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⚙️ A simple tokenizer for deno
import { Rule } from "./rule.ts";import { Token } from "./token.ts";import { Pattern } from "./pattern.ts";
/** Tokenizes given source string into tokens */export class Tokenizer implements IterableIterator<Token> { private _index = 0;
/** The string that will be scanned */ public readonly source: string; /** The rules that tells the Tokenizer what patterns to look for */ public readonly rules: Rule[];
public unexpectedCharacterError: () => void = () => { throw `Unexpected character: "${this.source[this.index]}" at index ${ this.index }`; };
/** The current index of the Tokenizer in the source string */ public get index(): number { return this._index; }
/** Checks if the Tokenizer is done scanning the source string */ public get done(): boolean { return !(this.index < this.source.length); }
/** Constructs a new Tokenizer */ constructor(rules: Rule[]); constructor(source: string, rules: Rule[]); constructor(sourceOrRules: string | Rule[], rulesOrNothing?: Rule[]) { if (typeof sourceOrRules === "string") { this.source = sourceOrRules; } else { this.source = ""; this.rules = sourceOrRules; }
if (rulesOrNothing) { this.rules = rulesOrNothing; } }
/** Tokenizes given string (default is the lexer input) to a Token array */ public tokenize(); public tokenize(source: string); public tokenize(source: string, callback: (token: Token) => void); public tokenize(callback: (token: Token) => void); public tokenize(sourceOrCallback?: ((token: Token) => void) | string, callbackOrNothing?: (token: Token) => void): Token[] { let source = this.source; let callback = undefined;
if (typeof sourceOrCallback === "string") { source = sourceOrCallback; } else if (typeof sourceOrCallback === "function") { callback = sourceOrCallback; }
if (callbackOrNothing) { callback = callbackOrNothing; }
const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(source, this.rules); const tokens: Token[] = [];
while (!tokenizer.done) { const token =;
if (callback) { callback(token.value); }
if (!tokenizer.done) { tokens.push(token.value); } }
return tokens; }
/** Resets the index of the Tokenizer */ public reset(): void { this._index = 0; }
/** Returns the next scanned Token */ public next(): IteratorResult<Token> { if (this.done) { return { done: true, value: undefined }; }
const token = this.scan();
if (token) { return { done: false, value: token }; } else if (this.done) { return { done: true, value: undefined }; }
this.unexpectedCharacterError(); }
private scan(): Token | undefined { if (this.done) { return; } else { for (const rule of this.rules) { const start = this.index; const result = this.match( this.source.substring(this.index), rule.pattern ); const end = this.index;
if (result) { if (rule.ignore || rule.type === "") { return this.scan(); } else { return { type: rule.type, match: result.match, groups: result.groups, position: { start: start, end: end } }; } } } } }
private match(text: string, pattern: Pattern): { match: string; groups: string[] } { let result: { match: string; groups: string[] } | undefined;
if (typeof pattern === "function") { const matched = pattern(text) result = matched ? { match: matched, groups: [] } : undefined; } else if (typeof pattern === "string") { result = text.startsWith(pattern) ? { match: pattern, groups: [] } : undefined; } else if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { const matched = text.match(pattern); if (matched && matched.index === 0) result = { match: matched[0], groups: matched.length > 1 ? matched.slice(1) : [] }; } else if (pattern instanceof Array) { for (const p of pattern) { if ((result = this.match(text, p))) break; } }
if (result) this._index += result.match.length; return result; }
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<Token> { return this; }}