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import { assertEquals } from "";import { globsToFilePaths } from "../src/files.ts";// import { stub } from "";// Deno.env.get('NO_LOG') && stub(console, 'info')
Deno.test("[globsToFilePaths] find one file", async () => { const files = await globsToFilePaths([`http/test1.http`]); assertEquals(files.length, 1);});
Deno.test("[globsToFilePaths] find more file", async () => { const files = await globsToFilePaths([`**/test1.http`, `*/test2.http`]); assertEquals(files.length, 2);});
Deno.test("[globsToFilePaths] find more file with a glob pattern", async () => { const files = await globsToFilePaths([`../*/http/test*.http`]); assertEquals(files.length, 2);});
Deno.test("[globsToFilePaths] find more file with a glob pattern", async () => { const files = await globsToFilePaths([`**/test*.http`]); assertEquals(files.length, 2);});
Deno.test("[globsToFilePaths] not found", async () => { const files = await globsToFilePaths([`notFound.http`]); assertEquals(files.length, 0);});