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🔑 A strongly typed Pylon API client.
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class Tpy
import { Tpy } from "";

The central entity for interacting with the Pylon API; the entrypoint.


Tpy(options: { deploymentID?: StringifiedNumber; useNodeFetch?: boolean; token: string; })


token: string
deploymentID: StringifiedNumber

A default deployment ID used to occupy deploymentID parameter entries.


Connects to the Pylon workbench WebSocket.

Gets all the guilds the user is in.

Gets the deployment information.

Gets the most recent deployment ID from a guildID.

Gets all guilds a user can edit with Pylon. More specifically, all guilds which the user has manage server or administrator permissions in.

Gets the raw Discord guild information with deployment information.

Gets the guild computational statistics.

getNamespaceItems<T>(namespace: string, deploymentID?: StringifiedNumber): Promise<KV.GET.ItemsFlattened<T> | undefined>

Gets all the namespace items under the given deployment ID.

Gets all the namespaces under the given deployment ID.

Gets the user's account details associated with the included credentials.

httpRaw<T, Parse extends boolean = true>(
ctx: Context,
resource: `/${string}`,
method?: HTTPVerbs,
requestInit?: RequestInit,
parse?: Parse,
): Promise<Parse extends true ? T : void>

Makes a request to the API and creates possible errors according to the response.

KV(namespace: string, deploymentID?: StringifiedNumber)

Creates a new TpyKV instantiation, much like the Pylon SDK's KVNamespace class.

publishDeployment(body: Deployment.POST.Request<false>, deploymentID?: StringifiedNumber)

Makes a POST request to publish a deployment; returns details of the new deployment.

A factory function with default headers, allowing optional specificity.