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A Deno server for efficiently serving static files and passing unknown URLs to your app, inspired by nginx’s try_files directive.

Quick Start

If you use a “public” dir for your project, try running this from your project directory:

deno run --allow-net --allow-read


  • Zero script dependencies
  • Dynamic CORS headers with OPTIONS handling
  • Efficient cache headers
  • 304 not modified based on mtime or etag
  • Byte ranges, 206 partial content
  • Optional memory caching of static files
  • Proper server shutdown with SIGINT

By Example

This simple script uses try_files to serve static assets from the “public” directory before serving our custom page, which should also provide the 404 response when an app route is not found.

import { try_files } from "";

try_files(async function(request){
    let { pathname } = new URL(request.url);
    if(pathname === '/')
        return new Response('Welcome to my homepage!');
    return new Response('This is my 404 page!',{status:404});

This example builds on the previous one and demonstrates the options available to modify how try_files works:

import { try_files } from "";

const options = {
    corsMatch:'*', //undefined|'*'|RegExp
    byteRangeChunk: 1024 * 256,
    async beforeClose(){
        //this will fire after SIGINT but before the server.close()
        // ideal for passing along to child processes
        console.log('not without me!')

try_files(async function(request){
    let { pathname } = new URL(request.url);
    if(pathname === '/') return new Response('Welcome to my homepage!');
    return new Response('This is my 404 page!',{status:404});
}, options);