import { type SuperDeno } from "";
Provides methods for making requests to the configured server using the passed
string, and returning a new Test
get(url: string): Test
post(url: string): Test
put(url: string): Test
delete(url: string): Test
patch(url: string): Test
options(url: string): Test
head(url: string): Test
checkout(url: string): Test
connect(url: string): Test
copy(url: string): Test
lock(url: string): Test
merge(url: string): Test
mkactivity(url: string): Test
mkcol(url: string): Test
move(url: string): Test
m-search(url: string): Test
notify(url: string): Test
propfind(url: string): Test
proppatch(url: string): Test
purge(url: string): Test
report(url: string): Test
search(url: string): Test
subscribe(url: string): Test
trace(url: string): Test
unlock(url: string): Test
unsubscribe(url: string): Test