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Task runner for deno
import { ProcessStatus, Closer, Process } from "deno";import * as deno from "deno";import { watch, Options as WatchOptions} from "";import * as path from ""; // should fix later
type Tasks = { [name: string]: Command };interface ResolveContext { checked: Set<string>; hasWatcher: boolean;}class ProcessError extends Error { constructor( public pid: number, public rid: number, public status: ProcessStatus, public taskName?: string ) { super("Process exited with status code " + status.code); }}interface Command { resolveRef(tasks: Tasks, context: ResolveContext): Command; run(args: string[], context: RunContext): Promise<void>;}class Single implements Command { constructor(public script: string) {} resolveRef(tasks: Tasks, _: ResolveContext) { return this; } async run(args: string[], { cwd, shell, resources }: RunContext) { const allArgs = shell ? [...getShellCommand(), [this.script, ...args].join(" ")] : [...this.script.split(/\s/), ...args]; const p ={ args: allArgs, cwd: cwd, stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit" }); const closer = { close() { kill(p); } }; resources.add(closer); const status = await p.status(); p.close(); resources.delete(closer); if (!status.success) { throw new ProcessError(, p.rid, status); } }}
function getShellCommand(): string[] { let env = deno.env(); if (deno.platform.os === "win") { return [env.COMSPEC || "cmd.exe", "/D", "/C"]; } else { return [env.SHELL || "/bin/sh", "-c"]; }}
async function kill(p: Process) { const k ={ args: ["kill", `${}`], stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit" }); await k.status(); k.close();}
class Ref implements Command { constructor(public script: string) {} resolveRef(tasks: Tasks, context: ResolveContext) { const splitted = this.script.split(/\s/); const name = splitted[0].slice(1); const args = splitted.slice(1); if (!name.length) { throw new Error("Task name should not be empty."); }
let command = tasks[name]; if (!command) { throw new Error(`Task "${name}" is not defined.`); } if (context.checked.has(name)) { throw new Error(`Task "${name}" is in a reference loop.`); } if (command instanceof Single) { command = new Single([command.script, ...args].join(" ")); } return command.resolveRef(tasks, { ...context, checked: new Set(context.checked).add(name) }); } async run(args: string[], context: RunContext) { throw new Error("Ref should be resolved before running."); }}class Sequence implements Command { commands: Command[]; constructor(commands: Command[]) { this.commands = commands; } resolveRef(tasks: Tasks, context: ResolveContext) { return new Sequence( => { return c.resolveRef(tasks, context); }) ); } async run(args: string[], context: RunContext) { if (args.length) { throw new Error("Cannot pass args to sequential tasks."); } for (let command of this.commands) { await[], context); } }}class Parallel implements Command { commands: Command[]; constructor(commands: Command[]) { this.commands = commands; } resolveRef(tasks: Tasks, context: ResolveContext) { return new Parallel( => { return c.resolveRef(tasks, context); }) ); } async run(args: string[], context: RunContext) { if (args.length) { throw new Error("Cannot pass args to parallel tasks."); } await Promise.all( =>[], context))); }}class SyncWatcher implements Command { constructor( public dirs: string[], public watchOptions: WatchOptions, public command: Command ) {} resolveRef(tasks: Tasks, context: ResolveContext) { if (context.hasWatcher) { throw new Error("Nested watchers not supported."); } return new SyncWatcher( this.dirs, this.watchOptions, this.command.resolveRef(tasks, { ...context, hasWatcher: true }) ); } async run(args: string[], context: RunContext) { const dirs_ = => { return path.join(context.cwd, d); }); const childResources = new Set(); await this.command .run(args, { ...context, resources: childResources }) .catch(_ => {}); for await (const _ of watch(dirs_, this.watchOptions)) { closeResouces(childResources); await this.command .run(args, { ...context, resources: childResources }) .catch(_ => {}); } }}class AsyncWatcher implements Command { constructor( public dirs: string[], public watchOptions: WatchOptions, public command: Command ) {} resolveRef(tasks: Tasks, context: ResolveContext) { if (context.hasWatcher) { throw new Error("Nested watchers not supported."); } return new AsyncWatcher( this.dirs, this.watchOptions, this.command.resolveRef(tasks, { ...context, hasWatcher: true }) ); } async run(args: string[], context: RunContext) { const dirs_ = => { return path.join(context.cwd, d); }); const childResources = new Set(); const closer = { close() { throw new Error("Nested watchers not supported."); } }; context.resources.add(closer); this.command .run(args, { ...context, resources: childResources }) .catch(_ => {}); for await (const _ of watch(dirs_, this.watchOptions)) { closeResouces(childResources); this.command .run(args, { ...context, resources: childResources }) .catch(_ => {}); } context.resources.delete(closer); }}
function closeResouces(resources: Set<Closer>) { for (let resource of resources) { resource.close(); } resources.clear();}
export class TaskDecorator { constructor(public tasks: Tasks, public name: string) {} watchSync(dirs: string | string[], watchOptions = {}) { if (typeof dirs === "string") { dirs = [dirs]; } this.tasks[] = new SyncWatcher( dirs, watchOptions, this.tasks[] ); } watch(dirs: string | string[], watchOptions = {}) { if (typeof dirs === "string") { dirs = [dirs]; } this.tasks[] = new AsyncWatcher( dirs, watchOptions, this.tasks[] ); }}interface RunOptions { cwd?: string; shell?: boolean;}interface RunContext { cwd: string; shell: boolean; resources: Set<Closer>;}export class TaskRunner { tasks: Tasks = {}; task(name: string, ...rawCommands: (string | string[])[]): TaskDecorator { if (name.split(/\s/).length > 1) { throw new Error(`Task name "${name}" is invalid.`); } if (this.tasks[name]) { throw new Error(`Task name "${name}" is duplicated.`); } this.tasks[name] = makeCommand(rawCommands); return new TaskDecorator(this.tasks, name); } async run(taskName: string, args: string[] = [], options: RunOptions = {}) { options = { cwd: ".", shell: true, ...options }; let command = this.tasks[taskName]; if (!command) { throw new Error(`Task "${taskName}" not found.`); } const resolveContext = { checked: new Set(), hasWatcher: false }; const context = { cwd: options.cwd, shell:, resources: new Set() }; const resolvedCommand = command.resolveRef(this.tasks, resolveContext); await, context); }}
function makeCommand(rawCommands: (string | string[])[]): Command { if (rawCommands.length === 0) { throw new Error("Task needs at least one command."); } if (rawCommands.length === 1) { return makeNonSequenceCommand(rawCommands[0]); } return new Sequence(;}function makeNonSequenceCommand(rawCommand: string | string[]): Command { if (typeof rawCommand === "string") { return makeSingleCommand(rawCommand); } return new Parallel(;}function makeSingleCommand(script: string) { script = script.trim(); if (!script.trim()) { throw new Error("Command should not be empty."); } if (script.charAt(0) === "$") { return new Ref(script); } return new Single(script);}