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TypeScript Compiler API wrapper for static analysis and programmatic code changes.
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import { ensureDir, ensureDirSync } from "";import { expandGlob, expandGlobSync } from "";import * as stdPath from "";
export class DenoRuntime { fs = new DenoRuntimeFileSystem(); path = new DenoRuntimePath();
getEnvVar(name: string) { return Deno.env.get(name); }
getEndOfLine() { return === "windows" ? "\r\n" : "\n"; }
getPathMatchesPattern(path: string, pattern: string) { return stdPath.globToRegExp(pattern, { extended: true, globstar: true, os: "linux", // use the same behaviour across all operating systems }).test(path); }}
class DenoRuntimePath { join(...paths: string[]) { return stdPath.join(...paths); }
normalize(path: string) { return stdPath.normalize(path); }
relative(from: string, to: string) { return stdPath.relative(from, to); }}
class DenoRuntimeFileSystem { delete(path: string) { return Deno.remove(path); }
deleteSync(path: string) { Deno.removeSync(path); }
readDirSync(dirPath: string) { return Array.from(Deno.readDirSync(dirPath)).map(entry =>; }
readFile(filePath: string, _encoding = "utf-8") { return Deno.readTextFile(filePath); }
readFileSync(filePath: string, _encoding = "utf-8") { return Deno.readTextFileSync(filePath); }
writeFile(filePath: string, fileText: string) { return Deno.writeTextFile(filePath, fileText); }
writeFileSync(filePath: string, fileText: string) { return Deno.writeTextFileSync(filePath, fileText); }
async mkdir(dirPath: string) { await ensureDir(dirPath); }
mkdirSync(dirPath: string) { ensureDirSync(dirPath); }
move(srcPath: string, destPath: string) { return Deno.rename(srcPath, destPath); }
moveSync(srcPath: string, destPath: string) { Deno.renameSync(srcPath, destPath); }
copy(srcPath: string, destPath: string) { return Deno.copyFile(srcPath, destPath); }
copySync(srcPath: string, destPath: string) { return Deno.copyFileSync(srcPath, destPath); }
async fileExists(filePath: string) { try { const stat = await Deno.stat(filePath); return stat.isFile; } catch { return false; } }
fileExistsSync(filePath: string) { try { return Deno.statSync(filePath).isFile; } catch { return false; } }
async directoryExists(dirPath: string) { try { const stat = await Deno.stat(dirPath); return stat.isDirectory; } catch { return false; } }
directoryExistsSync(dirPath: string) { try { return Deno.statSync(dirPath).isDirectory; } catch (err) { return false; } }
realpathSync(path: string) { return Deno.realPathSync(path); }
getCurrentDirectory(): string { return Deno.cwd(); }
async glob(patterns: ReadonlyArray<string>) { const { excludePatterns, pattern } = globPatternsToPattern(patterns); const result: string[] = []; const globEntries = expandGlob(pattern, { root: this.getCurrentDirectory(), extended: true, globstar: true, exclude: excludePatterns, }); for await (const globEntry of globEntries) { if (globEntry.isFile) result.push(globEntry.path); } return result; }
globSync(patterns: ReadonlyArray<string>) { const { excludePatterns, pattern } = globPatternsToPattern(patterns); const result: string[] = []; const globEntries = expandGlobSync(pattern, { root: this.getCurrentDirectory(), extended: true, globstar: true, exclude: excludePatterns, }); for (const globEntry of globEntries) { if (globEntry.isFile) result.push(globEntry.path); } return result; }
isCaseSensitive() { const platform =; return platform !== "windows" && platform !== "darwin"; }}
function globPatternsToPattern(patterns: ReadonlyArray<string>) { const excludePatterns = []; const includePatterns = [];
for (const pattern of patterns) { if (isNegatedGlob(pattern)) excludePatterns.push(pattern); else includePatterns.push(pattern); }
return { excludePatterns, pattern: includePatterns.length === 0 ? "." : includePatterns.length === 1 ? includePatterns[0] : `{${includePatterns.join(",")}}`, };
function isNegatedGlob(glob: string) { // return glob[0] === "!" && glob[1] !== "("; }}