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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
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/** * Extends Array to implement the Binary Heap data structure. * // TODO (docs) document priority queue operations * // todo add heapsort? */export class BinaryHeap<T> extends Array<T> { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any constructor(...args: any[]) { super(...args); this.heapify(); }
static get [Symbol.species](): ArrayConstructor { return Array; }
/** * The comparator function used by the heap. * * @param a first value to compare * @param b second value to compare * @return whether first value is less than the second */ static compare(a: unknown, b: unknown): boolean { return <number> a < <number> b; }
/** * Creates a new BinaryHeap from a given array-like object. */ static from<T>(iterable: Iterable<T> | ArrayLike<T>): BinaryHeap<T>; static from<T, U>( iterable: Iterable<T> | ArrayLike<T>, mapfn?: (v: T, k: number) => U, thisArg?: unknown, ): BinaryHeap<U> { return ((mapfn !== undefined ? super.from(iterable, mapfn, thisArg) : super.from(iterable)) as BinaryHeap<U>).heapify(); }
/** * Get left child index from parent index. * * @param index the parent index * @return the index of the left child */ static getLeftIndex(index: number): number { return (index << 1) + 1; }
/** * Get left child index from parent index. * * @param index the child index * @return the index of the parent */ static getParentIndex(index: number): number { return (index - 1) >> 1; }
/** * Get right child index from parent index. * * @param index the parent index * @return the index of the right child */ static getRightIndex(index: number): number { return (index << 1) + 2; }
/** * Checks if a given collection is a valid binary heap. */ static isHeap<T>(heap: ArrayLike<T>): boolean { for (let i = heap.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { const parentIndex = this.getParentIndex(i); if (parentIndex < 0) break; if (![parentIndex], heap[i])) return false; } return true; }
/** * Creates a new BinaryHeap with a variable number of arguments, * regardless of number or type of the arguments. * * @param elements the elements of which to create the heap * @return the new BinaryHeap */ static of<T>(...elements: Array<T>): BinaryHeap<T> { return (super.of(...elements) as BinaryHeap<T>).heapify(); }
/** * Check whether the index is whithin the heap. */ has(index: number): boolean { return index >= 0 && index < this.length; }
/** * Restores the binary heap. */ heapify(): this { for (let i = this.length >> 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.siftDown(i); } return this; }
/** * Checks whether the array is a valid binary heap. */ isHeap(): boolean { return (this.constructor as typeof BinaryHeap).isHeap(this); }
/** * Returns the left child of an element at a given index. */ left(index: number): T { return this[(this.constructor as typeof BinaryHeap).getLeftIndex(index)]; }
/** * Returns the parent of an element at a given index. */ parent(index: number): T { return this[(this.constructor as typeof BinaryHeap).getParentIndex(index)]; }
/** * Adds items to the heap. * * @param elements items to add * @return new length of the heap */ push(...elements: Array<T>): number { for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { super.push(elements[i]); this.siftUp(this.length - 1); } return this.length; }
/** * Returns the first (min/max) element of the heap and replaces it with a given element. * * @param element the element to replace the first element of the heap * @return the first element of the heap */ replace(element: T): T { const first = this[0]; this[0] = element; this.siftDown(0); return first; }
/** * Returns the right child of an element at a given index. */ right(index: number): T { return this[(this.constructor as typeof BinaryHeap).getRightIndex(index)]; }
/** * Extracts the first element of the heap. */ shift(): T | undefined { // extract min/max if (this.length < 2) return this.pop(); const item = this[0]; this[0] = this.pop() as T; this.siftDown(0); return item; }
siftDown(start: number): void { const { getRightIndex, getLeftIndex, compare } = this .constructor as typeof BinaryHeap; let index = start; let leftIndex = getLeftIndex(index); let rightIndex = getRightIndex(index); let nextIndex; while (this.has(leftIndex)) { if (this.has(rightIndex) && compare(this[rightIndex], this[leftIndex])) { nextIndex = rightIndex; } else { nextIndex = leftIndex; }
if (compare(this[index], this[nextIndex])) break; [this[index], this[nextIndex]] = [this[nextIndex], this[index]]; index = nextIndex; leftIndex = getLeftIndex(index); rightIndex = getRightIndex(index); } }
siftUp(start: number): void { const { getParentIndex, compare } = this.constructor as typeof BinaryHeap; let index = start; let parentIndex = getParentIndex(index); while (this.has(parentIndex) && !compare(this[parentIndex], this[index])) { [this[index], this[parentIndex]] = [this[parentIndex], this[index]]; index = parentIndex; parentIndex = getParentIndex(index); } }
/** * Changes elements of the heap. * * @param start starting index * @param deleteCount the amount of elements to delete * @param items elements to add * @return the deleted elements */ splice(start: number, deleteCount?: number, ...items: Array<T>): Array<T> { const deletedItems = deleteCount === undefined ? super.splice(start) : super.splice(start, deleteCount, ...items); const isSingle = deletedItems.length < 2 && items.length < 2; if (isSingle) { const index = start; const isReplacement = items.length === 1; if (isReplacement) { this.update(index); } else { const last = this.pop(); super.splice(index, 0, last as T); this.siftDown(index); } } else { this.heapify(); } return deletedItems; }
/** * Adds elements to the heap. * * @param items elements to add * @return the new length of the heap */ unshift(...items: Array<T>): number { return this.push(...items); }
/** * Updates the position of an element inside the heap. * * @param index the index of the element to update */ update(index: number): void { const { compare, getLeftIndex } = this.constructor as typeof BinaryHeap; const parent = this.parent(index); const leftIndex = getLeftIndex(index); if ( this.has(leftIndex) && (parent === undefined || compare(parent, this[index])) ) { this.siftDown(index); } else { this.siftUp(index); } }}