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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
import { View } from "../view.ts";import { Uint8View } from "../numeric-view.ts";import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "./test_deps.ts";
const { test } = Deno;interface Tagged { tag: 10; name: string;}
interface Person { name: string; age: number; scores: Array<number>;}
interface Photo { name: string; data: Uint8Array;}
const protocol = new View();
test("[View#create] creates a view for primitive types", () => { const NumberView = protocol.create<number>({ type: "number", btype: "uint8", }); assertEquals(NumberView, Uint8View);});
test("[View#create] handles an array of primitive type", () => { const Uint8ArrayView = protocol.create<Array<number>>({ type: "array", items: { type: "number", btype: "uint8", maxItems: 10, }, }); assertEquals(Uint8ArrayView.itemLength, 1); assertEquals(protocol.Views.get("ArrayView_uint8"), Uint8ArrayView);});
test("[View#create] handles array of arrays", () => { const ArraysView = protocol.create<number[][]>({ type: "array", items: { type: "array", items: { type: "number" }, maxItems: 3, }, maxItems: 3, }); assertEquals(ArraysView.itemLength, 24); assertEquals(protocol.Views.has("ArrayView_number"), true); assertEquals( ArraysView.from([ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], ]).toJSON(), [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], ], );});
test("[View#create] throws if array item size is not fixed", () => { assertThrows( () => protocol.create<Array<string>>({ type: "array", items: { type: "string", }, }), TypeError, "ArrayView should have fixed sized items.", );});
test("[View#create] handles objects", () => { const PersonView = protocol.create<Person>({ $id: "Person", type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string", maxLength: 10, default: "Arthur" }, age: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, scores: { type: "array", items: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, maxItems: 3, }, }, }); assertEquals(PersonView.viewLength, 14); assertEquals(protocol.Views.get("Person"), PersonView); assertEquals(PersonView.from({} as unknown as Person).toJSON(), { name: "Arthur", age: 0, scores: [0, 0, 0], });});
test("[View#create] handles objects with binary data", () => { const PhotoView = protocol.create<Photo>({ $id: "Photo", type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string", maxLength: 10, default: "Arthur" }, data: { type: "string", maxLength: 5, btype: "binary", default: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]), }, }, }); assertEquals(PhotoView.viewLength, 15); assertEquals(protocol.Views.get("Photo"), PhotoView); assertEquals(PhotoView.from({} as unknown as Photo).toJSON(), { name: "Arthur", data: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 0, 0]), }); assertEquals( PhotoView.from({ name: "Carrot", data: new Uint8Array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 10]), }).toJSON(), { name: "Carrot", data: new Uint8Array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]), }, );});
test("[View#create] handles objects with constructors", () => { class ABC { a = 1; b = 2; }
const AView = protocol.create({ $id: "ABC", type: "object", properties: { a: { type: "number", btype: "uint8", default: 5 }, b: { type: "number", btype: "uint8", default: 6 }, }, }, ABC); assertEquals(AView.viewLength, 2); assertEquals(protocol.Views.get("ABC"), AView); assertEquals(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(AView.from({} as unknown as ABC))), { a: 5, b: 6, });});
test("[View#create] handles array of objects", () => { const PersonArrayView = protocol.create< Array<Person> >({ type: "array", items: { $id: "Person", type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string", maxLength: 10 }, age: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, scores: { type: "array", items: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, maxItems: 3, }, }, }, maxItems: 10, }); assertEquals(PersonArrayView.itemLength, 14); assertEquals(protocol.Views.has("Person"), true); assertEquals(protocol.Views.get("ArrayView_Person"), PersonArrayView);});
test("[View#create] handles references", () => { const Person = protocol.create<Person>({ $id: "Person", type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string", maxLength: 10 }, age: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, scores: { type: "array", items: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, maxItems: 3, }, }, }); const PersonArray = protocol.create<Array<Person>>({ type: "array", items: { type: "object", $ref: "#Person" }, }); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any assertEquals((PersonArray as any).View === Person, true);});
test("[View#create] handles nested objects", () => { const FamilyView = protocol.create<{ name: string; members: Array<{ name: string; age: number; scores: Array<number>; }>; }>({ $id: "Family", type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string", maxLength: 10 }, members: { type: "array", items: { $id: "Person", type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string", maxLength: 10 }, age: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, scores: { type: "array", items: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, maxItems: 3, }, }, }, maxItems: 10, }, }, }); assertEquals(FamilyView.viewLength, 150); assertEquals(protocol.Views.has("Person"), true); assertEquals(protocol.Views.has("ArrayView_Person"), true); assertEquals(protocol.Views.get("Family"), FamilyView);});
test("[View#create] handles maps", () => { const HouseView = protocol.create<{ name?: string; rooms: Array<number | undefined>; }>({ $id: "House", type: "object", btype: "map", properties: { name: { type: "string", default: "ABC", maxLength: 10 }, rooms: { type: "array", btype: "vector", items: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, }, }, required: ["name"], }); assertEquals(HouseView.viewLength, 0); assertEquals(protocol.Views.get("House"), HouseView); const house = { rooms: [1, 2, undefined, 3] }; assertEquals(HouseView.from(house).toJSON(), { name: "ABC", });});
test("[View#create] throws if required field size is not fixed", () => { assertThrows( () => protocol.create<{ map: { a: number } }>({ type: "object", $id: "ObjectWithMap", properties: { map: { type: "object", $id: "MapOfObjectWithMap", btype: "map", properties: { a: { type: "number" }, }, }, }, }), TypeError, 'The length of a required field "map" is undefined.', );});
test("[View#create] handles tagged objects", () => { const TaggedView = protocol.create<{ tag: number; name: string; }>({ $id: "TaggedView", type: "object", properties: { tag: { type: "number", btype: "uint8", default: 10 }, name: { type: "string", maxLength: 10, default: "Arthur" }, }, }); assertEquals(TaggedView.viewLength, 11); assertEquals(protocol.Views.get("TaggedView"), TaggedView); assertEquals(protocol.TaggedViews.get(10), TaggedView);});
test("[View#create] creates a dict view", () => { const NumberDict = protocol.create<Record<number, string | undefined>>({ $id: "NumberDict", type: "object", btype: "dict", propertyNames: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, additionalProperties: { type: "string" }, }); const dict: Record<number, string | undefined> = { 1: "a", 2: "b", 3: "c", 5: undefined, }; const encoded = NumberDict.from(dict); const decoded = encoded.toJSON(); assertEquals(dict, decoded);});
test("[View#create] creates a nested dict view", () => { protocol.create<Record<number, string | undefined>>({ $id: "NumberDict", type: "object", btype: "dict", propertyNames: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, additionalProperties: { type: "string" }, }); type NestedDict = { n: Record<string, Record<number, string | undefined> | undefined>; }; const NestedDict = protocol.create<NestedDict>({ $id: "NestedDict", type: "object", btype: "map", properties: { n: { $id: "StringDict", type: "object", btype: "dict", propertyNames: { type: "string", maxLength: 5 }, additionalProperties: { type: "object", $ref: "#NumberDict" }, }, }, }); const dict: NestedDict = { n: { "a": { 1: "z" }, "b": { 2: "y" }, "c": { 3: "x" }, "d": undefined, }, }; const encoded = NestedDict.from(dict); const decoded = encoded.toJSON(); assertEquals(dict, decoded);});
test("[View#create] creates a dict view with an array", () => { const ArrayDict = protocol.create<Record<number, Array<number>>>({ $id: "ArrayDict", type: "object", btype: "dict", propertyNames: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, additionalProperties: { type: "array", maxItems: 2, items: { type: "integer" }, }, }); const dict: Record<number, Array<number>> = { 1: [1, 2], 2: [3, 4], }; const encoded = ArrayDict.from(dict); const decoded = encoded.toJSON(); assertEquals(dict, decoded);});
test("[View#create] creates a dict view with a vector", () => { const VectorDict = protocol.create<Record<number, Array<string>>>({ $id: "VectorDict", type: "object", btype: "dict", propertyNames: { type: "number", btype: "uint8" }, additionalProperties: { type: "array", btype: "vector", items: { type: "string" }, }, }); const dict: Record<number, Array<string>> = { 1: ["a", "abc"], 2: ["asdfasdfasdf", "abcde", "a"], }; const encoded = VectorDict.from(dict); const decoded = encoded.toJSON(); assertEquals(dict, decoded);});
test("[View#create] throws if keys are not of fixed size", () => { assertThrows( () => { protocol.create<Record<number, string | undefined>>({ $id: "NonFixedDict", type: "object", btype: "dict", propertyNames: { type: "string" }, additionalProperties: { type: "string" }, }); }, TypeError, "ArrayView should have fixed sized items.", );});
test("[View#view] instantiates a tagged view", () => { const TaggedView = protocol.create<Tagged>({ $id: "TaggedView", type: "object", properties: { tag: { type: "number", btype: "uint8", default: 10 }, name: { type: "string", maxLength: 10, default: "Arthur" }, }, }); const data = new DataView( TaggedView.from({ tag: 10, name: "Zaphod" }).buffer, ); const view = protocol.view<Tagged>(data)!; assertEquals(view instanceof TaggedView, true); assertEquals(view.get("name"), "Zaphod"); assertEquals(view.get("tag"), 10); assertEquals(protocol.view(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(10))), undefined);});
test("[View#decode] returns a value of a tagged view", () => { const TaggedView = protocol.create<Tagged>({ $id: "TaggedView", type: "object", properties: { tag: { type: "number", btype: "uint8", default: 10 }, name: { type: "string", maxLength: 10, default: "Arthur" }, }, }); const value = { tag: 10, name: "Zaphod" } as const; const data = new DataView(TaggedView.from(value).buffer); assertEquals(protocol.decode<Tagged>(data)!, value); assertEquals(protocol.decode(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(10))), undefined);});
test("[View#encode] encodes value into a tagged view", () => { protocol.create<Tagged>({ $id: "TaggedView", type: "object", properties: { tag: { type: "number", btype: "uint8", default: 10 }, name: { type: "string", maxLength: 10, default: "Arthur" }, }, }); const value = { tag: 10, name: "Zaphod" } as const; const view = protocol.encode<Tagged>(value)!; assertEquals(view.toJSON(), value); assertEquals(protocol.encode({} as { tag: number }), undefined);});