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import "";import { database, DB } from "./DB.ts";import { relation, TheData } from "./type.ts";export class Model { protected name = ""; protected table!: string; protected nullable: string[] = []; protected fillable: string[] = []; protected model: string[] = []; protected relationship: Record<string, relation> = {}; protected data: TheData[] = []; protected insertid!: number; protected DB!: database; Item!: Promise<any>; set(table: string) { this.table = table; this.DB = DB(table, this.fillable); return this; } find(value: string | number, key = "id") { return this.DB.find({ [key]: value }); } all() { return this.DB.where({}).get() || []; } where(where: TheData) { this.Item = this.DB.where(this.clean(where)).get() || []; return this; } async create(data: TheData[]) { const create = await this.DB.create(this.cleans(data)); return await create.lastinsertid(); } del(where: TheData) { return this.DB.delete(this.clean(where)); } with(Model: relation[]) { } update(where: TheData, data: TheData) { return this.DB.update(this.clean(where), this.clean(data)); } upsert(where: TheData[]) { return this.DB.upsert(where); } cleans(data: TheData[]) { const _where: TheData[] = []; data.forEach((w, index) => { _where.push(this.clean(w)); }); return _where; } clean(data: TheData) { const _where: TheData = {}; for (const property of this.model) { data[property] && (_where[property] = data[property]); } return _where; }}