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import { assertEquals } from "";
import { testEach, TestCase } from "./mod.ts";
const testCases: TestCase<{ a: number; b: number }, boolean>[] = [ { input: { a: 2, b: 2 }, result: true, desc: "Should be true" }, { input: { a: 2, b: 5 }, result: false },];
const calledTestCases: TestCase[] = [];
testEach<{ a: number; b: number }, boolean>( "run tests with testEach", testCases, (testCase) => { assertEquals( testCase.input.a === testCase.input.b, testCase.result, testCase.desc, ); calledTestCases.push(testCase); },);
Deno.test("test testEach", () => { assertEquals(testCases.length, calledTestCases.length); testCases.forEach((tc, i) => { assertEquals(tc, calledTestCases[i]); });});
testEach<number | boolean, unknown>( "Quick math", [ { input: false, exception: { msg: "my exception" } }, { input: 5, result: 12 }, ], async (testCase) => { if (typeof testCase.input === "number") { assertEquals(60 / testCase.input, testCase.result); } else { throw new Error("my exception"); } });