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🦕 A Deno port of chalk's supports-color
// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright Sindre Sorhus and chalk/supports-color contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { parse } from "./deps.ts";
export interface SupportsColorOptions { /** Whether or not to use command line arguments to detect color support */ sniffFlags?: boolean;
/** Override for the automatic detection of whether the stream is a TTY or not */ streamIsTTY?: boolean;
/** Override for the command line arguments*/ args?: string[];
/** Override for what OS to detect color support of */ os?: typeof;
/** Override for what release your OS is*/ osRelease?: string;}
export interface ColorSupport { level: number; /** Basic color support (16 colors) */ hasBasic: boolean; /** 256 color support */ has256: boolean; /** Truecolor support (16 million colors) */ has16m: boolean;}
function envForceColor() { const FORCE_COLOR = Deno.env.get("FORCE_COLOR");
if (FORCE_COLOR) { if (FORCE_COLOR === "true") { return 1; }
if (FORCE_COLOR === "false") { return 0; }
return FORCE_COLOR.length === 0 ? 1 : Math.min(Number.parseInt(FORCE_COLOR, 10), 3); }}
function translateLevel(level: number): ColorSupport { return { level, hasBasic: level >= 1, has256: level >= 2, has16m: level >= 3, };}
function _supportsColor( haveWriter?: { readonly rid: number; }, { streamIsTTY, sniffFlags = true, args = Deno.args, os =, osRelease = Deno.osRelease(), }: SupportsColorOptions = {},) { // Read flags to see if anything matches to force colors or to force no colors const { _, color, colors } = parse(args, { string: ["color", "colors"], negatable: ["color", "colors"], });
// console.log(color === "", colors)
let flagForceColor: number | undefined; if ( color === false || colors === false || color === "false" || color === "never" ) { flagForceColor = 0; } else if ( color === "" || // --color with no arguments results in this colors === "" || // --colors with no arguments results in this color === "true" || color === "always" ) { flagForceColor = 1; }
// Read environment variables to see if anything forces colors or to force no colors const noFlagForceColor = envForceColor(); if (noFlagForceColor !== undefined) { flagForceColor = noFlagForceColor; }
// The final value for colors being forced or not const forceColor = sniffFlags ? flagForceColor : noFlagForceColor;
// If we force no colors, return no color if (forceColor === 0) { return 0; }
// If we sniff flags, look through the flags to see if we are forcing certain colors if (sniffFlags) { if ( color === "16m" || color === "full" || color === "truecolor" ) { return 3; }
if (color === "256") { return 2; } }
// Check for Azure DevOps pipelines. // Has to be above the `!streamIsTTY` check. if ("TF_BUILD" in Deno.env && "AGENT_NAME" in Deno.env) { return 1; }
// If we aren't a TTY and we aren't forcing color then show no colors if (haveWriter && !streamIsTTY && forceColor === undefined) { return 0; }
const min = forceColor || 0;
if (Deno.env.get("TERM") === "dumb") { return min; }
if (os === "windows") { // Windows 10 build 10586 is the first Windows release that supports 256 colors. // Windows 10 build 14931 is the first release that supports 16m/TrueColor. const release = osRelease.split("."); if ( Number(release[0]) >= 10 && Number(release[2]) >= 10_586 ) { return Number(release[2]) >= 14_931 ? 3 : 2; }
return 1; }
if (Deno.env.get("CI")) { if (Deno.env.get("GITHUB_ACTIONS")) { return 3; }
if ( ["TRAVIS", "CIRCLECI", "APPVEYOR", "GITLAB_CI", "BUILDKITE", "DRONE"] .some((sign) => Deno.env.get(sign) !== undefined) || Deno.env.get("CI_NAME") === "codeship" ) { return 1; }
return min; }
if (Deno.env.get("TEAMCITY_VERSION")) { return /^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test( Deno.env.get("TEAMCITY_VERSION") ?? "", ) ? 1 : 0; }
if (Deno.env.get("COLORTERM") === "truecolor") { return 3; }
if (Deno.env.get("TERM") === "xterm-kitty") { return 3; }
if (Deno.env.get("TERM_PROGRAM")) { const version = Number.parseInt( (Deno.env.get("TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION") || "").split(".")[0], 10, );
switch (Deno.env.get("TERM_PROGRAM")) { case "": { return version >= 3 ? 3 : 2; }
case "Apple_Terminal": { return 2; } // No default } }
if (/-256(color)?$/i.test(Deno.env.get("TERM") ?? "")) { return 2; }
if ( /^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test( Deno.env.get("TERM") ?? "", ) ) { return 1; }
if (Deno.env.get("COLORTERM")) { return 1; }
return min;}
/** * Given a writer with an rid, determine the amount of color support it has. */export function createSupportsColor( writer: { readonly rid: number; }, options: SupportsColorOptions = {},) { const level = _supportsColor(writer, { streamIsTTY: writer && Deno.isatty(writer.rid), ...options, });
return translateLevel(level);}
const supportsColor = { stdout: createSupportsColor(Deno.stdout), stderr: createSupportsColor(Deno.stderr),};
export default supportsColor;