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Being able to pattern match in typescript
import { Parser, shape } from "./index.ts";import { AnyParser } from "./any-parser.ts";import { ArrayParser } from "./array-parser.ts";import { BoolParser } from "./bool-parser.ts";import { FunctionParser } from "./function-parser.ts";import { NilParser } from "./nill-parser.ts";import { NumberParser } from "./number-parser.ts";import { ObjectParser } from "./object-parser.ts";import { StringParser } from "./string-parser.ts";import { UnknownParser } from "./unknown-parser.ts";/** * Create a custom type guard * @param test A function that will determine runtime if the value matches * @param testName A name for that function, useful when it fails */export function guard<A, B extends A>( test: (value: A) => value is B, testName?: string,): Parser<A, B> { return Parser.isA(test, testName ||;}
export const any = new Parser(new AnyParser());
export const unknown = new Parser(new UnknownParser());
export const number = new Parser(new NumberParser());
export const isNill = new Parser(new NilParser());
export const natural = number.refine( (x: number): x is number => x >= 0 && x === Math.floor(x),);
export const isFunction = new Parser(new FunctionParser());
export const boolean = new Parser(new BoolParser());
const objectMatcher = new Parser(new ObjectParser());// deno-lint-ignore ban-typesexport const object: (typeof shape) & (Parser<unknown, object>) = Object.assign( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any function objectOf(...args: any[]) { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return (shape as any)(...args); }, objectMatcher, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any) as any;
export const isArray = new Parser(new ArrayParser());
export const string = new Parser(new StringParser());export const instanceOf = <C>(classCreator: { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any new (...args: any[]): C;}): Parser<unknown, C> => guard((x): x is C => x instanceof classCreator, `is${}`);
export const regex = (tester: RegExp) => string.refine(function (x: string): x is string { return tester.test(x); }, tester.toString());