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A .http Test Runner
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import * as fmt from "";
export const installCommand = "deno install --reload --unstable --allow-read --allow-env --allow-net --allow-run -f -n tepi";
export const runRemoteCommand = "deno run --unstable --allow-read --allow-env --allow-net --allow-run";
export function help(): void { const isReadme = !!Deno.env.get("NO_COLOR");
// const b = fmt.cyan; const w = fmt.brightWhite; // const d = (t:string) => isReadme ? '> '+ t : fmt.dim('> '+ t); const d = fmt.dim; const g = fmt.brightGreen; const orange = (t: string) => fmt.rgb24(t, 0xFF6600); const codeDelimiter = isReadme ? "`" : ""; const c = (t: string) => orange(codeDelimiter + t + codeDelimiter); const codeBlockDelimiter = isReadme ? "\n```" : ""; const i = fmt.italic; const codeBlock = ( t: string, lang = "", ) => (i( codeBlockDelimiter + (isReadme ? lang : "") + "\n" + t + codeBlockDelimiter, )); // const httpHighlight = (t: string) => highlight(t, { language: "http" }); const title = `${g(`# ${fmt.bold("TEPI")}`)}${g(`### -- HTTP Test Runner--`)}
${orange(`${fmt.bold("Tepi")} is a test runner for .http files.`)}
Write your tests in .http files and run them with ${c("tepi")}.${ codeBlock( `$ cat test.http
GET http://localhost:3000 ${d(`# fetch a GET Request`)}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ${d(`# assert a 200 OK response`)}Content-Type: text/plain ${d(`# assert a text/plain content type header`)}
Hola mundo! ${d(`# assert a body with the text "Hola mundo!"`)}`, "bash", ) }${codeBlock(`$ tepi test.http`, "bash")}
const helpText = `${fmt.bold("Test your HTTP APIs with standard http syntax")}
${g("## Features:")}
- 📝 Write end to end API REST tests in ${c(".http")} files- 🔎 Validate Response status, headers and/or body.- 🔥 Interpolate javascript with eta template ${c("<%= %>")}- 🖊 Write metadata as frontmatter yaml- 📦 Reference by name another test to run them in advance- ⏱ Set a timeout for each test or globally in milliseconds. After the timeout, the test will fail.- 🚨 Stop running tests after the first failure.- 🔋 Use ${("env files")} to load environment variables- 😎 Fully featured and colorful display modes. (none, minimal, default and full)- 👁 Watch files for changes and rerun tests.- 🍯 Standard Response and Request with a automatic getBody()
${g("## Install:")}
${ codeBlock( installCommand, "bash", ) }
Or run remotely with:${ codeBlock( runRemoteCommand, "bash", ) }
${g("## Usage:")}
${w(`tepi [OPTIONS] [FILES|GLOBS...]`)}
${g("## Options:")}
${d("* ")}-w ${c("--watch")} ${ d("Watch files for changes and rerun tests.") }${d("* ")} ${c("--watch-no-clear")} ${ d("same but without clearing the screen.") }${d("* ")}-t ${c("--timeout")} ${ d("Set the timeout for each test in milliseconds. After the timeout, the test will fail.") }${d("* ")}-f ${c("--fail-fast")} ${ d("Stop running tests after the first failure.") }${d("* ")}-d ${c("--display")} ${ d("Set the display mode. (none, minimal, default and full)") }${d(" - ")} none: ${d(`display nothing`)}${d(" - ")} minimal: ${d(`display only a minimal summary`)}${d(" - ")} default: ${d(`list results and full error summary`)}${d(" - ")} full: ${d(`display also all HTTP requests and responses`)}${d(" - ")} verbose: ${ d(`display also all metadata and not truncate data`) }${d("* ")}-h ${c("--help")} ${d("output usage information")}${d("* ")}-e ${c("--env-file")} ${ d("load environment variables from a .env file") }${d("* ")} ${c("--no-color")} ${d("output without color")}${d("* ")} ${c("--no-animation")} ${ d("output without terminal animations") }${d("* ")} ${c("--upgrade")} ${d("upgrade to the latest version")}${d("* ")} ${c("--version")} ${d("output the version number")}
${g("## Examples:")}
${c(`tepi`)}${d(`> Run all .http in the current directory and folders. (same as tepi ./**/*.http)`)}
${c(`tepi test.http ./test2.http`)}${d(`> Run test.http and test2.http`)}
${c(`tepi **/*.http`)}${d(`> Run all .http in the current directory and folders.`)}
${c(`tepi rest.http --watch`)}${d(`> Run rest.http and rerun when it changes`)}
${c(`tepi rest.http --watch "src/**/*.ts"`)}${d(`> Run rest.http and rerun when any .ts file in the src folder changes.`)}
${c(`tepi rest.http --watch "src/**/*.json" --watch "src/**/*.ts"`)}${d(`> You can use multiple --watch flags.`)}${d(`> Note: You can use globs here too, but use quotes to avoid the shell expanding them.`)}
${c(`tepi --timeout 10000`)}${d(`> Set the timeout for each test in milliseconds. After the timeout, the test will fail.`)}
${c(`tepi --fail-fast`)}${d(`> Stop running tests after the first failure.`)}
${c(`tepi --display minimal`)}${d(`> Set the display mode. (none, minimal, default and full)`)}
${c(`tepi --env-file .env --env-file .env.test`)}${d(`> Load environment variables from a .env and .env.test`)}`;
const referenceText = `${g("## HTTP syntax:")}
* You can use the standard HTTP syntax in your .http files to run a request and response validation.* Use the ${c("###")} to separate the requests.* Use frontmatter yaml to set metadata.
For example, validate the headers, status code, status text and body:${ codeBlock(`GET
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Requestcontent-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
hola`) }
${g("## Interpolation:")}
It's deno 🔥
Uses eta as template engine, see docs:${fmt.underline(``)}
Use ${c("<%= %>")} to interpolate values.
All the std assertion module is available:${fmt.underline(``)}

Use ${c("<% %>")} to run custom assertions or custom JS.For example:${ codeBlock(`GET http://localhost:3000/users
<% assert(response.status === 200) %>`) }Or:${ codeBlock( ` <% if (Math.random() > 0.5) { %> GET http://localhost:3000/users/1 <% } else { %> GET http://localhost:3000/users/2 <% } %>`, ) }
${g("### Interpolation scope:")}
In the Interpolation ${c("<%= %>")} or ${ c("<% %>") } you have access to any Deno API and the following variables:* request: ${w(`The Request`)} from the actual block.* meta: ${ w(`The metadata`) } from the actual block. and the frontmatter global metadata.* response: ${ w(`The standard Response object from the fetch API`) } from the actual request. (only available in the expected response, after the request)* body: ${w(`The extracted body`)} an alias of ${ c("await response.getBody()") } (only available in the expected response, after the request)* [id]: ${w(`the id of a block already run`)} for example: ${ c(`<%= login.body.jwt %>`) } or ${c(`<%= login.response.status %>`)}
The Block signature is:${ codeBlock( `type Block = { meta: { [key: string]: any, }, request?: Request, response?: Response, expectedResponse?: Response, error?: Error, body?: any,}`, "ts", ) }

The request, response and expectedResponse has a custom method ${ c("async getBody()") } to extract the body as json, text or blob depending on the content-type.
The ${c("body")} is an alias for ${c("await response.getBody()")}.
For example:${ codeBlock( `---id: hello---GET
HTTP/1.1 200
<%= hello.body %>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
hola`, "", ) }
${g("## Special metadata keys:")}
There are some especial metadata keys used by tepi, as: meta.needs,, meta.description, meta.display, meta.timeout and meta.import
${g("### meta.delay:")}The meta.delay allows you to delay the execution of the request fetch for a specific time in milliseconds.
${g("### meta.timeout:")}The meta.timeout allows you to override the global timeout for a specific test.If the request takes longer than the timeout, the test will fail.The delay is not included in the timeout.

${g("### meta.needs")}
The meta.needs is a special metadata value that allows you to run a test in advance and use the result in the current test if needed.
For example:${ codeBlock( `---needs: login# will run the login test before this one---GET Bearer <%= login.body.jwt %>Content-Type: application/json
###---id: login---POST application/json
{"user": "Garn", "password": "1234"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK`, "", ) }
${g("### and meta.description")}
The allows you to identify a test for reference.The meta.description it's used to display the test name in the console if not set, it will use the
${g("### meta.import:")}
The meta.import allows you to import a file before running the test.The imported file will run before the file that imports it.

${g("### meta.display:")}
The meta.display allows you to override the global display mode for a specific test.
For example:${ codeBlock( `---display: verbose---GET`, ) }`;;;; return;}