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A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
import { Struct, Refiner } from '../struct'import { toFailures } from '../utils'
/** * Ensure that a string, array, map, or set is empty. */
export function empty< T extends string | any[] | Map<any, any> | Set<any>, S extends any>(struct: Struct<T, S>): Struct<T, S> { return refine(struct, 'empty', (value) => { const size = getSize(value) return ( size === 0 || `Expected an empty ${struct.type} but received one with a size of \`${size}\`` ) })}
function getSize(value: string | any[] | Map<any, any> | Set<any>): number { if (value instanceof Map || value instanceof Set) { return value.size } else { return value.length }}
/** * Ensure that a number or date is below a threshold. */
export function max<T extends number | Date, S extends any>( struct: Struct<T, S>, threshold: T, options: { exclusive?: boolean } = {}): Struct<T, S> { const { exclusive } = options return refine(struct, 'max', (value) => { return exclusive ? value < threshold : value <= threshold || `Expected a ${struct.type} less than ${ exclusive ? '' : 'or equal to ' }${threshold} but received \`${value}\`` })}
/** * Ensure that a number or date is above a threshold. */
export function min<T extends number | Date, S extends any>( struct: Struct<T, S>, threshold: T, options: { exclusive?: boolean } = {}): Struct<T, S> { const { exclusive } = options return refine(struct, 'min', (value) => { return exclusive ? value > threshold : value >= threshold || `Expected a ${struct.type} greater than ${ exclusive ? '' : 'or equal to ' }${threshold} but received \`${value}\`` })}
/** * Ensure that a string, array, map or set is not empty. */
export function nonempty< T extends string | any[] | Map<any, any> | Set<any>, S extends any>(struct: Struct<T, S>): Struct<T, S> { return refine(struct, 'nonempty', (value) => { const size = getSize(value) return ( size > 0 || `Expected a nonempty ${struct.type} but received an empty one` ) })}
/** * Ensure that a string matches a regular expression. */
export function pattern<T extends string, S extends any>( struct: Struct<T, S>, regexp: RegExp): Struct<T, S> { return refine(struct, 'pattern', (value) => { return ( regexp.test(value) || `Expected a ${struct.type} matching \`/${regexp.source}/\` but received "${value}"` ) })}
/** * Ensure that a string, array, number, date, map, or set has a size (or length, or time) between `min` and `max`. */
export function size< T extends string | number | Date | any[] | Map<any, any> | Set<any>, S extends any>(struct: Struct<T, S>, min: number, max: number = min): Struct<T, S> { const expected = `Expected a ${struct.type}` const of = min === max ? `of \`${min}\`` : `between \`${min}\` and \`${max}\``
return refine(struct, 'size', (value) => { if (typeof value === 'number' || value instanceof Date) { return ( (min <= value && value <= max) || `${expected} ${of} but received \`${value}\`` ) } else if (value instanceof Map || value instanceof Set) { const { size } = value return ( (min <= size && size <= max) || `${expected} with a size ${of} but received one with a size of \`${size}\`` ) } else { const { length } = value as string | any[] return ( (min <= length && length <= max) || `${expected} with a length ${of} but received one with a length of \`${length}\`` ) } })}
/** * Augment a `Struct` to add an additional refinement to the validation. * * The refiner function is guaranteed to receive a value of the struct's type, * because the struct's existing validation will already have passed. This * allows you to layer additional validation on top of existing structs. */
export function refine<T, S>( struct: Struct<T, S>, name: string, refiner: Refiner<T>): Struct<T, S> { return new Struct({ ...struct, *refiner(value, ctx) { yield* struct.refiner(value, ctx) const result = refiner(value, ctx) const failures = toFailures(result, ctx, struct, value)
for (const failure of failures) { yield { ...failure, refinement: name } } }, })}