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Being able to pattern match in typescript
import { Parser } from "./index.ts";import { IParser, OnParse } from "./interfaces.ts";
export class ConcatParsers<A, B, B2> implements IParser<A, B2> { private constructor( readonly parent: Parser<A, B>, readonly otherParser: Parser<B, B2>, readonly description = { name: "Concat", children: [parent, otherParser], extras: [], } as const, ) {} static of<A, B, B2>(parent: Parser<A, B>, otherParser: Parser<B, B2>) { if (parent.unwrappedParser() === "Any") { return otherParser; } if (otherParser.unwrappedParser() === "Any") { return parent; } return new ConcatParsers(parent, otherParser); } parse<C, D>(a: A, onParse: OnParse<A, B2, C, D>): C | D { const parent = this.parent.enumParsed(a); if ("error" in parent) { return onParse.invalid(parent.error); } const other = this.otherParser.enumParsed(parent.value); if ("error" in other) { return onParse.invalid(other.error); } return onParse.parsed(other.value); }}