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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
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import { getBitSize } from "./utilities.ts";import type { BitFieldConstructor, BitFieldStructure,} from "./bit-field-types.ts";
const SIGN_BIT = 2147483647;const MAX_BITWISE_SIZE = 31;
class BitField< K extends PropertyKey,> implements BitFieldStructure<K, number> { static schema: Record<PropertyKey, number>; static fields: Array<PropertyKey>; static masks: Record<PropertyKey, number>; static offsets: Record<PropertyKey, number>; static mask = 2 << 30; static size = 31; value = 0;
constructor( data: number | BitField<K> | Array<number> | Record<K, number> = 0, ) { this.value = typeof data === "number" ? data : data instanceof BitField ? data.valueOf() : (this.constructor as typeof BitField).encode(data); }
static decode<K extends PropertyKey>( data: number, ): Record<K, number> { const schema = this.schema as Record<K, number>; const fields = this.fields as Array<K>; const masks = this.masks as Record<K, number>; const result = {} as Record<K, number>; let value = data; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { const field = fields[i]; const size = schema[field]; result[field] = value & masks[field]; value >>= size; } return result; }
static encode<K extends PropertyKey>( data: Array<number> | Record<K, number>, ): number { const schema = this.schema as Record<K, number>; const fields = this.fields as Array<K>; const array = Array.isArray(data) ? data : => data[name] || 0); let result = 0; for (let i = fields.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const field = fields[i]; const current = array[i]; result <<= schema[field]; result |= current; } return result; }
static getMatcher<K extends PropertyKey>( matcher: Partial<Record<K, number>>, ): [number, number] { const masks = this.masks as Record<K, number>; const offsets = this.offsets as Record<K, number>; const fields = Object.keys(matcher) as Array<K>; let mask = 0; let value = 0; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { const fieldName = fields[i]; const fieldMask = masks[fieldName] << offsets[fieldName]; const fieldValue = matcher[fieldName]!; value = (value & ~fieldMask) | (fieldValue << offsets[fieldName]); mask |= fieldMask; } return [value, this.mask ^ mask]; }
static getMinSize(number: number): number { return getBitSize(number); }
static isValid<T extends Record<K, number>, K extends keyof T>( data: T, ): boolean { const masks = this.masks as T; const fields = Object.keys(data) as Array<K>; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { const field = fields[i]; const value = data[field]; if ((value & SIGN_BIT) !== value || value > masks[field]) return false; } return true; }
static match(value: number, matcher: [number, number]): boolean { return (value & matcher[1]) === matcher[0]; }
*[Symbol.iterator](): Generator<number> { const fields = (this.constructor as BitFieldConstructor<K>).fields; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { yield this.get(fields[i]); } }
get(field: K): number { const { offsets, masks } = this.constructor as BitFieldConstructor<K>; return (this.value >> offsets[field]) & masks[field]; }
has(...fields: Array<K>): boolean { const { offsets } = this.constructor as BitFieldConstructor<K>; let mask = 0; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { mask |= 1 << offsets[fields[i]]; } mask |= this.value; return this.value === mask; }
match(matcher: Partial<Record<K, number>> | [number, number]): boolean { return (this.constructor as BitFieldConstructor<K>).match( this.value, Array.isArray(matcher) ? matcher : (this.constructor as BitFieldConstructor<K>).getMatcher(matcher), ); }
set(field: K, value = 1): this { const { offsets, masks } = this.constructor as BitFieldConstructor<K>; this.value = (this.value & ~(masks[field] << offsets[field])) | (value << offsets[field]); return this; }
toJSON() { return this.value; }
toObject(): Record<K, number> { return (this.constructor as BitFieldConstructor<K>).decode(this.value); }
toString(): string { return this.value.toString(); }
valueOf(): number { return this.value; }}
/** * Creates a BitField class from with a given schema. BitField uses numbers as bitfields * to store and operate on data using bitwise operations. The size of the field is limited to 31 bits, * for a larger bitfields consider using BigBitField class that uses bigints instead. * * @param schema the schema * @returns the BitFieldClass * * @example * const Field = BitFieldMixin({ width: 8, height: 8 }); * const field = new Field({ width: 100, height: 200 }); * field.get('width'); * //=> 100; * field.get('height'); * //=> 200 * field.set('width', 18); * field.get('width'); * //=> 18 * field.toObject(); * //=> { width: 18, height: 200 } */export function BitFieldMixin< T extends Record<K, number>, K extends keyof T,>(schema: T): BitFieldConstructor<K> { const fields = Object.keys(schema) as Array<K>; const masks = {} as Record<K, number>; const offsets = {} as Record<K, number>; let lastOffset = 0; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { const field = fields[i]; const size = schema[field]; masks[field] = (2 << (size - 1)) - 1; offsets[field] = lastOffset; lastOffset += size; } if (lastOffset > MAX_BITWISE_SIZE) { throw TypeError("The total size of the bitfield exceeds 31 bits."); }
return class extends BitField<K> { static schema = schema; static fields = fields; static masks = masks; static offsets = offsets; size = lastOffset; mask = 2 << (lastOffset - 1); };}
const _BitField = BitFieldMixin({ 0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1, 10: 1, 11: 1, 12: 1, 13: 1, 14: 1, 15: 1, 16: 1, 17: 1, 18: 1, 19: 1, 20: 1, 21: 1, 22: 1, 23: 1, 24: 1, 25: 1, 26: 1, 27: 1, 28: 1, 29: 1, 30: 1,});
export { _BitField as BitField };