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No bundle frontend by service-worker
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import { rollup, httpResolve } from "./deps.ts";import { denoLoader, svelte, compress } from "./plugins.ts";
export async function bundle(entryPath: string) { const sourceGen = await rollup({ input: entryPath, plugins: [ httpResolve({ resolveIdFallback(id: string, importer: any) { if (importer == null) { return; } if (id.startsWith(".")) { return; } if (id.startsWith("https://")) { return id; } if (id.includes("svelte")) { return `${id}`; } return `${id}`; }, }), denoLoader(), svelte(), compress(), ], }).then((g: any) => g.generate({ format: "es" })); const outpath = entryPath.replace(/(.*)\.tsx?/, "$1.bundle.js"); await Deno.writeTextFile(outpath, sourceGen.output[0].code);}