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A simple transformation of three.js for use within a Deno workflow
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const examplesPath = "three.js/examples/jsm/";const srcPath = "three.js/src/";const pathToNewDir = "three.deno/";// const filesForExampleModts: string[] = [];
function loopDirAndMatch(path: string, pattern: RegExp, callBack: Function) { for (const dirEntry of Deno.readDirSync(path)) { if (dirEntry.isDirectory) { loopDirAndMatch(`${path}${}/`, pattern, callBack); } else { // look for matches files const match =; if (match) { callBack(, path); } } }}
function updateScripts(fileName: string, path: string) { // update .js script imports with deno appropriate urls let data = Deno.readTextFileSync(`${path}${fileName}`);
// match the import data = data.replaceAll(/import .+?;/gms, (m) => { m = m.replace(/build\/three.module.js/g, "src/Three.js"); return m; });
// As a simple fix for type errors that would otherwise occur // we'll add the following to all .js scripts: // `/// <reference lib="dom" />` data = data.replace(/^/, `/// <reference lib="dom" />\n`);
// make sure each file references its own types. if (!data.includes("<reference types=")) { const fn = fileName.replace(/\.js/g, ".d.ts"); if (existsSync(`${path}${fn}`)) { data = data.replace(/^/, `/// <reference types="./${fn}" />\n`); } else { // because it doesn't have its own types it's best to tell the deno's formatter to ignore it // includes folders like libs and ShaderChunk/glsl.js files data = data.replace(/^/, `// deno-fmt-ignore-file\n`); } }
// if from the examples folder add to list for examples/mod.ts file // if (path.includes("examples/jsm")) { // filesForExampleModts.push(`"\.${path.split("three.js/examples/jsm")[1]}${fileName}"`); // }
// write the new text to the new path const newPath = createNewPath(path);
Deno.mkdirSync(newPath, { recursive: true }); Deno.writeTextFileSync(`${newPath}${fileName}`, data);}
function updateTypescripts(fileName: string, path: string) { // update .d.ts script imports with deno appropriate urls let data = Deno.readTextFileSync(`${path}${fileName}`);
// match imports data = data.replaceAll(/import .+?;/gms, (m) => { if (!m.includes(".d.ts")) { m = `${m.slice(0, m.length - 2)}.d.ts${m.slice(m.length - 2)}`; } return m; });
// match exports data = data.replaceAll(/export \* from .+?;/gms, (m) => { if (!m.includes(".d.ts")) { m = `${m.slice(0, m.length - 2)}.d.ts${m.slice(m.length - 2)}`; } return m; });
// As a simple fix for type errors that would otherwise occur // we'll add the following to all .d.ts scripts: // `/// <reference lib="dom" />` data = data.replace(/^/, `/// <reference lib="dom" />\n`);
// write the new text into the new Dir const newPath = createNewPath(path);
Deno.mkdirSync(newPath, { recursive: true }); Deno.writeTextFileSync(`${newPath}${fileName}`, data);}
function existsSync(path: string): boolean { try { Deno.lstatSync(path); return true; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } throw err; }}
function createNewPath(path: string) { return path.replace(/three\.js/g, "three.deno");}
if (import.meta.main) { // ensure that the three.js directories that we care about are there if (!(existsSync(examplesPath) && existsSync(srcPath))) { // otherwise run `git clone --depth=1` const p ={ cmd: [ "git", "clone", "--depth=1", "", ], }); await p.status(); }
// ensure that the three.deno directory is empty if (existsSync(pathToNewDir)) { Deno.removeSync(pathToNewDir, { recursive: true }); Deno.mkdirSync(pathToNewDir); } else { Deno.mkdirSync(pathToNewDir); }
// Update .d.ts urls loopDirAndMatch(examplesPath, /\.d\.ts/g, updateTypescripts); loopDirAndMatch(srcPath, /\.d\.ts/g, updateTypescripts);
// Update .js urls and add type references i.e. /// <reference types="..." /> loopDirAndMatch(examplesPath, /\.js(?!on)/g, updateScripts); loopDirAndMatch(srcPath, /\.js(?!on)/g, updateScripts);
// Create the three.deno/examples/jsm/mod.js file // let modFile = "" // filesForExampleModts.forEach(path => { // modFile += `export * from ${path}\n` // }); // Deno.writeTextFileSync(`${pathToNewDir}examples/jsm/mod.ts`, modFile)
// run deno fmt over the three.deno folder console.log("formatting the three.deno folder"); const p ={ cmd: ["deno", "fmt", "--log-level=debug", "three.deno"], }); await p.status();}