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Usage Examples

This module provides functions for compressing and decompressing text and objects using the Brotli compression algorithm and base64 encoding.


This function compresses a text string using the Brotli compression algorithm and encodes it as base64.

import { compressText } from "";

const text = "Hello, world!";
const compressedText = compressText(text);



This function decompresses a text string that was previously compressed and encoded in base64 using the Brotli compression algorithm.

import { decompressText } from "";

const compressedText = "CwaASGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQM=";
const decompressedText = decompressText(compressedText);



This function compresses an object by converting it to JSON, compressing the JSON string using the Brotli compression algorithm, and encoding it as base64.

import { compressObject } from "";

const obj = { ola: "mundo" };
const compressedObj = compressObject(obj);



This function decompresses a string that was previously compressed and encoded in base64 using the Brotli compression algorithm, and parses it as JSON.

import { decompressObject } from "";

const compressedObj = "CweAeyJvbGEiOiJtdW5kbyJ9Aw=="; // Insert a compressed and base64-encoded string here.
const decompressedObj = decompressObject(compressedObj);
