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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
import type { AdjacencyStructure, AdjacencyStructureConstructor, IndexedCollection, TypedArrayConstructors,} from "./utility-types.ts";
/** * Creates an Adjacency List class extending a given TypedArray class. * * @param Base a TypedArray class to extend */export function AdjacencyListMixin<U extends TypedArrayConstructors>( Base: U,): AdjacencyStructureConstructor<U> { // deno-lint-ignore no-empty-interface interface AdjacencyList extends IndexedCollection {}
/** * Implements the Adjacency List data structure for weighted directed graphs. */ class AdjacencyList extends Base implements AdjacencyStructure { static directed = true; static weighted = true; vertices = 2; edges = 4; empty = undefined;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any constructor(...args: any[]) { super(...args); [this.vertices, this.edges] = AdjacencyList.getDimensions(this); }
static get [Symbol.species](): U { return Base; }
static create(vertices: number, edges: number) { const length = this.getLength(vertices, edges); const list = new this(length); list.vertices = vertices; list.edges = edges; list.setOffsets(); return list as unknown as AdjacencyList & InstanceType<U>; }
/* * Returns the dimensions, vertices and maximum edge count, of an existing AdjacencyList */ static getDimensions( list: IndexedCollection, ): [vertices: number, edges: number] { let vertices = 0; while (list[vertices] <= list[vertices + 1]) { vertices++; } const edges = (list.length - vertices - 1) >> 1; return [vertices, edges]; }
static getLength(vertices: number, edges: number): number { return vertices + (edges << 1) + 1; }
// TODO document RangeError addEdge(x: number, y: number, weight: number): this { if (this.hasEdge(x, y)) return this; // the list is full if (this.isFull()) throw new RangeError("The list is full."); const { vertices } = this;
// shift values for (let i = this[vertices]; i > this[x]; i -= 2) { [this[i], this[i + 1], this[i - 1], this[i - 2]] = [ this[i - 2], this[i - 1], this[i], this[i + 1], ]; } // set edge this[this[x]] = y; this[this[x] + 1] = weight;
// update offsets for (let i = x + 1; i <= vertices; i++) { this[i] += 2; } return this; }
getEdge(x: number, y: number): number { const offset = this[x]; const nextOffset = this[x + 1]; // no out edges from x if (offset === nextOffset) return NaN; for (let i = offset; i < nextOffset; i += 2) { if (this[i] === y) return this[i + 1]; } return NaN; }
hasEdge(x: number, y: number): boolean { return !Number.isNaN(this.getEdge(x, y)); }
*inEdges(vertex: number) { const { vertices } = this; let edge = 0; let nextVertex = 1; for (let i = vertices + 1; i < this[vertices]; i += 2) { while (i >= this[nextVertex]) { edge++; nextVertex++; } if (this[i] === vertex) yield edge; } }
isFull(): boolean { return this[this.vertices] >= this.length; }
*outEdges(vertex: number) { const offset = this[vertex]; const nextOffset = this[vertex + 1]; if (offset !== nextOffset) { for (let i = nextOffset - 2; i >= offset; i -= 2) { yield this[i]; } } }
removeEdge(x: number, y: number): this { const offset = this[x]; const nextOffset = this[x + 1]; // no out edges from x if (offset === nextOffset) return this; let edgeIndex = 0; for (let i = offset; i < nextOffset; i += 2) { if (this[i] === y) { edgeIndex = i; break; } } // there is no such edge if (!edgeIndex) return this; // shift value for (let i = edgeIndex; i < this[this.vertices]; i += 2) { this[i] = this[i + 2]; this[i + 1] = this[i + 3]; }
// update offsets for (let i = x + 1; i <= this.vertices; i++) { this[i] -= 2; }
return this; }
setOffsets(): void { const lastElement = this.vertices + 1; for (let i = 0; i < lastElement; i++) { this[i] = lastElement; } } }
return AdjacencyList;}