available options are:

  path: <string>,
  keepStack: <boolean>, // whether to keep all the properties in the stack
  • path: Paths to emit. Defaults to undefined which emits everything. The path option is intended to suppot jsonpath although at the time being it only supports the root object selector ($) and subproperties selectors including wildcards ($.a, $.*, $.a.b, , $.*.b, etc).
  • keepStack: Whether to keep full objects on the stack even if they won’t be emitted. Defaults to true. When set to false the it does preserve properties in the parent object some ancestor will be emitted. This means that the parent object passed to the onValue function will be empty, which doesn’t reflect the truth, but it’s more memory-efficient.


  • write(token: TokenType, value: any) push data into the tokenizer
  • onValue(value: any) no-op method that the user should override to get the parsed value.
// You can override "onToken" by creating your own class extending Tokenizer
class MyParser extends Parser {
  onValue(value: any) {
    // ...

const myParser = new MyParser();

// or just overriding it
const parser = new Parser();
parser.onValue = (value) => { ... };


A drop-in replacement of JSONparse (with few breaking changes improvements. See below.).

import { JsonParser } from 'jsonparse2';

const parser = new JsonParser();

It takes the same options as the tokenizer.

This class is just for convenience. In reality, it simply connects the tokenizer and the parser:

const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(opts);
const parser = new Parser();
tokenizer.onToken = this.parser.write.bind(this.parser);
parser.onValue = (value) => { /* Process values */ }


  • write(token: TokenType, value: any) alias to the Tokenizer write method
  • onToken(token: TokenType, value: any, offset: number) alias to the Tokenizer onToken method (write only)
  • onValue(value: any) alias to the Parser onValue method (write only)
// You can override "onToken" by creating your own class extending Tokenizer
class MyJsonParser extends JsonParser {
  onToken(value: any) {
    // ...
  onValue(value: any) {
    // ...

const myJsonParser = new MyJsonParser();

// or just overriding it
const jsonParser = new JsonParser();
jsonParser.onToken = (token, value, offset) => { ... };
jsonParser.onValue = (value) => { ... };


You can use both components independently as

const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(opts);
const parser = new Parser();
this.tokenizer.onToken = this.parser.write.bind(this.parser);

You push data using the write method which takes a string or an array-like object.

You can subscribe to the resulting data using the

import { JsonParser } from '@streamparser/json';

const parser = new JsonParser({ stringBufferSize: undefined, path: '$' });
parser.onValue = console.log;

parser.write('"Hello world!"'); // logs "Hello world!"

// Or passing the stream in several chunks 
parser.write(' ');
parser.write('"');// logs "Hello world!"

Write is always a synchronous operation so any error during the parsing of the stream will be thrown during the write operation. After an error, the parser can’t continue parsing.

import { JsonParser } from '@streamparser/json';

const parser = new JsonParser({ stringBufferSize: undefined });
parser.onValue = console.log;

// Or passing the stream in several chunks 
try {
} catch (err) {
  console.log(err); // logs 


Stream-parsing a fetch request returning a JSONstream

Imagine an endpoint that send a large amount of JSON objects one after the other ({"id":1}{"id":2}{"id":3}...).

  import JSONparser from '';/

  const jsonparser = new JsonParser({ stringBufferSize: undefined });
  parser.onValue = (value, key, parent, stack) => {
    if (stack > 0) return; // ignore inner values
    // TODO process element

  const response = await fetch('');
  const reader = response.body.getReader();
  while(true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) break;

Stream-parsing a fetch request returning a JSON array

Imagine an endpoint that send a large amount of JSON objects one after the other ([{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},...]).

  import { JsonParser } from '@streamparser/json';

  const jsonparser = new JsonParser({ stringBufferSize: undefined, path: '$.*' });
  parser.onValue = (value, key, parent, stack) => {
    if (stack.length === 0) /* We are done. Exit. */; 
    // By default, the parser keeps all the child elements in memory until the root parent is emitted.
    // Let's delete the objects after processing them in order to optimize memory.
    delete parent[key];
    // TODO process `value` which will be each of the values in the array.

  const response = await fetch('');
  const reader = response.body.getReader();
  while(true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) break;

Why building this if we have JSONparse

JSONParser was awesome…. in 2011.

@streamparser/json is:

  • As performant as the original an even faster in some cases.
  • Works on the browser.
  • Allow selector of what to emit.
  • Well documented.
  • Better designed and more plugable/configurable by clearly separates the tokenizer and parser processes.
  • Simpler and cleaner code. Uses ES6 and doesn’t rely on deprecated Node.js methods.
  • 100% unit test coverage.
  • Fully compliant with the JSON spec. You will always get the same result as using JSON.parse().

Breaking changes compared to JSONparse

  • Big number are not kept as a string by default. you can achieve such behaviour by simply overriding the parseNumber method.
  • Characters above 244 are correctly parsed instead of throwing an error.
  • Trailing comas are not allowed in objects or arrays.
  • The onError callback has been removed. The write method is synchronous so wrapping it in a try-catch block will capture all possible errors.
  • @streamparser/json uses a string as internal buffer by default. This offers better performance but can lead to memory exhaustion if your JSON include very long strings (due to V8 optimizations). To get the exact same behaviour as in JSON parse you should set the stringBufferSize option to 64 * 1024.