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A .http Test Runner
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import { File } from "./types.ts";import { Block } from "./types.ts";
function shouldBeOnly( lineNumberOnly: number | undefined, blockStartLine: number, blockEndLine: number,) { const shouldBeOnly = lineNumberOnly !== undefined && lineNumberOnly >= blockStartLine && lineNumberOnly <= blockEndLine; return shouldBeOnly;}
export function fileTextToBlocks( txt: string, _filePath: string, lineSpec = "",): Block[] { const blocks: Block[] = []; const lines = txt.replaceAll("\r", "\n").split("\n"); let currentBlockText = ""; let blockStartLine = 0; let blockEndLine = NaN; const blockSeparator = /^###/;
let lineNumberNotIgnored: number | undefined = undefined;
if (lineSpec) { lineNumberNotIgnored = Number(lineSpec); }
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i]; currentBlockText += line + "\n"; if (blockSeparator.test(line)) { blockEndLine = i; const block = new Block({ text: currentBlockText, meta: { _startLine: blockStartLine, _endLine: blockEndLine, _filePath, only: shouldBeOnly( lineNumberNotIgnored, blockStartLine, blockEndLine, ), }, }); blocks.push(block); currentBlockText = ""; blockStartLine = i + 1; } // final block if (i === lines.length - 1 && currentBlockText) { blockEndLine = i; const block = new Block({ text: currentBlockText, meta: { _startLine: blockStartLine, _endLine: blockEndLine, _filePath, only: shouldBeOnly( lineNumberNotIgnored, blockStartLine, blockEndLine, ), }, }); blocks.push(block); } } return blocks;}
import { expandGlob } from "";
export const checkGlobHasLineSpec = (glob: string) => new RegExp(":[0-9]+").test(glob);
export async function globsToFilePaths(globs: string[]): Promise<string[]> { const filePaths: string[] = [];
for (let glob of globs) { let lineSpec = ""; if (checkGlobHasLineSpec(glob)) { [glob, lineSpec] = glob.split(":"); lineSpec = ":" + lineSpec; } for await (const fileFound of expandGlob(glob)) { if (fileFound.isFile) { filePaths.push(fileFound.path + lineSpec); } } }
return filePaths;}
export async function filePathsToFiles(filePaths: string[]): Promise<File[]> { const files: File[] = [];
for (let _filePath of filePaths) { let fileContent = ""; let lineSpec = ""; if (checkGlobHasLineSpec(_filePath)) { [_filePath, lineSpec] = _filePath.split(":"); } try { fileContent = await Deno.readTextFile(_filePath); } catch { // console.error(error.message); throw new Error("File not found: " + _filePath); } const blocks = fileTextToBlocks(fileContent, _filePath, lineSpec); files.push({ path: _filePath, blocks }); }
return files;}