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Being able to pattern match in typescript
import { _, ValidatorError } from "./interfaces.ts";import { isNumber } from "./utils.ts";import { GuardParser } from "./guard-parser.ts";import { Parser } from "./parser.ts";import { any, boolean, guard, instanceOf, isArray, isFunction, isNill, natural, number, object, regex, string,} from "./simple-parsers.ts";import { some } from "./some-parser.ts";import { every } from "./every-parser.ts";import { dictionary } from "./dictionary-parser.ts";import { partial, shape } from "./shape-parser.ts";import { tuple } from "./tuple-parser.ts";import { arrayOf } from "./array-of-parser.ts";import { literal, literals } from "./literal-parser.ts";import { recursive } from "./recursive-parser.ts";import { deferred } from "./deferred-parser.ts";export type { ValidatorError };export { any, arrayOf, boolean, deferred, dictionary, every, guard, GuardParser as IsAParser, instanceOf, isArray, isFunction, isNill, isNumber, literal, literals, natural, number, object, Parser, partial, recursive, regex, shape, some, string, tuple,};