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All timing functions you need - for Deno and the browser
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any/** * This module is browser compatible */import { After } from "./src/After.ts";import { timers } from "./src/Timer.ts";import { Every, EveryOptions } from "./src/Every.ts";import { Interval, IntervalOptions } from "./src/Interval.ts";import { Timeout, TimeoutOptions } from "./src/Timeout.ts";
export type Listener<T extends any[] = any[]> = (...args: T) => void;
export const TIMEOUT_MAX = 2147483647; // 2^31-1
export class AbortException extends DOMException { constructor(public cause?: any) { super("The timer was aborted.", "AbortException"); }}
export interface AbortablePromise<T> extends Promise<T> { /** * Clear the timeout. */ abort: () => void;}
export function setTimeout(cb: Listener, delay?: number, ...args: any[]) { const timeout = new Timeout(cb, delay, { args, });
export function setInterval(cb: Listener, delay?: number, ...args: any[]) { const interval = new Interval(cb, delay, { args, });
export function clearTimeout(id = 0) { timers.get(id)?.abort();}
export function clearInterval(id = 0) { clearTimeout(id);}
/** * Resolves after the given number of milliseconds. * @param delay the delay as string containing the time in a human readable format (e.g. "1 day and 3hours") or a number of in milliseconds * * ```ts * const MSG = "Please type your name"; * const info = document.querySelector(""); * const nameInput = document.querySelector(""); * const abort = new AbortController(); * const { signal } = abort; * * nameInput.addEventListener("input", () => abort.abort(), { once: true }); * * await delay(2000, { * signal * }); * * info.textContent = MSG;``` */export function delay( delay: number | string, options: Omit<TimeoutOptions, "args"> = {},): AbortablePromise<void> { let timeout: Timeout | undefined;
const abortablePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { timeout = new Timeout( () => { abortablePromise.abort();
resolve(); }, delay, options, );
try {; } catch (e) { reject(new AbortException(e)); } }) as AbortablePromise<void>;
abortablePromise.abort = () => { timeout?.abort(); timeout = undefined; };
return abortablePromise;}
/** * execute a callback specified times with delay * * @example * ```ts * import { times } from ""; * * const paragraph = document.querySelector("p.numbers"); * const abortBtn = document.querySelector("button.abort"); * const abort = new AbortController(); * const { signal } = abort; * * abortBtn.addEventListener("click", () => abort.abort(), { once: true }) * * let i = 0; * times(() => { * paragraph.textContent += `${i}, `; * * i++; * }, 200, 20, { * signal * });``` */export function times<T extends any[] = any[]>( cb: Listener<T>, delay: number | string, times: number, options: Omit<IntervalOptions<T>, "times"> = {},) { const interval = new Interval<T>(cb, delay, { ...options, times, });
/** * A typed version of {@linkcode setTimeout} * @param cb the callback to call * @param delay the delay as string containing the time in a human readable format (e.g. "1 day and 3hours") or a number of in milliseconds * @param options {@linkcode TimeoutOptions} * * @example * * ```typescript * import { timeout } from ""; * * const timeout = timeout(() => { * console.log("in 30 days"); * }, "30 days"); * ``` */export function timeout<T extends any[] = any[]>( cb: Listener<T>, delay?: number | string, options: TimeoutOptions<T> = {},) { const interval = new Timeout<T>(cb, delay, options);
/** * A typed version of {@linkcode setInterval} * @param cb the callback to call * @param delay the delay in milliseconds * @param options {@linkcode IntervalOptions} * * @example * * ```typescript * import { interval } from ""; * * const interval = setInterval(() => { * console.log("every 30 days"); * }, "30 days"); * ``` */export function interval<T extends any[] = any[]>( cb: Listener<T>, delay?: number | string, options: IntervalOptions<T> = {},) { const interval = new Interval<T>(cb, delay, options);
/** * @example * * ```typescript * import { every } from ""; * * every("1min").limit(60).do(() => { * console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString()); * });``` */export function every<T extends any[] = any[]>( time: string | number, options: EveryOptions<T> = {},) { return new Every(time, options);}
/** * @example * * ```typescript * import { every } from ""; * * after("1min").do(() => { * console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString()); * });``` */export function after<T extends any[] = any[]>( time: string | number, options: TimeoutOptions<T> = {},) { return new After(time, options);}
export { pTimeout, TimeoutError } from "./src/pTimeout.ts";export type { PTimeoutOptions } from "./src/pTimeout.ts";
export { After, Every, Interval, Timeout };export type { IntervalOptions, TimeoutOptions };
export { clearInterval as clearLongInterval, clearTimeout as clearLongTimeout, setInterval as setLongInterval, setTimeout as setLongTimeout,};
export { Timer } from "./src/Timer.ts";