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Being able to pattern match in typescript
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import matches from "./matches.ts";import { any, every, Parser, shape } from "./parsers/index.ts";import { saferStringify } from "./utils.ts";import { expect } from "";const { test } = Deno;const isNumber = (x: unknown): x is number => typeof x === "number";class Event { constructor(readonly type: string) {}}export const validatorError = every( shape({ parser: matches.object, keys: matches.arrayOf(matches.string), value: any, }),);
export function isType<T>(x: T) {}type AssertNever<A> = A extends string | number | boolean | object | Function ? A : never;function assertNeverUnknown<A>(a: AssertNever<A>): A { return a;}export function assertSnapshot(expected: string, actual: any) { expect(saferStringify(actual)).toEqual(expected);}
const unFold = { invalid: Parser.validatorErrorAsString, parsed: (x: any): any => x,};const stringFold = { invalid: (x: any): any => `invalid(${saferStringify(x)})`, parsed: (x: any): any => `parsed(${saferStringify(x)})`,};test("testing catches", () => { const testValue = { a: "c" }; const left = { left: true }; const right = { right: true }; const testMatch = matches.shape({ a: matches.literal("c") }); const validator = matches(testValue) .when(testMatch, () => left) .defaultTo(right); expect(validator).toEqual(left);});test("testing falls through", () => { const testValue = { a: "c" }; const left = { left: true }; const right = { right: true }; const testMatch = matches.shape({ a: matches.literal("d") }); const validator = matches(testValue) .when(testMatch, () => left) .defaultTo(right); expect(validator).toEqual(right);});test("testing catches lazy", () => { const testValue = { a: 0 }; const left = { left: true }; const right = { right: true }; const testMatch = matches.shape({ a: matches.natural }); const validator = matches(testValue) .when(testMatch, () => left) .defaultToLazy(() => right); expect(validator).toEqual(left);});test("testing falls through lazy", () => { const testValue = { a: "c" }; const left = { left: true }; const right = { right: true }; const testMatch = matches.shape({ a: matches.literal("d") }); const validator: typeof left | typeof right = matches(testValue) .when(testMatch, () => left) .defaultToLazy(() => right); expect(validator).toEqual(right);});test("testing can match literal", () => { const testValue = 5 as const; const value = matches(testValue) .when(5, 2 as const) .unwrap(); expect(value).toEqual(2);});test("testing can match literal lazy", () => { const testValue = 5 as const; const value = matches(testValue) .when(5, () => 2 as const) .unwrap(); expect(value).toEqual(2);});test("testing can match several literals", () => { const testValue = 5 as const; const value = matches(testValue) .when(2, 5, () => 2 as const) .unwrap(); expect(value).toEqual(2);});test("unwrap when not matched will throw", () => { const testValue = 5 as const; try { matches(testValue) .when(2, () => 2 as const) .unwrap(); } catch (e) { return; } throw new Error("should have thrown");});test("default literal", () => { expect(matches(5).when("5").unwrap()).toEqual("5");});test("testing type inferencing of matching", () => { matches(5 as const) // @ts-expect-error Error is that 6 is not a subset 2 .when(2, (a: 6) => 1 as const) // @ts-expect-error Error is that 6 is not a subset 2 .when(matches.literal(2), (a: 6) => 2 as const) .when(matches.literal(6), (a: 6) => 3 as const) .when(2, 5, (a: 5 | 2) => a) // @ts-expect-error Should be never since all cases are covered .when(2, 5, (a: 5 | 2) => a) .defaultTo(0); matches("test") .when("string", "a") .when(matches.string, "b") // @ts-expect-error Should be never since all cases are covered .when(matches.string, "c") .defaultTo(0); matches("test") .when("a") // @ts-expect-error Should be never since all cases are covered .when("b") .defaultTo(0); const _answer: "a" | "b" = matches("test") .when("string", "a") .when(matches.string, () => "b" as const) .unwrap(); const _answer2: "a" = matches("test").when("a").unwrap();});
test("should be able to test shape", () => { const testValue = { a: "c" }; const validator = matches.shape({ a: matches.literal("c") }); expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});test("should not get an error message for missing key", () => { const testValue = { a: "c" }; const validator = matches.shape({ a: matches.any }); const message = validator.errorMessage(testValue); expect(message).toEqual(undefined);});
test("should fail for missing key", () => { const testValue = {}; const validator = matches.shape({ a: matches.any }); assertSnapshot( '"[\\"a\\"]Shape<{a:any}>(\\"missingProperty\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold), );});test("should get an error message for missing key", () => { const testValue = {}; const validator = matches.shape({ a: matches.any }); const message = validator.errorMessage(testValue); assertSnapshot( '"[\\"a\\"]Shape<{a:any}>(\\"missingProperty\\")"', message, );});
test("should be able to test shape with failure", () => { const testValue = { a: "c" }; const validator = matches.shape({ a: matches.literal("b") }); assertSnapshot( '"[\\"a\\"]Literal<\\"b\\">(\\"c\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold), );});
test("should be able to test shape with failure: not object", () => { const testValue = 5; const validator = matches.shape({ a: matches.literal("b") }); expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual( `Shape<{a:Literal<\"b\">}>(${saferStringify(testValue)})`, );});
test("should be able to test shape with failure", () => { const testValue = {}; const validator = matches.shape({ a: matches.literal("b"), b: matches.literal("b"), }); assertSnapshot( '"[\\"a\\"]Shape<{a:Literal<\\"b\\">,b:Literal<\\"b\\">}>(\\"missingProperty\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold), );});test("should be able to test shape with failure smaller", () => { const testValue = { a: "b" }; const validator = matches.shape({ a: matches.literal("b"), b: matches.literal("b"), }); assertSnapshot( '"[\\"b\\"]Shape<{a:Literal<\\"b\\">,b:Literal<\\"b\\">}>(\\"missingProperty\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold), );});
test("should be able to test partial shape", () => { const testValue = {}; const validator = matches.partial({ a: matches.literal("c") }); expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test partial shape failure", () => { const testValue = { a: "a", b: "b" }; const validator = matches.partial({ a: matches.literal("c"), b: matches.literal("c"), }); assertSnapshot( '"[\\"a\\"]Literal<\\"c\\">(\\"a\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold), );});test("should be able to test partial shape failure smaller", () => { const testValue = { b: "b" }; const validator = matches.partial({ a: matches.literal("c"), b: matches.literal("c"), }); assertSnapshot( '"[\\"b\\"]Literal<\\"c\\">(\\"b\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold), );});
{ const validator = matches.shape( { a: matches.literal("c"), b: matches.literal("d") }, ["b"], ); isType<Parser<unknown, { a: "c"; b?: "d" | undefined }>>(validator); // @ts-expect-error isType<Parser<unknown, { a: "c"; b: "d" | undefined }>>(validator); type Valid = { a: "c"; b?: "d" | null }; test("should be able to test shape with partial not included", () => { const testValue = { a: "c" }; const value = validator.unsafeCast(testValue); expect(value).toEqual(testValue); expect(value.b).toEqual(undefined); isType<Valid>(value); // @ts-expect-error isType<number>(value); }); test("should be able to test shape with partial correct", () => { const testValue = { a: "c", b: "d" }; const value = validator.unsafeCast(testValue); expect(value).toEqual(testValue); isType<Valid>(value); // @ts-expect-error isType<number>(value); }); test("should be able to test shape with partial and main not included", () => { const testValue = { b: "d" };
try { validator.unsafeCast(testValue); } catch (e) { assertSnapshot( '"[\\"a\\"]Shape<{a:Literal<\\"c\\">}>(\\"missingProperty\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold), ); return; } throw new Error("should be invalid"); }); test("should be able to test shape with value `b` as null", () => { const testValue = { b: null, a: "c" };
validator.unsafeCast(testValue); }); test("should be able to test shape with partial is wrong", () => { const testValue = { a: "c", b: "e" };
try { validator.unsafeCast(testValue); } catch (e) { assertSnapshot( '"[\\"b\\"]Maybe<Literal<\\"d\\">>(\\"e\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold), ); return; } throw new Error("should be invalid"); }); test("should be able to shape with partials and fill in defaults", () => { const validator = matches.shape( { a: matches.literal("c"), b: matches.literal("d"), f: matches.literal("f"), }, ["b", "f"], { b: "d" } as const, ); isType< Parser< unknown, { a: "c"; f?: "f" | undefined; b: "d"; } > >(validator); isType< Parser< unknown, { a: "c"; f: "f" | undefined; b: "d"; } > > // @ts-expect-error (validator); type Valid = { a: "c"; b?: "d" | null }; const testValue = { a: "c" };
const value = validator.unsafeCast(testValue); expect(value).toEqual({ a: "c", b: "d" }); expect(value.b).toEqual("d"); isType<Valid>(value); // @ts-expect-error isType<number>(value); });}
test("should be able to test literal", () => { const testValue = "a"; const validator = matches.literal("a"); expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test literal with failure", () => { const testValue = "a"; const validator = matches.literal("b"); assertSnapshot( '"Literal<\\"b\\">(\\"a\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold), );});test("should be able to test unknown", () => { const testValue = 4; const validator = matches.unknown; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test nill invalid", () => { const testValue = 4; const validator = matches.nill; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual("null(4)");});test("should be able to test nill valid", () => { const testValue = null; const validator = matches.nill; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});test("should be able to test array valid", () => { const testValue = ["test"]; const validator = matches.array; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});test("should be able to test array invalid", () => { const testValue = "test"; const validator = matches.array; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual('Array<unknown>("test")');});test("should be able to test number", () => { const testValue = 4; const validator = matches.number; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test number with failure", () => { const testValue = "a"; const validator = matches.number; assertSnapshot('"number(\\"a\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should be able to test string", () => { const testValue = "a"; const validator = matches.string; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test string with failure", () => { const testValue = 5; const validator = matches.string; assertSnapshot('"string(5)"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should be able to test regex", () => { const testValue = "test"; const validator = matches.regex(/test/); expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test regex with failure", () => { const testValue = "Invalid"; const validator = matches.regex(/test/); assertSnapshot('"/test/(\\"Invalid\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should be able to test isFunction", () => { const testValue = () => ({}); const validator = matches.isFunction; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test isFunction with failure", () => { const testValue = "test"; const validator = matches.isFunction; assertSnapshot('"Function(\\"test\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should be able to test boolean", () => { const testValue = true; const validator = matches.boolean; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test boolean false", () => { const testValue = false; const validator = matches.boolean; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test boolean with failure", () => { const testValue = 0; const validator = matches.boolean; assertSnapshot('"boolean(0)"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should be able to test boolean falsy with failure", () => { const testValue = "test"; const validator = matches.boolean; assertSnapshot('"boolean(\\"test\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should be able to test any", () => { const testValue = 0; const validator = matches.any; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test object", () => { const testValue = {}; const validator = matches.object; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test object with failure", () => { const testValue = 5; const validator = matches.object; expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual("object(5)");});
test("should be able to test tuple(number, string)", () => { const testValue = [4, "test"]; const validator = matches.tuple(matches.number, matches.string); // @ts-expect-error const badOutput: [string, number] = validator.unsafeCast(testValue); // @ts-expect-error Type '[number, string]' is not assignable to type '[]'.\n Source has 2 element(s) but target allows only 0. const badOutput2: [] = validator.unsafeCast(testValue); const goodOutput: [number, string] = validator.unsafeCast(testValue); const output: [number, string] = validator.parse(testValue, unFold); expect(output).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be able to test tuple(number, string) with failure", () => { const testValue = ["bad", 5]; const validator = matches.tuple(matches.number, matches.string); assertSnapshot( '"[\\"0\\"]number(\\"bad\\")"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold), );});
test("should be able to use matches.when", () => { const testValue = 4; const validator = matches.number; expect( matches(testValue) .when(validator, () => true) .defaultTo(false), ).toEqual(true);});
test("should be able to use matches.when fallback for the default to", () => { const testValue = "5"; const validator = matches.number; expect( matches(testValue) .when(validator, () => true) .defaultTo(false), ).toEqual(false);});
test("should union several matchers", () => { const testValue = 4; const validator = matches.some(matches.number, matches.string); expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should be fallible union several matchers", () => { const testValue = false; const validator = matches.some(matches.number, matches.string); assertSnapshot('"Or<number,...>(false)"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should intersection several matchers", () => { const testValue = 4; const isEven = matches.guard( (x: unknown): x is number => isNumber(x) && x % 2 === 0, "isEven", ); const validator = matches.every(matches.number, isEven); expect(validator.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("every should clean up anys", () => { const every = matches.every(matches.any, matches.any); expect(every).toEqual(matches.any);});
test("should be remove any in chains", () => { const testValue = 5; const validator = matches.any.concat(matches.string).concat(matches.any); assertSnapshot('"string(5)"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should be remove any in chains", () => { const testValue = 5; const validator = matches.any.concat(matches.string).concat(matches.any); assertSnapshot('"string(5)"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold));});test("should be fallible union several matchers", () => { const testValue = 5; const isEven = matches.guard( (x: unknown): x is number => isNumber(x) && x % 2 === 0, "isEven", ); const isGt6 = matches.guard( (x: unknown): x is number => isNumber(x) && x > 6, "isGt6", ); const validator = matches.every(matches.number, isEven, isGt6); assertSnapshot('"isEven(5)"', validator.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should have array of test", () => { const testValue = [5, 5, 5]; const arrayOf = matches.arrayOf(matches.literal(5)); expect(arrayOf.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});test("should have array of test negative", () => { const testValue = "bad"; const arrayOf = matches.arrayOf(matches.literal(5)); assertSnapshot( '"ArrayOf<Literal<5>>(\\"bad\\")"', arrayOf.parse(testValue, unFold), );});test("should be able to get the value of an array of", () => { const testValue = [{ test: 5 }]; const matchTest = matches.shape({ test: matches.number }); type Test = typeof matchTest._TYPE; const arrayOf = matches.arrayOf(matchTest); const _testValue = assertNeverUnknown(arrayOf.unsafeCast(testValue)[0]); const testValuesGood: Test = arrayOf.unsafeCast(testValue)[0]; expect(testValuesGood).toEqual(testValue[0]);});test("should be able to match literals", () => { const matcher = matches.literals(4, "3"); const firstExpectedOutcome: 4 | "3" = matcher.parse(4, unFold); expect(firstExpectedOutcome).toEqual(4); expect(matcher.parse("3", unFold)).toEqual("3"); assertSnapshot('"Literal<4,\\"3\\">(3)"', matcher.parse(3, unFold)); assertSnapshot('"Literal<4,\\"3\\">(\\"4\\")"', matcher.parse("4", unFold));});test("should have array of test fail", () => { const testValue = [5, 3, 2, 5, 5]; const arrayOf = matches.arrayOf(matches.literal(5)); assertSnapshot('"[1]Literal<5>(3)"', arrayOf.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should refinement matchers", () => { const testValue = 4; const isEven = matches.number.refine((num): num is number => { // Make sure that the refine types pass down the number let _test: number = num; // Asserting to typescript that the infered type not something else // @ts-expect-error let _test2: string = num; return num % 2 === 0; }, "isEven"); expect(isEven.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});test("should valid matchers", () => { const testValue = 4; const isEven = matches.number.validate((num) => { // Make sure that the refine types pass down the number let _test: number = num; // Asserting to typescript that the infered type not something else // @ts-expect-error let _test2: string = num; return num % 2 === 0; }, "isEven"); expect(isEven.parse(testValue, unFold)).toEqual(testValue);});
test("should refinement matchers fail", () => { const testValue = 4; const isEven = matches.number.refine( (num: number): num is number => num % 2 === 0, "isEven", ); assertSnapshot('"parsed(4)"', isEven.parse(testValue, stringFold));});test("should refinement matchers fail", () => { const testValue = 5; const isEven = matches.number.refine( (num: number): num is number => num % 2 === 0, "isEven", ); assertSnapshot('"isEven(5)"', isEven.parse(testValue, unFold));});
test("should refinement matchers fail cleanup any", () => { const testValue = 5; const isEven = matches.any.refine( (num: any): num is number => num % 2 === 0, "isEven", ); try { isEven.unsafeCast(testValue); } catch (e) { assertSnapshot('"Failed type: isEven(5) given input 5"', e.message); }});
test("should throw on invalid unsafe match throw", () => { try { matches.partial({}).unsafeCast(5); } catch (e) { assertSnapshot('"Failed type: Partial<{}>(5) given input 5"', e.message); }});test("should throw on invalid unsafe match throw", async () => { try { await matches.partial({}).castPromise(5); expect("never").toBe("called"); } catch (e) { assertSnapshot(`{}`, e); }});test("should throw on invalid unsafe match throw", async () => { expect(await matches.literal(5).castPromise(5)).toBe(5);});test("some should be any if empty", () => { expect(matches.some()).toEqual(matches.any);});test("some should only return the unique", () => { assertSnapshot( '"Or<number,...>(\\"hello\\")"', matches .some(matches.number, matches.literal("test"), matches.number) .parse("hello", unFold), );});test("some should only return the unique", () => { assertSnapshot( '"Or<number,...>(\\"hello\\")"', matches.some(matches.number, matches.number).parse("hello", unFold), );});
test("should guard without a name", () => { expect(matches.guard((x): x is number => Number(x) > 3).unsafeCast(6)).toBe( 6, );});test("should guard without a name failure", () => { assertSnapshot( '"invalid({\\"value\\":2,\\"keys\\":[],\\"parser\\":{\\"typeName\\":\\"\\",\\"description\\":{\\"name\\":\\"Guard\\",\\"children\\":[],\\"extras\\":[\\"\\"]}}})"', matches.guard((x): x is number => Number(x) > 3).parse(2, stringFold), );});
test("should be able to test is object for event", () => { const event = new Event("test"); expect(matches.object.parse(event, unFold)).toBe(event);});
{ class Fake { constructor(readonly value: number) {} } test("testing is instance: should be able to validate it is a instance", () => { const value = new Fake(3); expect(matches.instanceOf(Fake).test(value)).toEqual(true); expect(matches.instanceOf(Fake).parse(value, unFold)).toEqual(value); }); test("testing is instance: should be able to validate it is not a instance", () => { const value = { value: 4, }; expect(matches.instanceOf(Fake).test(value)).toEqual(false); assertSnapshot( '"isFake({\\"value\\":4})"', matches.instanceOf(Fake).parse(value, unFold), ); });}
test("should fail on a circular object", () => { const o: any = {}; o.o = o; assertSnapshot( '"Function([object Object])"', matches.isFunction.parse(o, unFold), );});
test("should be able to map validation", () => { const testString = "test"; const event = new Event(testString); const isEvent = matches.guard( (x: unknown): x is Event => x instanceof Event, "isEvent", ); expect( isEvent .map((x) => { // Asserting to typescript that the infered type is event let _test: Event = x; // Asserting to typescript that the infered type not something else // @ts-expect-error let _test2: number = x; return x.type; }) .parse(event, unFold), ).toBe(testString);});test("should be able to map validation with name", () => { const testString = "test"; const event = new Event(testString); const isEvent = matches.guard( (x: unknown): x is Event => x instanceof Event, "isEvent", ); expect( isEvent .map(function asType(x) { return x.type; }) .parse(event, unFold), ).toBe(testString);});
{ const maybeNumber = matches.number.optional();
test("with a number.maybe matcher: a number in", () => { const input = 4; const expectedAnswer = 4; expect(maybeNumber.parse(input, unFold)).toBe(expectedAnswer); }); test("with a number.maybe matcher: a null in", () => { const input = null; expect(maybeNumber.parse(input, unFold)).toBe(null); }); test("with a number.maybe matcher: a undefined in", () => { const input = undefined; expect(maybeNumber.parse(input, unFold)).toBe(null); }); test("with a number.maybe matcher: a object in", () => { const input = {}; assertSnapshot( '"\\"Maybe<number>({})\\""', saferStringify(maybeNumber.parse(input, unFold)), ); });}
{ const maybeNumber = matches.number.defaultTo(0);
test("with a number.defaultTo matcher: a number in", () => { const input = 4; const expected = 4; expect(maybeNumber.parse(input, unFold)).toBe(expected); }); test("with a number.defaultTo matcher: a null in", () => { const input = null; const expected = 0; expect(maybeNumber.parse(input, unFold)).toBe(expected); }); test("with a number.defaultTo matcher: a undefined in", () => { const input = undefined; const expected = 0; expect(maybeNumber.parse(input, unFold)).toBe(expected); }); test("with a number.defaultTo matcher: a object in", () => { const input = {}; assertSnapshot( '"Default<0,Maybe<number>>({})"', maybeNumber.parse(input, unFold), ); });}
{ test("Testing as a filter: should be able to utilize the test in a filter for typing", () => { expect([0, "hi", 5, {}].filter(matches.number.test)).toEqual([0, 5]); });}{ const enumTest = matches.literals("A", "B").name("enumTest"); type EnumTest = typeof enumTest._TYPE; test("Testing named: should be able to test valid should be the same", () => { const input = "A"; // @ts-expect-error const output: "B" = enumTest.unsafeCast(input); const correctType: EnumTest = enumTest.unsafeCast(input); }); test("Testing named: should be able to test invalid with wrapped name", () => { const input = "bad"; const output = enumTest.parse(input, unFold); assertSnapshot( `"Named<\\"enumTest\\",Literal<\\"A\\",\\"B\\">>(\\"bad\\")"`, output, ); });}
{ const testMatcher = matches.dictionary( [matches.literal("test"), matches.literal("value")], [matches.literal("test2"), matches.literal("value2")], ); test("Testing dictionaries: should be able to check correct shape", () => { const input = { test: "value", test2: "value2" }; const output: { test: "value"; test2: "value2"; } = testMatcher.unsafeCast(input); expect(output).toEqual(input); //@ts-expect-error const incorrectCast: { test: "valueWrong"; test2: "value2"; } = testMatcher.unsafeCast(input); const correctCast: { test: "value"; test2: "value2"; } = testMatcher.unsafeCast(input); }); test("Testing dictionaries: should be able to check incorrect shape", () => { const input = { test: "invalid", test2: "value2" }; const output = testMatcher.parse(input, unFold); assertSnapshot(`"[test]Literal<\\"value\\">(\\"invalid\\")"`, output); }); test("Testing dictionaries: should be able to check empty", () => { const testMatcher = matches.dictionary(); const input = { test: "invalid", test2: "value2" }; const output = testMatcher.parse(input, unFold); assertSnapshot(`{"test":"invalid","test2":"value2"}`, output); }); test("Testing dictionaries: should be able to check incorrect shape deep", () => { const input = [ { second: "invalid", }, ]; const output = matches .tuple( matches.shape({ second: matches.literal("valid"), }), ) .parse(input, unFold); assertSnapshot( `"[\\"0\\"][\\"second\\"]Literal<\\"valid\\">(\\"invalid\\")"`, output, ); });
test("Testing dictionaries: should be able to check tuple exact shape", () => { const input = [1, 2, 3]; const matcher = matches.tuple( matches.number, matches.literal(2), matches.number, ); // @ts-expect-error const outputWrong: [number, number] = matcher.unsafeCast(input); // @ts-expect-error const outputWrong2: [number, 3, number] = matcher.unsafeCast(input); // @ts-expect-error const outputWrong3: [number, number, number, number] = matcher.unsafeCast( input, ); const outputRight1: [number, number, number] = matcher.unsafeCast(input); const outputRight2: [number, 2, number] = matcher.unsafeCast(input); // expected type: Validator<unknown, [number,number,number]> // actual type: Validator<unknown, never>; expect(outputRight1).toEqual(input); expect(outputWrong).toEqual(input); }); test("Testing dictionaries: should be able to project values", () => { const input = { test: "value" }; const matcher = matches.dictionary([ matches.literal("test"), matches.literal("value").map((x) => `value2` as const), ]); // @ts-expect-error const outputWrong: { test: "value" } = matcher.unsafeCast(input); const outputOk: { test: string } = matcher.unsafeCast(input); const outputMostCorrect: { test: "value2" } = matcher.unsafeCast(input); expect(outputMostCorrect.test).toEqual("value2"); }); test("Testing dictionaries: should be able to still reject values", () => { const input = { test: "value2" }; const matcher = matches.dictionary([ matches.literal("test"), matches.literal("value").map((x) => `value2` as const), ]); const output = matcher.parse(input, unFold); assertSnapshot(`"[test]Literal<\\"value\\">(\\"value2\\")"`, output); }); test("Testing dictionaries: should be able to project keys", () => { const input = { test: "value" }; const matcher = matches.dictionary([ matches.literal("test").map((x) => "projected" as const), matches.literal("value"), ]); // @ts-expect-error const incorrectOutput: { test: "value" } = matcher.unsafeCast(input); const output: { projected: "value" } = matcher.unsafeCast(input); expect(output.projected).toEqual("value"); });}
export {};