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Traverse AST

A simple module to travese an AST. Its specifcally designed to travel one made from Each Node (Statement or Expression) on the tree is called on a passed in function for you to potentionally modify and mutate.


There is also a traverseAsync if the function being passed in will be returning a promise.

import initSwc, { parse, print } from ''
import { traverse, NodeType } from ''

await initSwc()
const ast = await parse(await Deno.readTextFile('./input.js'))

    Converting all:
        x('div', null, [])
            type: 'div',
            attributes: null,
            children: []
traverse(ast.body, node => {
    // Guard against all nodes that aren't a function call for a specific function called "x"
    // Best to return undefined/null if no modification was made to the provided node.
    if (node.type !== 'CallExpression' || node.callee.type !== 'Identifier' || node.callee.value !== 'x')
    // Creating a new node to replace the existing.
    return {
        type: 'ParenthesisExpression',
        expression: {
            type: 'ObjectExpression',
            properties: [
                    type: 'KeyValueProperty',
                    key: {
                        type: 'Identifier',
                        value: 'type',
                        optional: false
                    value: node.arguments[ 0 ].expression
                    type: 'KeyValueProperty',
                    key: {
                        type: 'Identifier',
                        value: 'attributes',
                        optional: false
                    value: node.arguments[ 1 ].expression
                    type: 'KeyValueProperty',
                    key: {
                        type: 'Identifier',
                        value: 'children',
                        optional: false
                    value: node.arguments[ 2 ].expression
    // Can use NodeType to make sure you're compliant with SWC's structure.
    } satisfies NodeType<'ParenthesisExpression'>

await Deno.writeTextFile('./output.js', (await print(ast)).code)