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🦖 Troodon is a Library for Deno to Handle Algorithms
/*! *****************************************************************************Copyright (c) the Trodoon authors. All rights reserved. MIT License.***************************************************************************** */
import { Attribute } from "./../enums.ts";
class SAW { private alternatives: Array<string> = []; private criterias: Array<Array<number>> = []; private weights: Array<number> = []; private attributes: Array<Attribute> = []; private process: boolean = false;
constructor( alternatives: Array<string>, criterias: Array<Array<number>>, weights: Array<number>, attributes: Array<Attribute>, process: boolean = false ) { this.weights = weights; this.criterias = criterias; this.alternatives = alternatives; this.attributes = attributes; this.process = process; }
/** * @return void * function for error validation */ private log(msg: string): void { console.log(msg); console.log( "Please check your argument, make sure the arguments follows the rules of use." ); Deno.exit(0); }
/** * @return void * check alternatives */ private checkAlternatives(): void { if (!(this.alternatives.length > 0)) this.log("Alternatives empty");
this.alternatives.forEach((value) => { if (value === "" || value.trim() === "") { this.log("value of Alternatives at least must be one character"); } }); }
/** * @return void * check criterias */ private checkCriterias(): void { if (!(this.criterias.length > 0)) this.log("row of Criterias are empty");
if (this.criterias.length !== this.alternatives.length) { this.log( "row length of Criterias is not equal with The Alternative length" ); }
this.criterias.forEach((values, indexes) => { if (!(values.length > 0)) { this.log(`column ${indexes} of Criterias are empty`); }
if (values.length !== this.weights.length) { this.log( `column ${indexes} length of Criterias is not equal with The Weights length` ); }
if (values.length !== this.attributes.length) { this.log( `The Attributes length of Criterias is not equal with The Weights length` ); } }); }
/** * @return void * check weights */ private checkWeights(): void { if (!(this.weights.length > 0)) this.log("Weights are empty");
let count: number = 0; this.weights.forEach((value) => { count += value; if (!Number.isInteger(value)) { this.log(`value ${value} of Weights is not integer`); } });
if (count != 100) this.log("total value of weights must be 100"); }
/** * @return void * switch Matrix (row to column) */ private switchMatrix(): Array<Array<number>> { const result: Array<Array<number>> = [];
this.weights.forEach((_, index) => { let temp: Array<number> = []; this.criterias.forEach((_, indexes) => { temp.push(this.criterias[indexes][index]); }); result.push(temp); });
return result; }
/** * @return number[] * new array column to row */ private attributeOfColumn(): Array<number> { const attributes = this.switchMatrix(); const result: Array<number> = [];
this.attributes.forEach((value, index) => { if (value === Attribute.BENEFIT) { result.push(Math.max(...attributes[index])); } else { result.push(Math.min(...attributes[index])); } });
return result; }
/** * @return number[][] * normalization of criterias */ private normalization(): Array<Array<number>> { const result: Array<Array<number>> = []; const columns = this.attributeOfColumn();
this.criterias.forEach((values) => { let map =, index) => { if (this.attributes[index] === Attribute.BENEFIT) { return value / columns[index]; } else { return columns[index] / value; } }); result.push(map); });
return result; }
/** * @return number[] * convert each number to percent */ private weightToPercent(): Array<number> { return [ => value / 100)]; }
/** * @return number[] * weighted normalization */ private weightedNormalization(): Array<number> { const result: Array<number> = []; const weights = this.weightToPercent(); const criterias = this.normalization();
criterias.forEach((values) => { let map: number = 0;, index) => (map += weights[index] * value)); result.push(map); });
return result; }
/** * @return string[] * sorting value from weightedNormalization (high to low) */ private ranking(): Array<string> { const alternatives = this.alternatives; const weightedNormalization = this.weightedNormalization();
const result = Object.fromEntries(, i) => [alternatives[i], weightedNormalization[i]]) );
const sorted = Object.keys(result) .sort((a, b) => result[a] - result[b]) .reverse();
return sorted; }
/** * @return void * show class process if process true */ private showProcess(vararg: any, name: string = ""): void { if (this.process) { console.log(`START: ${name}`); console.table(vararg); console.log(`END : ${name}`); console.log(""); } }
/** * @return void * call all process function in this class */ public result(): any { this.checkAlternatives(); this.checkCriterias(); this.checkWeights();
const alternatives = this.alternatives; this.showProcess(alternatives, "Alternatives");
const criterias = this.criterias; this.showProcess(criterias, "Criterias");
const weights = this.weights; this.showProcess(weights, "Weights");
const attributes = this.attributes; this.showProcess(attributes, "Attributes");
const aoc = this.attributeOfColumn(); this.showProcess(aoc, "Attribute Of Column");
const n = this.normalization(); this.showProcess(n, "Normalization");
const wn = this.weightedNormalization(); this.showProcess(wn, "Weighted Normalization");
const ranking = this.ranking(); this.showProcess(ranking, "Ranking of Alternatives");
return this.process ? "" : ranking; }}
export const saw = ( a: Array<string>, c: Array<Array<number>>, w: Array<number>, attr: Array<Attribute>, process: boolean = false) => new SAW(a, c, w, attr, process).result();