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Tries are data structures that can be used to store sequences - e.g. words as sequences of letters.
Tries support faster and more precise query executions related to those sequences.

Classical Tries

Usage Examples

import { Trie } from ""

const trie = new Trie()

const exampleSequence1 = "be"
const exampleSequence2 = "bet"
const exampleSequence3 = "bed"
const exampleSequence4 = "bed and breakfast"
const exampleSequence5 = "justice"


console.log(trie.hasSequence(exampleSequence3)) // true
console.log(trie.hasSequence(exampleSequence4)) // true
console.log(trie.hasSequence("breakfast")) // false because it is not added as a discrete sequence
console.log(trie.hasSequence("missing")) // false 

Letters and Words Prediction Tries

import { LettersWordsPredictionTrie } from ""

const lettersWordsPredictionTrie = new LettersWordsPredictionTrie()

lettersWordsPredictionTrie.learn(['ether', 'eth', 'ethereum', 'super'])

const brain = lettersWordsPredictionTrie.getBrain()

console.log(JSON.stringify(brain, undefined, 2))


P Practical
A Algorithm
T To
R Retrieve
I Information
C Coded
I In
A Alphanumeric

PATRICIA Tries are Radix Trees with the radix 2. They became especially famous because in the Ethereum Blockchain pretty much everything (state trie, transaction trie, receipt trie, …) is stored in PATRICIA Tries. For details I can recommend this video.

Usage Examples

… Under Construction …

Unit Tests

For further usage examples etc. please check the unit tests.


Contributions / Pull Requests are welcome.