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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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tgsnake is a modern MTProto framework for javascript or typescript.
github-repo telegram-chat

Don’t forget to read our FAQ in our site!!

Example :

  • Installation :
npx create-tgsnake-app myapp
  • Simple Hello World :
const { Snake } = require('tgsnake');
// import {Snake} from "tgsnake"
const bot = new Snake({
  apiHash: 'abcde', //your api hash
  apiId: 123456, // your api id
  logLevel: 'none', // logger level
});; //snake running
bot.on('msg.text', (ctx) => {
  //handle new message event.
  ctx.msg.reply('Hello World'); // reply with "Hello World"
  //console.log(ctx) // see json of message.

More example you can found in our website.


Welcome, You can contribute to this project.


Thanks to all the frameworks and references that I use, several people who helped in developing this framework that I cannot mention one by one.

Build with ♥️ by tgsnake dev.