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Package Manager for deno 🦕
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/** * Copyright (c) Crew Dev. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * */
import { customPackage, existImports, installPackages,} from "./handlers/handle_packages.ts";import { CommandNotFound, HelpCommand, LogHelp, LogPackages, updateTrex, Version,} from "./utils/logs.ts";import { createPackage, getImportMap } from "./handlers/handle_files.ts";import { flags, helpsInfo, keyWords, VERSION } from "./utils/info.ts";import { checkDepsUpdates } from "./handlers/handler_check.ts";import { deletepackage } from "./handlers/delete_package.ts";import { execution } from "./handlers/handle_execution.ts";import { purge } from "./handlers/purge_package.ts";import { packageTreeInfo } from "./tools/logs.ts";import type { importMap } from "./utils/types.ts";import { LoadingSpinner } from "./tools/logs.ts";import { Run, Scripts } from "./commands/run.ts";import * as colors from "fmt/colors.ts";import { exists } from "fs/mod.ts";import { Spinner } from "wait";
const { bold, green, yellow } = colors;
async function Main() { const Args = Deno.args;
// * install some packages if (keyWords.install.includes(Args[0])) { // * prevent error in trex install if (Args[1]) { CommandNotFound({ commands: keyWords.install, flags: [, ...flags.nest, ...flags.pkg,], }); }
if ([1])) { return HelpCommand({ command: { alias: keyWords.install, description: "install a package", }, flags: [ { alias:, description: "install package from" }, { alias: flags.nest, description: "install package from" }, { alias: flags.pkg, description: "install package from some repository", }, { alias:, description: "show command help" }, ], }); }
if (await exists("./import_map.json")) { try { const data = (await getImportMap()) as any; const oldPackage = existImports(data); const newPackage = await installPackages(Args);
await createPackage({ ...oldPackage, ...newPackage }, true); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error).message; } } else { await createPackage(await installPackages(Args), true); }
const runJson = await Scripts(); // post install hook if (runJson?.scripts?.preinstall) await Run("postinstall"); } // * display trex version else if (flags.version.includes(Args[0])) { Version(VERSION.VERSION); } // * show help info else if ([0])) { LogHelp(helpsInfo); } // * install a custom package else if (flags.custom.includes(Args[0])) { if ([1])) { return HelpCommand({ command: { alias: flags.custom, description: "install custom package", }, flags: [{ alias:, description: "show command help" }], }); }
customPackage(Args); } // * uninstall some package else if (Args[0] === keyWords.uninstall) { if ([1])) { return HelpCommand({ command: { alias: [keyWords.uninstall], description: "delete a package", }, flags: [ { alias:, description: "show command help", }, ], }); }
let loading: Spinner; const [, ...pkgs] = Args; for (const pkg of pkgs) { // @ts-ignore loading = LoadingSpinner( green(`Removing ${bold(yellow(pkg))} from import_map.json`), )!; await deletepackage(pkg); loading?.stop(); } } // * update to lastest version of trex else if (Args[0] === keyWords.upgrade) { if (Args[1]) { CommandNotFound({ commands: [keyWords.upgrade], flags: [, "--canary"], }); }
if ([1])) { return HelpCommand({ command: { alias: [keyWords.upgrade], description: "update trex", }, flags: [ { alias:, description: "show command help" }, { alias: ["--canary"], description: "install from dev branch" }, ], }); }
await updateTrex(); } // * shows the dependency tree of a package else if (Args[0] === keyWords.tree) { if ([1])) { return HelpCommand({ command: { alias: [keyWords.tree], description: "view dependency tree", }, flags: [{ alias:, description: "show command help" }], }); }
if (!Args[1]) { throw new Error("you need to pass a package name")).message; }
await packageTreeInfo(...Args); } // * run script aliases else if (Args[0] === { if ([1])) { return HelpCommand({ command: { alias: [], description: "run a script alias in a file run.json", }, flags: [ { alias:, description: "show command help" }, { alias: ["--watch", "-w"], description: "use reboot script alias protocol (rsap)", }, { alias: ["-wv"], description: "verbose output in --watch mode (rsap)", }, ], }); }
await Run(Args[1]); } // * purge command else if (Args[0] === keyWords.purge) { if ([1])) { HelpCommand({ command: { alias: [keyWords.purge], description: "remove a package or url from cache", }, flags: [ { alias:, description: "show command help", }, ], }); }
await purge(); } // * ls command else if (Args[0] === { if ([1])) { HelpCommand({ command: { alias: [], description: "shows the list of installed packages", }, flags: [ { alias:, description: "show command help", }, ], }); } else { const map = (await getImportMap<importMap>())!; LogPackages(map?.imports, false); } } // * execute a cli with out install else if (Args[0] === keyWords.exec) { if ([1])) { HelpCommand({ command: { alias: [keyWords.exec], description: "execute a cli tool with out install then", }, flags: [ { alias:, description: "show command help", }, { alias: ["--perms"], description: "specify cli permisions", }, ], }); } else { await execution(); } } // * check updates else if (Args[0] === keyWords.check) { if ([1])) { HelpCommand({ command: { alias: [keyWords.check], description: "check [std/x] dependencies updates", }, flags: [ { alias:, description: "show command help", }, { alias: flags.fix, description: "update outdate dependencies", }, ], }); } else { await checkDepsUpdates(); } } // * displays help information else { return CommandNotFound({ commands: [ keyWords.purge,, keyWords.tree, ...keyWords.install, keyWords.uninstall, keyWords.upgrade,, ...flags.version, keyWords.setup,, keyWords.exec, keyWords.check, ], flags: [], }); }}
if (import.meta.main) { await Main();}