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A Deno web framework inspired by Oak and Express. Built-in support for WebSockets, middleware and routing.
// Importsimport type { Server as DenoServer } from "./deps.ts";import { WebSocket } from "./ws/WebSocket.ts";import { serve, serveTLS, Event, acceptWebSocket } from "./deps.ts";import { parseAddrFromStr } from "./util/utils.ts";import { Pair } from "./structure/Pair.ts";import { ReadonlyMap } from "./structure/ReadonlyMap.ts";import { RouteMiddleware } from "./util/RouteMiddleware.ts";
/** * The application object. */export class Application extends RouteMiddleware {
#sockets: Map<string, WebSocket> = new Map(); #allowSockets: boolean;
/** Fired when a new websocket connection is made. */ public readonly onconnection = new Event<[sock: WebSocket]>();
/** Fired when the application fails to accept a websocket. */ public readonly onwebsocketerror = new Event<[error: Error]>();
/** Fired when an error occurs within the request itself or in any of the middlewares. */ public readonly onrequesterror = new Event<[req: Pair["request"], res: Pair["response"], error: Error]>();
/** The websockets that are connected to the application. */ public readonly sockets: ReadonlyMap<string, WebSocket> = new ReadonlyMap(this.#sockets);
/** The Deno server. */ private readonly _server: DenoServer;
/** Whether or not the server is secure. */ public readonly secure: boolean;
/** The address that the server is hosted on. */ public readonly addr: { readonly hostname: string, readonly port: number };
public get origin(): string { return "http" + ( ? "s" : "") + "://" + this.addr.hostname + ":" + this.addr.port; }
/** * Initiate a new server. * @param options The server options. */ public constructor(addr: string, options?: { certFile?: string, keyFile?: string, allowWebSocket?: boolean }) { super();
const { certFile, keyFile, allowWebSocket } = options || {};
this.#allowSockets = allowWebSocket !== false;
// #region Check whether or not to use a secure server. if (typeof certFile === "string" || typeof keyFile === "string") if (!certFile) throw new Error("Key file is specified, but a certificate file wasn't!"); else if (!keyFile) throw new Error("Certificate file is specified, but a key file wasn't!"); else = true; else = false; // #endregion
// #region Get the address to serve the server on. const { port, hostname } = parseAddrFromStr(addr, "", 0); // #endregion
// #region Create server. this._server = ? serveTLS({ certFile: certFile!, keyFile: keyFile!, port, hostname }) : serve({ port, hostname }); // #endregion
// #region Set the address properties. const __addr = (this._server.listener.addr as ReturnType<typeof parseAddrFromStr>); this.addr = { hostname: __addr.hostname, port: __addr.port }; // #endregion }
/** * Start accepting incoming connections. */ public async start(): Promise<void> { for await (let _request of this._server) { const pair = new Pair(this, _request); await pair.init(); if (pair.request.url.protocol === "wss:" || pair.request.url.protocol === "ws:") { const { conn, r: bufReader, w: bufWriter, headers } = _request; acceptWebSocket({ conn, bufReader, bufWriter, headers, }).then(async ws => { const sock = new WebSocket(this.#sockets, ws, pair.request, pair.response); sock.__init(); this.#sockets.set(, sock); if (!this.#allowSockets) { await sock.close(1000, "WebSocket connections are disabled!"); return; } await this.onconnection.dispatch(sock); }).catch(async error => { await _request.respond({ status: 400 }); this.onwebsocketerror.dispatch(error); }); } else {, pair.response) .then(async diagnostic => { if (diagnostic.success === false) await this.onrequesterror.dispatch(pair.request, pair.response, diagnostic.error); if (pair.WRITABLE) await pair.response.end(); }).catch(async error => { await this.onrequesterror.dispatch(pair.request, pair.response, error); if (pair.WRITABLE) await pair.response.end(); }); } } }