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🦖 Troodon is a Library for Deno to Handle Algorithms
/*! *****************************************************************************Copyright (c) the Trodoon authors. All rights reserved. MIT License.***************************************************************************** */
import { Attribute } from "./../enums.ts";
class WPM { private alternatives: Array<string> = []; private criterias: Array<Array<number>> = []; private weights: Array<number> = []; private attributes: Array<Attribute> = [];
constructor( alternatives: Array<string>, criterias: Array<Array<number>>, weights: Array<number>, attributes: Array<Attribute> ) { this.alternatives = alternatives; this.criterias = criterias; this.weights = weights; this.attributes = attributes; }
/** * @return */ private log(msg: string) { console.error(msg); Deno.exit(); }
/** * @return void */ private checkAlternatives(): void { if (!(this.alternatives.length > 0)) { this.log("Alternatives empty"); }
this.alternatives.forEach((value) => { if (value === "" || value.trim() === "") { this.log("value of Alternatives at least must be one character"); } }); }
/** * @return void */ private checkCriterias(): void { if (!(this.criterias.length > 0)) { this.log("row of Criterias are empty"); }
if (this.criterias.length !== this.alternatives.length) { this.log( "row length of Criterias is not equal with The Alternative length" ); }
this.criterias.forEach((values, indexes) => { if (!(values.length > 0)) { this.log(`column ${indexes} of Criterias are empty`); }
if (values.length !== this.weights.length) { this.log( `column ${indexes} length of Criterias is not equal with The Weights length` ); }
if (values.length !== this.attributes.length) { this.log( `The Attributes length of Criterias is not equal with The Weights length` ); } }); }
/** * @return void */ private checkWeights(): void { if (!(this.weights.length > 0)) { this.log("Weights are empty"); }
this.weights.forEach((value) => { if (!Number.isInteger(value)) { this.log(`value ${value} of Weights is not integer`); } }); }
/** * @return number[] */ private weightImprovement(): Array<number> { const result: Array<number> = []; const sum = this.weights.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
this.weights.forEach((value, index) => { if (this.attributes[index] === Attribute.BENEFIT) { result.push(value / sum); } else result.push(-(value / sum)); });
return result; }
/** * @return number[] */ private valueVectorS(): Array<number> { const result: Array<number> = []; const wi = this.weightImprovement();
this.criterias.forEach((values, indexes) => { let temp = 1; values.forEach((value, index) => { temp *= Math.pow(value, wi[index]); }); result.push(temp); });
return result; }
/** * @return number[] */ private preference(): Array<number> { const result: Array<number> = []; const vvs = this.valueVectorS(); const vvsSum = vvs.reduce((a, b) => a + b); vvs.forEach((value) => result.push(value / vvsSum)); return result; }
/** * @return string[] */ private ranking(): Array<string> { const alternatives = this.alternatives; const preference = this.preference();
const result = Object.fromEntries(, i) => [alternatives[i], preference[i]]).sort() );
const sorted = Object.keys(result) .sort((a, b) => result[a] - result[b]) .reverse();
return sorted; }
/** * @return string[] */ public result(): Array<string> { this.checkAlternatives(); this.checkCriterias(); this.checkWeights();
return this.ranking(); }
/** * @return object */ private showProcess(): object { this.checkAlternatives(); this.checkCriterias(); this.checkWeights();
return { weightImprovement: this.weightImprovement(), valueVectorS: this.valueVectorS(), preference: this.preference(), ranking: this.ranking(), }; }}
export const wpm = ( a: Array<string>, c: Array<Array<number>>, w: Array<number>, attr: Array<Attribute>) => new WPM(a, c, w, attr).result();