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/*** @param {string} input The input*/export function parse(input) { if (!input.startsWith('config')) throw new Error('input must start with config <name>') input.replace('config ', '') if ( !input.split('\n')[0].replace('config ', '')[0].startsWith('"') || !input.split('\n')[0].replace('{', '').trim().endsWith('"') ) throw new Error('config name must have " in the end and the start.') if (!input.split('\n')[0].endsWith('{')) throw new Error('a { must go after the config name.') if (!input.endsWith('}')) throw new Error('a } must go in the end of the config.') const name = input .split('\n')[0] .split(/ +/g)[1] .replace('{', '') .trim() .replace(/"/g, '') const new1 = input.split('\n') new1.shift() new1.pop() const output = { name, properties: {} } for (const property of new1) { const args = property.trim().split(/ +/g) const type = args[0].replace(/\t/g, '') const name = args[1] let value = args.slice(2).join(' ') for (const prop in process.env) { const regex = new RegExp(`{${prop}}`, 'g') value = value.replace(regex, process.env[prop]) } switch (type) { case 'string':[name] = String(value) break case 'number':[name] = Number(value) break case 'json':[name] = JSON.parse(value) break case 'boolean':[name] = Boolean(value) break default: throw new Error( 'invalid type, type must be string|number|json|boolean' ) } } return output}