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import { _Routes, guard, Route_Group_with, Routes } from "./type.ts";import { response } from "./response.ts";import { intersect, mergeObject } from "./thefun.ts";import { Session } from "./Session.ts";import { getCookies } from "../deps.ts";
export class Router { constructor(public routes_list: Routes) { } async route(req: Request): Promise<Response> { const relativepath = req.url.replace( new RegExp(".*" + req.headers.get("host")), "", ); const pathparam = relativepath.split("/"); const r = this.routes_list[req.method].find((i) => { return ( i.path.split("/").length == relativepath.split("/").length && relativepath.match(`${i.path}$`) ); }); if (r) { const params: string[] = []; r.path.split("/").forEach((e, key) => { if (e == ".+") { params.push(pathparam[key]); } }); if (r.islogin) { const cookie = getCookies(req.headers); if (cookie.PHPSESSID) { const active_session = new Session(req, cookie).validSession().getLogin(); if (active_session.Login) { if (r.guard) { for (const element of r.guard) { const E403 = await element(req); if (E403) { return response.JSON(E403, active_session, 403); } } } if (r.roles) { if (intersect(active_session.Login.roles, r.roles) == false) { return response.JSON("Your Role is Limited", active_session, 403); } } return await r.handler(active_session, params); } } return await response.JSON("Please Login First", undefined, 401); } else { return await r.handler(new Session(req), params); } } return await response.JSON("Not Found"); }}export function compile_routes(route_pre: _Routes): Routes { const route: Routes = {}; for (const e of route_pre) { mergeObject(route, compile_route(e) || {}); } return route_path_clean(route);}function compile_route(route: Route_Group_with): Routes | undefined { const routes: Routes = {}; if (route.handler) { const x: Routes = {}; if (!route.method) { route.method = "GET"; } if (!x[route.method]) { x[route.method] = []; } x[route.method] = [ ...x[route.method], ...[ { path: route.path || "", handler: route.handler, ...(route.guard && { guard: route.guard }), ...(route.roles && { roles: route.roles }), ...(route.islogin && { islogin: route.islogin }), }, ], ]; return x; } if ( { mergeObject( routes, compile_group(, route.path, route.islogin, route.roles, route.guard, ), ); } if (route.child) { mergeObject( routes, child_route( route.child, route.path, route.islogin, route.roles, route.guard, ), ); } if (route.crud) { mergeObject( routes, crud( route.crud, route.path, route.islogin, route.roles, route.guard, ), ); } return routes;}function crud( crud: any, path?: string, islogin?: boolean, roles?: string[], guard?: guard[],) { return compile_group( { GET: [ ...crud.crud.includes("a") && [{ path: "", handler: crud.class.all }] || [], ...crud.crud.includes("r") && [{ path: "/.+", handler: }] || [], ], POST: [ ...crud.crud.includes("c") && [{ path: "", handler: }] || [], ...crud.crud.includes("w") && [{ path: "/where", handler: crud.class.where }] || [], ...crud.crud.includes("u") && [{ path: "/.+", handler: crud.class.update }] || [], ], PATCH: [ ...crud.crud.includes("p") && [{ path: "", handler: crud.class.upsert }] || [], ], DELETE: [ ...crud.crud.includes("d") && [{ path: "/.+", handler: crud.class.delete }] || [] ] }, path, islogin, roles, guard, );}function route_path_clean(route: Routes) { for (const [key] of Object.entries(route)) { route[key].forEach((i, index) => { if (route[key][index].path != "/") { route[key][index].path = route[key][index].path.replace( new RegExp("\/$"), "", ).replace("", "/").replace("//", "/").replace("//", "/"); } }); } return route;}function child_route( route: Route_Group_with[], path?: string, islogin?: boolean, roles?: string[], guard?: guard[],): Routes { const x: Routes = {}; for (const e of route) { mergeObject( x, compile_route({ path: (path || "") + (e.path || ""), method: e.method || "GET", handler: e.handler, ...(guard ? (e.guard ? { guard: [...guard, ...e.guard] } : { guard }) : (e.guard ? { guard: [...e.guard] } : undefined)), ...(roles ? (e.roles ? { roles: [...roles, ...e.roles] } : { roles }) : (e.roles ? { roles: [...e.roles] } : undefined)), ...((e.islogin && { islogin: e.islogin }) || (islogin && { islogin })), crud: e.crud, child: e.child, group:, }) || {}, ); } return x;}function compile_group( group: Record<string, Route_Group_with[]>, path?: string, islogin?: boolean, roles?: string[], guard?: guard[],) { const route: Routes = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(group)) { for (const e of value) { if (e.handler) { route[key] = [...route[key] || [], { path: path + (e.path || ""), handler: e.handler, ...(guard ? (e.guard ? { guard: [...guard, ...e.guard] } : { guard }) : undefined), ...(roles ? (e.roles ? { roles: [...roles, ...e.roles] } : { roles }) : undefined), ...((e.islogin && { islogin: e.islogin }) || (islogin && { islogin })), }]; } } } return route;}